View Full Version : Solving the anxiety issue

05-27-2014, 07:15 AM
I suggest not reading this thread in the midst of symptoms, let them subside where you can think clearly, and then come back and read. Depending on your belief systems you may jive with one or none of the ideas here, but remember it is your belief systems that fuel your symptoms, so a place to start,again with a clear head, is to begin questioning every belief you have. Most as you will see are of a child, from childhood, or a traumatic experience.

Since we all have the same physical experience generally, and symptoms are long lasting, one would think the ego needs to speak, period. Re-read that. If your ego had nothing to say, it would not be nudging you so. Suspending conventional thought for a moment, you only need to close your eyes and have a conversation with you the child. Sit in a grassy meadow for example, hold your inner child, and have a loving talk. Ask what bothers it so?

Again suspending your beliefs for a moment, I want you to understand the telepathic communication that is constant between parents and child. Your parents were sending you their hopes, dreams, desires, and yes fears consistently, as they sent energy your way thinking of you. As a small child, and quite naturally, you pick up this communication as feeling, and even words. If your parents were the worrisome kind, these fears transferred to you, and you used them as a foundation for your growing belief system about the world. Yes, your parents might have told you how great the world is, while inside they were agoraphobic and terrified of it. While well meaning you see, the words were empty, whereas you understood their panic through telepathy and made that your belief.

Telepathy is true communication, period. And quite familiar to you as this is typical in the womb. A parents emotions are indeed interconnected with your psyche.

In denying your inner ego's right to speak, in lieu of daily affairs and concerns (outer self/intellectual self), the ego interprets this as its death. You are trying to kill it. In intellectualizing your life problems consciously, you immobilize intuition and mute the egos inner connection with self, who's natural abilities include problem solving. You are meant to have an outer worldy issue, hand it over to your inner self/intuition/inner child/inner ego and let the issue resolve as the inner self feeds spiritual communication through to the self that you know.

When you detach the intuitive self from the outer intellectual, you cut off the inner self abilities and the ego becomes scared for its tomorrows. It knows you want to kill it, and it no longer receives help/knowledge/connection, with the inner self.

In tell you these things, because I am a medium, I channel, and theses are a few of the basic reasons for a fearful existence on the outside, even though I cannot seem to help myself, which seems to be the norm.

You must begin to know your child again, for he/she calls out to you in your sweats and fear, you must accept that most of your beliefs are of a 4 year old communicating with fearful individuals through telepathy. But you must also understand that you may have outgrown these beliefs. You must question then for validity. A belief to protect a 2 year old you may not need any more ! Listen ! For there is where the many scary impulsive thoughts strike !

I hope you understand, that you cannot cure yourself at WebMD. Or even your regular MD. Doctors have a strong belief in illness you see, not health. And do not understand that I'll health is still health, as it is a natural expression of your thoughts, showing you a need for resolution.

I could go on and write a book here, but I will end it, hopefully some of you will find it helpful. Seek to resolve/replace inner emotions/beliefs, talk to the child in you, allow the ego its expression even as it beats your heart loudly like a siren call, release the emotions, release and heal the beliefs transferred to you, examining them each for validity in your current life.

Examining childhood beliefs, you may find you no longer need them, such as, do not swim without a life jacket or you will die, period. You may become anxious entering or looking at water, and not know why! You must examine the validity of your beliefs, both verbal and telepathic. Your mothers fear of the water, constant worry while you swim, and compulsive need to life vest you, telepathic now, given to you through her intense fears, you may choose to release.

With love

05-27-2014, 08:50 AM
In regards to your physical symptoms :

Every emotional response has a behavioral component, an autonomic component, and a hormonal component. The hormonal component includes the release of epinephrine, an adrenomedullary response that occurs in response to stress and that is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. The major emotion studied in relation to epinephrine is fear. In an experiment, subjects who were injected with epinephrine expressed more negative and fewer positive facial expressions to fear films compared to a control group. These subjects also reported a more intense fear from the films and greater mean intensity of negative memories than control subjects.[90] The findings from this study demonstrate that there are learned associations between negative feelings and levels of epinephrine. Overall, the greater amount of epinephrine is positively correlated with an arousal state of negative feelings. These findings can be an effect in part that epinephrine elicits physiological sympathetic responses including an increased heart rate and knee shaking which can be attributed to the feeling of fear regardless of the actual level of fear elicited from the video.

During a panic attack your fear increases already elevated levels and may raise your HR sufficiently and for such a duration, to send you on a trip to the ER. Whereas if you sit in it, and accept it , take your meds if you have, the body will return to its normal state.

***** Allow the emotions to rush through you, giving you vivid mental images of time gone by and moments of importance that triggered the initial episodes. Use the time during an attack to recount and replay your life, and do not hold back.