View Full Version : Two schools dont want me because of my anxiety?! What to do

05-29-2014, 04:47 PM
Heya.. Im in a rubbish situation at the moment where my old school cant 'accommodate' me anymore because of how severe my anxiety has become.. They have handed me over to another school which is only for people with special mental health needs like anxiety, depression or autism etc. Apparently, im not suitable there because im firstly way to anxious and secondly id have to restart a my coursework and stuff... So im stuck with home tuition... Have no friends because they all have turned against me and im on the verge of ending it! So any advice before i loose it?

05-29-2014, 05:40 PM
Well..............Calm down and do some deep breathing. I assume that you have seen a doc about your anxiety so has he or she put you on any meds?

05-29-2014, 06:53 PM
Good advice from John C....most of us have had to get therapy and many of us need medication. That's the best step for you and they will help guide you as to what to do.

05-29-2014, 07:04 PM
Deep breathing never did anything for me except have the price called on me because some chick thought I was really making an effort to smell her

You don't sound like you are not panicking, you just sound annoyed with where you are in your life

If your friends rolled out because what you are going through, fu$k them. Not real friends

You have anxiety issues. No big deal. But address those issues and do not focus on what happens because of it

Things aren't going the best for you but it beats losing your legs in Afghanistan. That shit is a real problem

Focus in what you have. Understand where you need to be. Set a course to reach said goal

Research and understand what you are going through

Then truly believe that it can be surpassed because with the right mindset, anxiety is easily defeated

You can do this. Get your head in the right mindset and watch the progress

I wish you the best

05-30-2014, 04:03 AM
I was put on fluoxetine about 4/5 months ago, it did nothing and then messed me up big time because i became suicidal and put in hospital.. Then they tell us that a side effect could have been suicidal thoughts.. They put me on diazepam and i was taken off fluoxetine and thats the stage im at now.. And i love your way of thinking nixonrulz but trust me it is so much easier said than done!

05-30-2014, 01:39 PM
Deep breathing never did anything for me except have the price called on me because some chick thought I was really making an effort to smell her

You don't sound like you are not panicking, you just sound annoyed with where you are in your life

If your friends rolled out because what you are going through, fu$k them. Not real friends

You have anxiety issues. No big deal. But address those issues and do not focus on what happens because of it

Things aren't going the best for you but it beats losing your legs in Afghanistan. That shit is a real problem

Focus in what you have. Understand where you need to be. Set a course to reach said goal

Research and understand what you are going through

Then truly believe that it can be surpassed because with the right mindset, anxiety is easily defeated

You can do this. Get your head in the right mindset and watch the progress

I wish you the best

I'm sorry, but I think it's extremely ignorant of you to give people the advice you did when you don't even have an anxiety disorder yourself and can't relate. What you said about "it beats losing your legs in Afghanistan"... sure, you're probably right but that doesn't mask the issues a lot of us are going through that eat away at us day in and day out. If you think saying things like that is going to make mentally ill people on a forum feel better, you are so wrong. Informing people that their issues are not as big as someone else's doesn't do any good in a situation. It's not so easy to just get the right mindset so anxiety can be defeated, like you stated. MUCH easier said than done.

05-30-2014, 01:52 PM

I'm sure Nixon is being genuine in the advice he is giving.

He has suffered with anxiety, the advice is simply nixon's style, (it's intended as a diffusion through humour), by taking the seriousness and power away, that we often give to our anxieties.

He has genuinely helped a lot of people on the forum.

Hope that helps.

PS welcome back Nixon, how's life in the Prius?

05-30-2014, 03:52 PM
Nixon is one of the good guys, and his quote (once you read some of the past threads he has posted) is irony.


05-30-2014, 04:12 PM
Agree, Nixon really is one of the best guys here. 14 really is right.

05-30-2014, 07:04 PM
Hi all I'm looking for a. Anxiety buddy I'm based in the uk need a freind on here to chat etc when times get too difficult

05-30-2014, 08:06 PM

I'm sure Nixon is being genuine in the advice he is giving.

He has suffered with anxiety, the advice is simply nixon's style, (it's intended as a diffusion through humour), by taking the seriousness and power away, that we often give to our anxieties.

He has genuinely helped a lot of people on the forum.

Hope that helps.

PS welcome back Nixon, how's life in the Prius?

Hahahahahaha. Hey, 14

Life in a Prius is exactly what you think it would be.

I ditch the company car for my diesel truck in weekends to let myself know that I'm still a man

I appreciate you and Pam backing me. The core group of people here know where I speak about anxiety from

Penguin, with more than 20 years dealing with anxiety, I believe there is no right or wrong way to respond to someone's post

Unless it is just mean. Then that's just stupid

Different people respond differently to each persons style

That's the whole point of multiple responses

Maybe what I say doesn't hit home and you say something that sparks a quick recovery in someone

Tomorrow, your style may be worthless and what I write hits home

Some people need to be coddled. Others need a kick in the ass

You do your way and I'll do mine

But you can't make judgements that you know the right way all the time because no one does

And my signature....is just a goofy signature.

