View Full Version : Do I need a Therapist or Medicine for acute anxiety

05-28-2014, 11:48 PM
I have a long story May 8 I went to the doctor because i thought i had a kidney infection and the doctor confirmed it i have a low grade fever and a pulse of 120. He gave me meds and said if I didn't get any better i had to go to the hospital. Well i ended up in the hospital with a pulse of 145 i thought i was having a stroke or heart attack. I'm 24 yrs old by the way. And they kept me there for three days for observation and follow up with regular doctor. Well three days later my doctor prescribe me atenolol and i took 1 pill and while driving on the bridge I had this huge adrenaline rush i had to pull over. It has happen like 7 times when I'm driving. I'm being tested for pheochromocytoma. I have a vitamin d deficiency, just started zoloft, and she gave a kolnopin which really help with the panic attacks at night but didn't last long enough so i would just take another one and now they are all gone. My doctor wants me to see a therapist but all of my symptom started because i thought i have a kidney infection. What should I do? THanks for all the advice

05-29-2014, 12:59 AM
Have you had anxiety in the past? Maybe it is a side effect of the meds you are taking? If you have had anxiety problems in the past, having a real illness can really be a trigger. If you have never had anxiety before, it could be due to the meds or just not being completely over your kidney infection. Keep following up with your doctor about your physical symptoms, and maybe consider seeing a therapist. They may help you work thru other things going on in your life that is contributing to your health problems. I hope you feel better soon.

05-29-2014, 03:26 AM
Coming from an anxiety sufferer, I would like to let you know that seeing a psychiatrist/therapist is a great way to begin overcoming anxiety, even if it is acute anxiety. They can help provide you a better understanding on your anxiety and where it may have came from; and that going to see one is totally fine, it does not mean something is wrong with you, its just that society's stigma makes it seem so bad. In fact, everyone should see a therapist once in a while regardless if they are "fine", maintaining mental health is equally important as physical health. Medicine used with therapy is a great way to overcome anxiety, however using medicine by itself is not the best way as it is more of a short term relief. I also recommend you to research(this forum is a great source) and gain a better understanding of anxiety and how it works as it may provide some answers to "why you feel this way" or "why you have these thoughts/worries" and in the end they are really just anxiety itself. You will overcome anxiety, but you will need to make the first steps and a willing mindset to get better. It isn't easy and there will be bumps on the road but just know you are not alone.