View Full Version : Just need some reassurance and support to make it through my alevels

05-30-2014, 03:56 AM
Hi, I've had anxiety for nearly a year but recently I've gotten quite bad again, i'm starting to feel nervous all the time, my shoulders and jaws are constantly tense, lack of concentration and basically a not very good outlook on life in general, my alevel exams are in less than a week and I'm scared because if I can't get myself to revise now, how am I going to get good grades for the exams? You make think alevels are trivial thing to be worrying about but I really want to go to uni this year and have no intention of (what I would see has wasting a year of my life) retaking the year again! If there's anyone who can tell my how to relax or handle my anxiety just for these couple of weeks that would be great

05-30-2014, 04:21 AM
Hey! My a level exams are coming up soon too! I must confess i lie when I say alevelS (emphasis on the 's'), I actually only have one exam, but despite this I still do get nervous and panicked. When I feel this way I also lose all motivation to revise, so I'm one of those annoying people that quickly revises everything right before the exam - but hey, just so you know you're not alone in procrastination!
I find that if I just force myself to revise i feel so much better afterwards. Just don't think about it. Don't think to yourself "okay I'm going to revise in half an hour" - just do it without a single thought in your head - let your body take control by picking up a pen or tapping on a keyboard.
For the actually exam day, I take Bach Rescue Remedy (you can find it in Holland & Barrett). I find that it does the trick to calm me down, but whether or not it's just a placebo affect I don't know, but no matter it does work. I also find that meditating helps just before I leave to go to my exam.
Seriously, I'd just say give it your best shot. Try your absolute hardest to put your anxiety to oneside (I know that's easier said than done!), but imagine how much worse things will be if you let your anxiety stop you from doing your best. Take me for example: I let my anxiety dictate whether or not I would go to uni. I decided I wouldn't mainly due to fear, and now my anxiety has increased because i can't help but think I've let my life go down the toilet.
I don't know if any of this helped; I'm not great at this sort of thing. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone.
All the best with your exams! Good luck!

05-30-2014, 04:50 AM
Thank you so much for your advice, I feel so alone right now and even talking to someone who understands has really cheered me up, I'm going to have to try this bach flower remedy and you have motivated me to try and revise! I'm exactly the same as you when it comes to revision, really good at avoidance if I know that I don't want to do it until its too late, Good Luck with your exam too!