View Full Version : Fear of having a panic attack WHILE vomiting

05-27-2014, 05:51 PM
I suffer from panic attacks as well as a fear of vomiting

My fear is that if I have a panic attack WHILE vomiting, I'll choke on my vomit because of the hyperventilation.
Someone tell me this can't happen?

05-28-2014, 09:29 PM
It can't happen. Throwing up is garbage out

Panic involves hyperventilation. Taking air in

The yin and the yang couldn't gel to warrant a fear

Vomit away. Nothing will go wrong. Besides the fact you are vomiting.

05-29-2014, 05:03 PM
Yes that definitely cannot happen!

Lucky for you ;)

Honestly though, I have spoken with a few people who have a fear of vomiting and this is a legitimate fear.

DOn't worry, NEITHER will kill you. If you do vomit, nothing bad will happen. You will feel better. Honestly.

Thank you to the both of you!

Can you explain a but more why this can't happen? I need it! Like if I'm vomiting and the hyperventilation sucks my vomit down into the wrong pipe or something, or it gets stuck in my throat?

05-29-2014, 06:21 PM
Thank you to the both of you!

Can you explain a but more why this can't happen? I need it! Like if I'm vomiting and the hyperventilation sucks my vomit down into the wrong pipe or something, or it gets stuck in my throat?

Because it's impossible.

If you can blow some chunks while hyperventilating, post it to YouTube. It will go viral.

05-29-2014, 07:17 PM
Because it's impossible.

If you can blow some chunks while hyperventilating, post it to YouTube. It will go viral.

So there's no way my hyperventilation can suck it up? Or is there no way I can hyperventilate while vomiting?

05-31-2014, 02:27 AM
Think about the process of chucking up - you stomach heaves and spasms, your throat opens up to allow the spew to propel freely, your eyes shut and your nose runs.
Now consider hyperventilation - your lungs feel restricted, you feel as though you can't breath properly and start gasping for air, you may feel tingling in parts of your body, you feel like you have a lump in your throat, you may feel light headed.
Now look at the two - and consider this - when spewing, your diaphragm is contracting and your stomach is rejecting whatever badness is in it. Nothing to do with your lungs. In fact, during being sick, your lungs aren't even needed because you don't breathe!
How can you? You have stuff flying out of your mouth!
So it's pretty simple really - you can't hyperventilate and choke on sick because you don't even breathe while being sick. X

05-31-2014, 03:03 AM
I suffer from panic attacks as well as a fear of vomiting

My fear is that if I have a panic attack WHILE vomiting, I'll choke on my vomit because of the hyperventilation.
Someone tell me this can't happen?

When these fears of yours pop up, what are some ways you can deal with them? Reassurance doesn't cure anxiety. How many doctors have people here been to that tell them they are "normal" and is that ever enough? Only moving forward on a productive healing path can cure your anxiety. When your fears arise, try and separate yourself from the fear, and observe it as thoughts passing by, that you are not attached to. Because a fear is only based on chemicals in your body or brain and thoughts. Why be scared of natural chemicals like adrenaline or thoughts? So what you should be asking is not can this happen, but how to overcome the fear. Of course, you should learn to not hyperventilate and breathe light and calm to not release too much CO2. But I don't see how you could be breathing out of control as if you just got out of a pool from almost drowning that you can;pt control breathing in while vomiting.

But anyway, the point here is overcoming the anxiety disorder.

06-01-2014, 03:10 PM
Think about the process of chucking up - you stomach heaves and spasms, your throat opens up to allow the spew to propel freely, your eyes shut and your nose runs.
Now consider hyperventilation - your lungs feel restricted, you feel as though you can't breath properly and start gasping for air, you may feel tingling in parts of your body, you feel like you have a lump in your throat, you may feel light headed.
Now look at the two - and consider this - when spewing, your diaphragm is contracting and your stomach is rejecting whatever badness is in it. Nothing to do with your lungs. In fact, during being sick, your lungs aren't even needed because you don't breathe!
How can you? You have stuff flying out of your mouth!
So it's pretty simple really - you can't hyperventilate and choke on sick because you don't even breathe while being sick. X

Thank you very much this has helped me a lot

06-01-2014, 03:20 PM
When these fears of yours pop up, what are some ways you can deal with them? Reassurance doesn't cure anxiety. How many doctors have people here been to that tell them they are "normal" and is that ever enough? Only moving forward on a productive healing path can cure your anxiety. When your fears arise, try and separate yourself from the fear, and observe it as thoughts passing by, that you are not attached to. Because a fear is only based on chemicals in your body or brain and thoughts. Why be scared of natural chemicals like adrenaline or thoughts? So what you should be asking is not can this happen, but how to overcome the fear. Of course, you should learn to not hyperventilate and breathe light and calm to not release too much CO2. But I don't see how you could be breathing out of control as if you just got out of a pool from almost drowning that you can;pt control breathing in while vomiting.

But anyway, the point here is overcoming the anxiety disorder.

Wonderful answer... I'll keep your point on fear perception in mind