View Full Version : 5 mistakes of depressed people

05-27-2014, 03:54 AM
Good day to everybody! I am preparing an article for my blog, and I want to publish some thoughts which came to me while I was doing it. I am want to discuss several main reasons which are connected with the fact that people can’t get out of their depression, anxiety, panic attacks. These thoughts are based on my own experience of fighting my depression, on the experience of communication with depressed people, and partly on reading of this forum. As I hear more from people with depression, I understand that they do same mistakes, which are the reasons for their failure in fighting anxiety and related disorders

What are the reasons?

1. Resisting
We think: “Oh I need to get out. There must be a way. I have to influence it. I have to find a remedy immediately.” Resisting depression causes more anxiety, because you can’t influence it anytime, It can’t pass away just in few day. And when depression returns, you meet with frustration about this fact.
The opposite and the right way is to accept. It doesn’t mean do nothing. It means only accept your feelings, even if they are bad. It means don’t to think every minute about your condition and about how to find the way of making yourself feel better. Just relax and let it pass by itself.

2. Feeling bad about feeling bad

It’s a common mistake. I think that depression or panic attacks in their “pure” form make only 20% of all suffering (of course it is just inaccurate evaluation.) Another 80% provokes your brain by producing anxious thoughts, panic, thinking: “oh I am so unhappy, it is so bad, why is it happening to me, etc”. Don’t try to influence depression itself, influence your brain. If you try simply to observe your bad feelings without thoughts, without involving in them, you will notice that there are not so bad.

3. Comparing

You think: “Oh I was so happy 5 years before depression struck me, but now the situation is so different. It’s so bad.”
Stop comparing. What happened, happened. All you have it’s just a present moment of time. Focus on present.

4. Asking pointless questions

“When will it stop?» “Why is it happening to me?”, “Do I really deserve this suffering?”, “Why me?”
These are pointless questions many of you are familiar with. They will boost your anxiety and will not help you in getting rid of depression.

5. Trusting your fears

You think: “If I fear to go to the street or make a conversation with my friends, so something bad is going to happen, so I will not do it, I will behave as my fear tells me”
Fear is just a sense. It may not have a connection to reality. You should focus not on removing your fear, but on your fear. Don’t listen to it.
Problem of depressed people is they act like common sense tells them: they resist and fight, compare and trust their fears. To get rid of depression or anxiety you have to act against common sense sometimes.

So hope it helped someone! I will appreciate any questions.

05-27-2014, 10:41 AM
I think my jaw actually dropped reading through these because I can apply all five of these to my anxiety and depression. The ones that I can relate to the most are #2 and #3 but #2 by far the most. As my therapist likes to call it you kind of tap into a "negative reel" in your brain where all you do is think about negative things which leads eventually to guilt and/or an increase in depression. Thank you for posting this!

05-28-2014, 01:21 PM
PLEASE link to your finished article once you've completed it! I agree wholeheartedly with all of these.

Feeling bad about feeling bad and constantly searching for a remedy...this is me, pretty much. I have to learn to live in the 'now'.

I'm going to write this down in my thought diary as a reminder to myself. Thank you.

05-29-2014, 04:30 AM
Thank you, folks! I think article will be ready in mid-June. I will post a link to that!

10-09-2014, 07:40 PM
Thank you, folks! I think article will be ready in mid-June. I will post a link to that!

Got little late with that!

I made it as a guestpost on tinybuddha. Here you go! I hope you will enjoy that.


10-09-2014, 08:06 PM
Forgot to mention one thing

Mistake 7 - Believing that you can't change

Sometimes people feel trapped it their panic or anxiety. They think that there will be always thing that annoy them, causing anxiety. They think that there always will be fears that scary them and there is no way to stop this only except removing you from scary situation. But the truth is, that your perception of the things can change, your reaction to your fears can also change if you devote some time working with your mind. There is a way out of prison, and that way is inside you!

10-09-2014, 08:39 PM
Try repeat is good to see you. Like always every post is very educational;)

10-09-2014, 10:43 PM
Thank you, Dahila!

Glad to hear from you too=)

10-10-2014, 10:51 AM
I am reading a bit on your blog, and I am really impressed:) Such a young man and knows so much :)) I love your blog:)