View Full Version : delayed reaction anxiety?

05-24-2014, 03:36 AM
Hey yall,
As most of you know i have a stupid awesome health condition that keeps me o n edge all of the time. No not deadly, very life altering . Anyways. Im noticing i cannot see anything negative anymore because i have some sort of physical reaction to it later. Like....its delayed. I see someone have an h-attack on tv, 10 minutes later my chest starts to hurt. Ill have rolling dizzy spells for hours, that get better with distraction but will come immediately back if said destraction is gone, frustrating part is my medical condition legitimately causes the same symptoms...however i have started to tell the difference. Why the delayed reaction???

05-25-2014, 11:09 AM
Psychosomatic anxiety is some of the craziest anxiety out there, and that's saying something!

05-25-2014, 11:50 AM
I'm not sure if this is the same, but I will sometimes read something uncomfortable...... then a couple of hour later my anxiety will manifest itself in a similar way to what I read and I will just think winner! So if I read that pins and needles is a symptom of such and such...... you can guarantee later I will have pins and needles. That is one example.

Another example. My mum was in hospital for ten days in 2012 and it was pretty touch and go. Throughout the whole ten days I didn't feel anxious at all, I felt strangely calm and collected. it sounds very cold when I type it and I don't know if this was just because I had to keep it together. my mum started making progress and came home. Then when she was home the stress/anxiety which I expected to experience during those ten days ran me over like a train.

I'm not a doctor or expert. But anxiety causes physical reactions such as fast beating heart, sweat and many of the other classic symptoms. But what it does mentally is produce fear, People like ourselves deal with a whole lot of fear and anxiety seems to have a knack of making our greatest fears APPEAR real. If I get used to a certain symptom and it no longer produces fear, my anxiety seems to somewhat "evolve" then throw another one at me to keep me on my toes.

I have also been under investigation by doctors myself recently and I have made a point of avoiding your recent health threads as it would only fuel my fire. But I really hope that you are Ok and coping well

Take care of yourself and keep your head up :)

05-25-2014, 05:14 PM
Yes ritch, thats pretty close to what it is. Unfortunately. I actually have weird health things... so i never know whats what. Ill probably spend a very long time figuring out. Glad to know im not alone in the delayed reaction thing. It happens with stress too... ill have a stressful moment at about...11 am and then 9pm my body goes completely wacko. Thats an extreme example...but its easier when its closer o the trigger for me to figure it out. I have low blood pressure issues and i refuse to check my blood pressure because i know it will trigger anxiety. It was 75/43 at the hospital and i had no clue, but when it was brought to my attention i felt a lot worse, i just am trying to listen to my body... but its hard. My heart will dart off to 180 in an instant with no warning but i fear it so much, i probably create the stress to make it happen, when i stand up my health condition makes my heart rate jump high when i stand. Causes me near blackouts...or blackouts ... but... ahhh its just hard to deal with it. Lol. Im learning. The worst is the constant floating feeling like im on a boat. I wonder if thats anxiety low bloodpressure or a combo of both,

05-26-2014, 04:19 AM
Hey ab123,

This is certainly a strange case you present. Somatic interpretation of anxiety can be pretty harsh.

It is perfectly normal how you feel. Come to terms with your condition and situation. If you feel like you are going to have an attack, calm down. If you worry about your attacks hurting you, it will only accentuate it. Sit down if possible and breathe. You have been through this before and you know the worst it can do. You know that you can take it. Affirm yourself that you are alright. A sense of optimism goes a long way. The more you think about anxiety, the more it will affect you.

If possible, consult a physician and get yourself checked. Or you can use one of the doctors on the healtheminds site.

Cheers :)

05-26-2014, 06:38 AM
Thanks, i have been diagnosed with a neurological disorder that causes my autonomic nervous system to malfunction affecting heart rate blood pressure and such, and i also have anxiety. Its a tricky situation and i am seeing a lot of doctors to find out whats wrong. One doctor even pointed out that my anxiety could be caused by my overactive nervous system and adrenaline dumps related to my condition. Interesting.

05-27-2014, 06:44 AM
Hi ab...
I get the anxiety and panic attacks from the adrenaline dumps too. I go through very stressful times and get all amped up. when it's all over...BAM! the dump and the inevitable panic attack. The thing is, the dump can occur hours after everything is all over.