05-31-2014, 07:49 AM
Hi all I'm looking for a. Anxiety buddy I'm based in the uk need a freind on here to chat etc when times get too difficult

Hey, Im based in the UK and I don't mind speaking? :)

05-31-2014, 07:50 AM
Oh, and sorry, I didn't mean to cause any upset if I have? Im kind of a really sensitive person, so I kind of feeling as though ive upset everyone and I shouldn't be have anxiety and that because there are people worse of than me so I shouldn't complain at all.

05-31-2014, 08:15 AM

Please don't feel that way, this is your thread and it went a little sideways. But let's try to get it back.

From what you have said I am assuming you are a fairly young person, late teens, early twenties maybe? If I am correct, rest assured, I and many others here understand the inherent difficulties with that time of life.

You mentioned that you take diazepam, is that all you take now? Do you find it helpful? What about other strategies for helping with your anxieties? CBT? What are your interests? Do you have a favourite hobby?

I'm trying to learn a little more about you, that way I can offer a bit more than just "calm down" because even though that is essentially what you need to need to learn, it is indeed harder than it sounds.


05-31-2014, 08:45 AM

Please don't feel that way, this is your thread and it went a little sideways. But let's try to get it back.

From what you have said I am assuming you are a fairly young person, late teens, early twenties maybe? If I am correct, rest assured, I and many others here understand the inherent difficulties with that time of life.

You mentioned that you take diazepam, is that all you take now? Do you find it helpful? What about other strategies for helping with your anxieties? CBT? What are your interests? Do you have a favourite hobby?

I'm trying to learn a little more about you, that way I can offer a bit more than just "calm down" because even though that is essentially what you need to need to learn, it is indeed harder than it sounds.


Im only 15.. I don't go out at all really., too nervous. Diazepam just makes me sleepy and im coming off it soon as well. im doing CBT.. but I don't know..

05-31-2014, 09:23 AM

You are basically my sons age, he will be 15 in August.

Being 15 is really hard, so many things going on, not only with the changes in social structure, maybe new schools, crazy hormones in your body, seeking to become more of an adult, but at the same time wishing that you could go back to the safety and ease of being younger. So much you don't know yet and sometimes afraid of what you need to learn.

Anxiety is totally understandable. I'm going to suggest that you really try to eat well, good healthy food will go a long way in helping your body and mind get through this.

Find something that you really enjoy doing, whatever it is, and work at becoming really good at it. It doesn't need to be school related. One thing my son likes to do when he is getting anxious about things is get his skipping rope out and jump rope for a while. Yes, it sounds silly, it's not cool for an almost 15yr old boy to do such a "girly" thing, but he doesn't go anywhere so 10 minutes in the driveway is good for him.

Try to get as much sleep as you can, your body is undergoing such an enormous change now, it takes sleep to help that along.

Try to talk openly with your parents about what you are feeling, they may remember what it was like to be 15. Ask them.

Continue with the CBT, it will help in the long run.

Ask anything here, I may be more of a mum, but there are also others here who are young and remember the struggles you face better than I do.

05-31-2014, 10:13 AM
Hey Pam,
When I was 15 i always did the jump rope of coarse back then i was fit and active and lifted weights, running around the wood etc, etc. I wish i knew a little more about anxiety back then i may have been able to salvage my teenage years.

By the way........... If i was to jump rope today i would break something or blow a heart valve it may even show up on a richter scale, LOL

05-31-2014, 01:34 PM
At the moment im struggling really badly with worrying about having a heart attack... I dont tend to sleep very well at all due to it, i hold a lot in weekly until i see my therapist, shes the only one i trust and when im speaking to her i feel safer there than at home haha! I suppose i could do skipping, its quite fun! Haha!

05-31-2014, 02:13 PM
Emet my friend,

I'm sure your therapist would tell you the same thing. You are young, probably don't smoke, likely don't drink alcohol, the chances of you having a heart attack are very very very small.

I'm sure you have heard in the news or seen online some poor young person who has a heart attack. It does happen, but very rarely. They are usually very sick and have been for some time. Do you have any serious medical condition? Probably not.

You are just a very sensitive and obviously empathetic young person. These are really good qualities to have in the long run, it is what will contribute to you being a very good person as you grow older.

One of the things I have noticed about people of your generation and a few years older. You have so much access to information, sometimes I think too much. You can google things like heart attack and read about it. Scary stuff! You see terrible things on the telly, and hear nasty things on the radio. So here is a suggestion for you, I'm willing to bet when your parents were your age they didn't have the access to information that you do. I know I didn't, and we didn't grow up too bad.

So here's my suggestion for you. Turn off the telly and computer, just take a break from them. Read a book, listen to some music you like, go out and ride your bike if you have one, or skip rope. I am probably older than your mum and dad and even I don't watch tv, or google when something in my body hurts to find out what is wrong, too much scary stuff comes up.

With anxiety, our brains work very hard to convince us there is something wrong when there really isn't. I'm sure your therapist has given you exercises to work on in between sessions, review them. You trust your therapist and that is a great thing.

Hang in there, you are going to get better.

05-31-2014, 03:31 PM
Ill take your advice and get off here for a bit then, im just dying to speak to my therapist because im finding so difficult to hold in this thing at the moment.. its just argh I don't know! hah