View Full Version : Upcoming surgery and freaking out!!!!

05-27-2014, 01:18 PM
Hello I just found out today that I have to have a ENT procedure done 6/18 it's a FESS w/Septoplasty. (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) I had a polyp surgery done 2 years ago but not like this one...my polyps are so severe, my septum is slightly deviated and since then I have been diagnosed with Samters Triad. My panic attacks and anxiety were nothing then, but now its gotten so much worse!! The thought of going under for what could be a few hours he said is terrifying!!!! Anyone had this surgery or similar that can shed some light?

I'm freaking about the possibility of them hit my eyes and im blind or brain since they have to all the way onto my frontal sinuses as well!!!!!

Thanks in advance!!

05-27-2014, 02:28 PM
I have had 3 surgeries under general anesthesia but not to treat my sinuses or something. If you are afraid of surgical process then I would say itīs not something to be scared of. Itīs rather unique and "funny" experience if I may say so. I remember my first surgery and I was too freaking out. "Luckily" for me I had unexpected surgery which means they appointed me a surgery within 2-3 hours so I had little time to freak out, lol. I was worried about anesthesia, I thought I would never wake up or something, I was afraid of losing consciousness(or else losing control speaking in anxiety terms). But hey! As soon as I was given an anesthesia mask I immediately fell asleep. I couldnīt even resist it. It felt funny, because for few secs you can feel how something is tickling your head. :D And then BAM and next you wake up in your room. I felt weak and actually pretty damn good after the surgery! Kind of like having a good nightīs sleep but even better as you are not caring about anything happening around you after the surgery. So yeah, it was fun, do not worry I am sure it will be fun for you too(at least in a hindsight).

05-27-2014, 02:30 PM
And you can trust the crew that carries out your surgery - they have been trained to do this professionally for decades. They will cure your problem, I am sure!