View Full Version : My life at this point - how do I continue from here?

05-26-2014, 06:00 PM
Hey guys :)

My anxiety took 6 months of my life and I really had to put all my effort and time to it, to be able to recover. Understanding it and how to counter it. These 6 months have been the worst 6 months in my life, although I did learn alot. I felt as if I needed it, like a reminder that I should appreciate life. It hit me really hard though.

However, now I'm left with this and I just don't know what to do:

School - This whole year was just sh*t. Started a new school and it's the last year. I don't know anyone there and I've just been having it rough. I'm very lazy aswell. So when my anxiety hit me, it made it much worse. Like I "almost" skipped 6 months. I would go 2 weeks/ea month. I don't blame everything on my anxiety. Even if I didn't have anxiety, I would still skip alot, but not as much. And now, the last month I skipped everything litterally. Not because of my anxiety, because I'm just used to this routine. And I can't go back, because I'm going to have to take alot of sh't from my teachers. What do I do here?

Social life - My anxiety also affected my social life. I used to talk to girls without any problems at all and now I need alcohol to be able to do that. Or else my face gets red and I start sweating and it all just doesn't look very good. I have no idea where this came from. It's not affecting me too much though, so that's good. But is there anyway I can improve or anything?


05-28-2014, 11:46 PM
Not going back because you'll face shit from your teachers isn't the responsible thing to do imo. Just take the shit, bro you took 6 months of suffering and got through it, for the better right? I'd take your teachers shit because it'll be for the better, over and done with so you can move on.

Take baby steps with talking to broads, go to the gym and get in 100% shape so you feel more confident and theres nothing wrong with picking up broads when ur drunk, most the girls anybody picks up is at parties,bars,clubs. Talking to a girl you want to keep around is different though and being yourself should do the trick, just find the confidence.

05-29-2014, 01:11 AM
Will you graduate this year? It sounds like you just don't like school in general (I really hated it) Didn't have to do with anxiety, I just did not enjoy it. I would say try hard to get what you need done to graduate so you can be done with it. Are there any opportunities to finish school online?

Try not to depend on alcohol, that is a slippery slope...girls don't want to talk to drunk guys, they want a real genuine guy, just being himself. Alot of times girls can be just as nervous on the inside as you, but just better at hiding it.

Where are you trying to talk to them? Clubs, parties..there is alot of pressure there and alcohol available. Try other ways to meet girls, at the gym, join a club...do you have a hobby or a job? Maybe someplace where you could have mutual things in common with the girls there, and not feel so uncomfortable.

Good luck, you sound like a nice young man

05-29-2014, 06:52 PM
Elias, the beauty of where you live is everyone is beautiful there

Talk to a few ladies and it doesn't matter if you strike out. Hotter chicks are right behind them

Alcohol for courage has been around for a long time

And it it is really tasty to boot

Be a C student and have fun. Your grades don't show up on your degree

Enjoy all the benefits of being in college and the pretty women that also want the same thing

No pressure. Just have fun, man

Don't take things so seriously

Soon enough you will be married with kids with an 8 hour a day job

Those college chicks will be in the rear view mirror and you'll just drink a lot

Life is great!