View Full Version : New Symptoms????

05-24-2014, 04:20 PM
Does anxiety manifest itself in new ways? Like I'm getting good at pinning certain feelings within my body as anxiety. I acknowledge it as anxiety and am able to move on, usually. Last night I noticed that parts of my body felt numb and it is still that way today. Is this my anxiety trying to trick me with new symptoms?

05-24-2014, 08:04 PM
It is usually a good idea to see a doctor for changing symptoms to make sure that it is not a symptom of something else, but numbness and tingling for certain parts of the body are very common for people going through bouts of anxiety. This can be a result of a change in blood flow or tension causing restriction of the nerves.

I was going to post a link to a website that went further in depth explaining the causes and reasons for this, but I need 25 posts to do that. Just know that most websites that I looked at tend to agree that it is a pretty common symptom and not to worry too much about it as long as it isn't something else, which is likely isn't.

05-24-2014, 08:29 PM
It is common for anxiety to manifest itself and evolve somewhat. I would agree that the symptoms are most likely due to anxiety as they are very common symptoms, however if they are really bothering you consult your doctor.

05-24-2014, 08:39 PM
Thank you for your response. Just got off the phone with the doc on call for the weekend. We discussed my medications and decided to cut out one of the beta blockers I am on. My heart rate is a bit low and my bp is a bit high. Knowing this, of course, triggers some anxiety responses. Gonna get through this night and tomorrow should be better. The half life of propranalol is relatively short (8-10 hours) and it should be out of my system by late morning completely.

05-24-2014, 10:07 PM
I'm glad to hear that you deciding to talk to your doctor. I hope that cutting out the beta blockers is helpful to you. Let us know how it goes.