View Full Version : help dizziness

05-22-2008, 03:21 PM
hi everyone- i was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety and panic and it has been horrible for the last seven months.
my question is i have had everything checked but i keep getting really bad dizzy and lightheaded spells (like out of the blue) even when i am not feeling that anxious. it almost feels like low blood sugar but i know that is not the case. could this be caused by anxiety??

05-22-2008, 08:56 PM
i am hawing the same thing its just comes out of the blues, specially of i am thinking about it or thinking about my body not sleeping well or to much. I was diagnosed with tension headechs but i am going to see my Nuro and tell him about dizziness i get couple every day specially if i am on my computer, its rely strange i don't get room spinning its just as if i will faint but not. This can be anxiety. But just to be safe and its probably nothing go see your doctor and relax and i also get them when i dont fell anxiety

05-24-2008, 12:36 AM
its anxiety, i always get it to and i think i feel a little light headed, i freak my self out and then i get it worse n worse to a point i think im gonna faint hehehe.......anxiety is such a cunt , i used such a harsh word but i think anxiety has earned that name...