View Full Version : Pregnant and living (trying to) with anxiety

Mind the bump
05-25-2014, 07:16 AM
Hey everyone, I have absolutely never posted on a forum before but at this stage feel like anything is worth a shot! I have realised that I have been experiencing anxiety since childhood but that this has became most pronounced in the last 2 years. Last year I had a severe episode of anxiety (even though the GP classed this as depression) which caused me to be off work for 6 months. Ultimately it prevented me from returning to the job I held as I couldn't face the stresses of it, I changed to a less pressured job hoping this would solve the crux of the problem. I also underwent 3 months of counselling, and took medication. My anxiety did not go away but it stopped impacting on me as much as it had been. I am currently 4 months pregnant and stopped medication feeling that I was in a much better place than I had been.....I have now found ( over the last couple of months in particular) that the anxiety has crept back in, on a couple of occasions to what I would consider an unmanageable level. When this first occurred during my pregnancy the GP was hesitant about re-prescribing medication as, knowing me, I would probably then fixate on any harm this could be causing my baby - my GP was probably spot on with this. So now I'm in a kind of don't know what to do situation with anxiety flaring up every few days. My anxiety isn't even related to my pregnancy - which would be more rational if it was, it's like I'm doing a mental checklist of all the what if situations that could possibly impact me in the future, it also usually focuses on something I feel I have done or will do wrong which will have devastating consequences for me or my family . When these thoughts hit they are real and certain and impossible to ignore. I have decided through all these what if scenarios that ultimately I will lose everything and no sooner does one issue fade than another one creeps in, it's a cycle I'm almost used to by now but is incredibly debilitating. My husband is super patient but I know I'm pushing him to his limits (he is one of life's eternal optimists and has no experience of the anxiety I describe). I was hoping that posting on this forum would be therapeutic in itself and also hoped that people could share coping strategies/techniques, open to anything!

05-26-2014, 03:52 AM
Dear mind the bump,

It is perfectly normal how you feel. Come to terms with your condition and situation. If you feel like you are going to have an attack, calm down. If you worry about your attacks hurting you, it will only accentuate it. Sit down if possible and breathe. You have been through this before and you know the worst it can do. You know that you can take it. Affirm yourself that you are alright. A sense of optimism goes a long way. The more you think about anxiety, the more it will affect you.

Cheers from India!