View Full Version : Pleading for Help

05-29-2014, 11:31 AM
I am at a complete and utter loss. I don't think my symptoms are all anxiety related. They can't be. I've been awakened two nights by what I can only describe as a low wattage electrical shock in my whole body. Head to toe. It feels like it surrounds me, coming and going in a rhythm, like a neon sign in a bar window. This is ,of course, exacerbating my real anxiety. Does anyone have any experience with this. Please. I'm not okay.

05-29-2014, 12:26 PM
Niki, I don't know for sure, but I think it is related to your actual anxiety. Why do you say "they can't be"? Were you around any electric currents recently? It seems like you have a very strong desire to fight your anxiety, but do you take any medications? do you have a psychiatrist/therapist? You might find that very helpful.

05-29-2014, 12:39 PM
I do have a psychiatrist. I am on a low dose of prozac-10mg. My Dr. took me off ativan. I'm in search of a new therapist as mine has retired. :/ I am so just not happy right now. I hate how I feel. Abhor, despise, detest, loathe. There really is no word to say how much I can't stand it. I'm waiting for a call back from my doctor. God, I hope he can get me in today. I am going to demand some testing done before he writes everything off as anxiety. I need it for reassurance. In my head, how can I be diagnosed with just anxiety when no tests for anything else has been conducted???? Thanks for your response. Means a lot.

05-29-2014, 12:58 PM
Niki - I am sorry about how you are feeling. My anxiety level is pretty high right now, too. Of course, nobody here can say for sure whether what you are feeling is due to anxiety or something else (or more than one thing). But you should not underestimate the power of anxiety -- it can, unfortunately, cause some REALLY unpleasant symptoms and feelings.

If it makes you feel better to get some medical tests to try to exclude other possibilities, then I agree you should do that. But if the docs find nothing else wrong with you, then maybe you will need to accept that what you are feeling is caused by anxiety -- and continue to work, through therapy and medication, on addressing the anxiety.

I hope you feel better soon. Best wishes, Kuma*

* I am not a medical professional and nothing I write constitutes medical advice.

05-29-2014, 01:25 PM
Well, that is a very low dose, especially if you have anxiety. A long time ago when I was very anxious, I took 20 to 30 mg of Prozac and that helped a lot. You definitely need to find a good, new Psychiatrist and maybe a good therapist as well. I agree with you that you need to be checked out before you can just say for sure it's anxiety. I hope you have a good medical doctor as well.

05-29-2014, 06:13 PM
Hey Nikki, sounds tough.

My Facebook page is listed on the Facebook thread, if you ever find yourself in a lonely, scared place, feel free to dig it out and hook me up. It can be nice to have somebody who can be solid for you, I've need that in my own life many times. So,embody to just lean the heck on to when it gets rough. Cos it can be a tornado at times.

Anxiety will put you through the craziest shit Nik. It really will. It's 'job' is to screw with your head. It believes you're in a tonne of danger, so isn't letting you relax. It doesn't know right now whether the problem is outside, or inside, so it's doing it's absolute best to try and freak you out and buzz you up enough so that you find the problem. But, as we all know, there isn't one :)

If you want to get tests, that's never a bad thing. A blood test, a blood pressure check and an EKG can all be helpful. If there are any abnormalities anywhere, you can go a little deeper.

Have I experienced what you're going through though? Yes.

Stay strong, you. I hope you manage to work through some of the good advice already given in this thread.