View Full Version : Hot flashes/ blushing ruining my lfie

05-24-2014, 08:33 PM
My anxiety causes me to blush easily and sometimes I get hot flashes. I get this when I'm with people I don't know well, people I don't feel comfortable around, or people I haven't seen for a while upon first seeing them. For example, last night I went to a family gathering. Everyone was there including my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. I live far away from them so I don't see them often. I usually feel anxious prior to seeing them. I remind myself they are family and that there's no reason to be worried, but nothing can stop me from feeling anxious. Last night as we were driving there, I was doing okay and I felt good. But AS SOON as we arrived, my anxiety kicked in. The nervous knot in my stomach, dry mouth, self-consciousness, tight chest, racing heart, and the worst part: my face began to flush red and hot. It is honestly the worst feeling ever. However, after about an hour, this completely passed and I felt good again. I was then able to have fun and relax. Why does this happen to me at the beginning of events like this? Why can't I be cool and calm to begin with?

I hate this symptom because it makes me feel like my anxiety is obvious to others. It starts with a heated sensation in my chest and neck, and then a red, blotchy rash will appear there. I always have to wear high-neck tops so it's hidden. Then the heat spreads to my face and I start blushing profusely. Its like my face is on fire. I usually escape to a bathroom when this happens and I try to calm myself down. In general, this symptom stops me from relaxing and being myself, and it puts me in my head. I'm sure you guys can understand the feeling of being trapped in your head. I have developed a fear of this blushing, which causes it to happen because I'm expecting it to happen.

Does anyone understand? Please help. It's ruining events for me that should be fun and enjoyable. Why do I start off feeling this way and then it passes later?

P.S. I'm currently taking one 30mg Mirtazapine tablet each night (been on them for a few months now). I generally try to avoid caffeine, and I exercise regularly and eat healthily.

05-24-2014, 09:13 PM
I'll bet others aren't even noticing. You're just aware of it. Remind yourself at the beginning of how you will be feeling relaxed later on. I'd probably do my hair so that it takes focus off my face and wear some big earrings.

05-24-2014, 09:44 PM
I'll bet others aren't even noticing. You're just aware of it. Remind yourself at the beginning of how you will be feeling relaxed later on. I'd probably do my hair so that it takes focus off my face and wear some big earrings.

You're right. They probably don't notice (I hope). It's probably just because I'm self-conscious about it that makes it worse. That's a good idea, thanks - I'll try it next time.

06-01-2014, 08:34 PM
Of course you could always take the stigma completely away from your flushing and rock it! Some people and skin types manifest adrenaline/anxiety in the way you described. Okay. So own it, be with it, yes People I am nervous and splotchy lol. Getting away into a quieter room, drink a tall glass of cool cool water,,, and BREATHE! anxiety cannot exist at the same time as deep slowed breathing. Google breathing 4-7-8, it is a quick technique that shuts my anxiety down. You are beautiful and it's okay to flushing sometimes.