View Full Version : Frustrated

05-27-2014, 07:55 AM
A month ago my Dr (who is lovely) upped my dose of Sertraline(sp?) to 100mg from 50.

I'm due to see her tomorrow but have just had a call from the practice saying she is off sick and the next time a dr can see me is monday. I tried to explain that I only have one pill left and could they not book me an emergency appointment tomorrow however the rude receptionist said they were for emergencies only. Also tried to explain that I have been experiencing quite bad ear ache since Friday but put off going to the emergency clinic over the bank holiday as I knew I was seeing my Dr but she didn't care.

My option is to try and get an emergency appointment tomorrow but she told me there were two left so they would probably go today. I asked how they could go today as she told me I'd have to call for it tomorrow and she hung up!!

This comes a few days after a Dr (who I had already complained about) called me after receiving a report from my therapist saying I had admitted thoughts of self harm the weekend they upped my dose. He was incredibly rude, had clearly not read my file and kept saying I had to come in and see a dr asap 'before you kill yourself'. I ended up hanging up on him after trying to explain the situation and that I HAD an appointment but he kept being incredibly rude and forceful.

I would go to a walk in centre but my GP practice is the walk in centre for my area and when I've tried this before they have refused to see me because I'm registered.

Until I had this phone call I had been panic attack free for 2 whole, glorious weeks. Now I'm a shaking mess with chest pains and the worst ear ache I've ever had. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm anaemic again.

Is it true you can get withdral symptoms from Sertraline? It took so much to stick with them that I'm petrified that missing the dose is going to send me back to day one.

05-27-2014, 08:21 AM
Well, you won't go backwards. You might feel bad for a time until you get back on your regular schedule of med and then you'll be okay.

05-27-2014, 08:26 AM
Surely feeling 'bad' is going backwards. It has taken a long time to get to the point were I feel fine and now I'm being told I have to basically do it again until a totally different dr (who i have actually complained about) can see me.

Just fed up.

05-27-2014, 08:34 AM
I take the same med and have sometimes missed two or even three days due to running out or having had wine late in the day and not wanting to mix the two. I haven't had any withdrawal symptoms at all. Nothing....and I had extremely bad anxiety with a load of physical symptoms. I think you will be fine. You are just getting yourself anxious and nervous because you know you only have one pill left. Trust me....once you get your med again....you will not need to start over...even if you miss a few days.

Do you have any chamomile tea? If not, get some. It has a calming quality and will naturally calm you down.

I think you will be fine...although I usually try to ensure that I always have a few refills left on my prescription so I never get to the point where it doesn't have any refills left.

05-27-2014, 09:41 AM
By feeling bad, I mean what I feel when I don't have my medication on time. I feel light-headed, dizzy, etc. It's physical symptoms, kind of like when I haven't eaten to slept. Then when I eat or sleep, I'm okay. But once you start taking your medication again on a regular basis, you will get the relief from anxiety and depression that you had before.

05-27-2014, 01:25 PM
You could try calling 111. Explain that you have ran out of medication and that you cannot get an appointment with your GP until Monday and you have one tablet left. I would explain this would mean you would miss up to 400mg of medication before monday arrives. They do have access to an out of hours GP etc for things like this.

I would also try chancing going to the local chemist with your prescription box and explain your situation. I have done this before and they gave me 7 days worth of beta blockers to keep me going.

I would also detail the bad experiences you have had with the rude doctor/receptionist and put them in writing to the practice manager. Receptionists in doctor's surgeries deal with patients very regularly and shouldn't be talking to anyone like that or putting the phone down. If she is incapable of communicating in an acceptable manner she shouldn't be doing the job.

05-27-2014, 01:44 PM

If you are already on a long term course of SSRI your GP surgery should have the ability to have another GP repeat prescribe under the circumstances.

Whilst missing the odd day may not interfere too much with your tolerance, but as Ritch has pointed out, Monday is several days away.

I would call in the morning and ask the receptionist if any of the GPs in the surgery would recommend someone begin withdrawing from an SSRI at 5 day intervals?

I would anticipate NONE of them would.

It's unlikely (given that you are still on a relatively medium dose that you would have any serious problems). But the GP (any of them at the surgery, have a duty of care to YOU.

If you call tomorrow, and ask if one of the doctors can call you back, then ask if they would be recommending such a long gap. My guess is they will probably write you a script for you to collect at reception.

Best of luck

05-27-2014, 04:50 PM
Hey there. I totally agree with 14 and Ritch. I've been in a situation when I ran out, and from my own experience, and I speak only for myself and not to scare you, but you, most likely, will notice some withdraws if you wait that long. Very smart to write in an question this. Some Dr.s and nurses have upset me very much. Especially when they are in a certain practice, like pain management, yet have never walked a mile in chronic pain. But they KNOW how it feels??? Been there, done that, wrote the book, got the t-shirt. Take the guys advice. You shouldn't have to suffer because of this. And by writing in like you did, you got some good advice. Good luck to you. Will keep my thumbs up for you. d.