View Full Version : Breaking the Google Obsession

05-26-2014, 09:09 PM
My name is Nicole and I am a Google addict. Lol. Thanks to Google in the past 48 hours I have diagnosed myself with MS, a brain tumor, lupus, and diabetes. I know it should be as simple as just don't use Google for health reasons or to look up any symptoms. But its not. I intend to not use Google, but I'll get an ailment-most recently leg numbness, and I'll type that into Google. Its never good. What can I do in between real doctor visits so that I don't consult Dr. Google???

05-27-2014, 12:15 AM
Hey Nicole, I've had anxiety and panic attacks for ten years now and while I have gotten better about not checking google for every symptom I still check it too often. Unfortunately for me it seems that nothing but time will help me to feel better about a specific health fear I have once I convince myself it's a possibility that I have something. There is also a really good thread started by fourteen that I like to read when I get myself really worked up about something.


I hope that you start to feel better soon!

05-27-2014, 01:21 AM
You have to understand that many symptoms connected with anxiety, panic attacks (dizziness, inability to focus, insomnia, "heavy head", high or low blood pressure) can intersect with the symptoms of many other deceases. And as anxiety has a lot of physiological symptoms, if you search Google you can "find" a lot of "new" diagnoses for yourself, and your anxiety will boost your belief in this diagnoses. And even a healthy man can find in himself some evidence of illness if he asks Dr. Google. It is a logic fault. If you experience insomnia it doesn't mean you have Rabies, because it is insomnia accompanies Rabies. Real doctors don't set diagnosis that way, they try to gather as much information as possible, they know much more than you, they make health tests with the special equipment.

So stop self-diagnostics, you are not a doctor (I guess), you can't just read the Internet to put yourself diagnosis, you don't know the medical requirements of setting diagnosis. If you are in doubt go to the real doctor.

05-27-2014, 06:28 AM
I didn't make the connection to why I was feeling super extra crappy yesterday and last night until about 0500 this morning. On Saturday, I was feeing very lethargic and very anxious all at the same time. Just not okay at all. I have a blood pressure monitor (which I really try to not use as of course my bp is up during an attack) and decided to check my vitals. My bp was pretty elevated but my heart rate was 48 BPM. I called the doctors office and the answering service patched me through to the on call doc. When I told him how I was feeling and what medications I was on he told me to stop taking the propranolol, as I was also on another beta blocker, metoprolol (for migraines). The propranolol was for anxiety, but it didn't really do much but make me very blah all day every day. I had to work last night and I am so fortunate to have a job where I can kick back and take it easy. I got in at midnight, did shift change, took 1 Benadryl and was on my way to the couch by 12:30. My left arm was numb and tingly and my head felt full. I fell asleep and was woke up around 3:45 by what I guess I would have to call body zaps. It was like brain zaps but all over. That sucked. It sent me into full panic mode. I was pacing in the office like a mad woman when the thought occurred to me that this is withdrawal. Not quite instant calm, but almost. My head still feels full, and I have that zap thing continuing to happen but I'm dealing with it quite well and I know what it is and mist importantly what it isn't. :) I tried to block Google on my phone. It won't let me. Guess I hafta practice some self control.

05-27-2014, 06:47 AM
You will break your obsession only when you break strong and painful attachment to your health and life. When you begin to think: "If I die from some decease, so be it. I will 100% die some day, earlier or later not big difference. So there is no point of worrying at all" Then you will get rid of your obsession. But this is a long way to go...

05-27-2014, 08:15 AM
You might need two phones - one for when you're calm and can handle the internet and one phone with no internet access. If you're having trouble staying off google, put the smart phone up for a bit. I do that sometimes if there's something I have trouble with..I put it out of reach or out of sight.