View Full Version : Sleep i need sleep

05-23-2014, 11:39 PM
These past three weeks have been incredibly hard .,, no sleep lots of tears and worry... My cousin Timmy died three weeks ago ., my brother was in the hospital in the intensive care unit for a week two weeks ago ... And my cousin Sheldon died yesterday.... On top of all of that I have had many appointments with my youngest sons speech and behavioral therapy.. To top the rest of it all my older son pulled the tendons in his foot during tae kwondo ,, stress ., if this isn't stress I don't know what is ,, today I haven't cried at all it's almost like I am numb

05-23-2014, 11:51 PM
These past three weeks have been incredibly hard .,, no sleep lots of tears and worry... My cousin Timmy died three weeks ago ., my brother was in the hospital in the intensive care unit for a week two weeks ago ... And my cousin Sheldon died yesterday.... On top of all of that I have had many appointments with my youngest sons speech and behavioral therapy.. To top the rest of it all my older son pulled the tendons in his foot during tae kwondo ,, stress ., if this isn't stress I don't know what is ,, today I haven't cried at all it's almost like I am numb

I'm so sorry to hear you are going through such tragedy in such a short period of time. it is not uncommon for someone who has experienced such intensive emotion for a prolonged period to suddenly feel numb or apathetic.

Do you have a support network in place...... family/partner that type of thing or are you trying to process all of this and grieve on your own? as far as sleep goes I would try some diaphragmatic breathing or meditation if possible to try help you sleep. If you are not able to sleep just lay in your room with your eyes closed and get the next best thing....Rest.

I am so sorry for your losses and I offer my deepest condolences.

05-23-2014, 11:55 PM
Thank you ,. I actually had 2 close friends come over and hang out tonight .. It's just hard when you are a single parent and have to paint on a smile till the boys go to sleep

05-24-2014, 12:03 AM
Thank you ,. I actually had 2 close friends come over and hang out tonight .. It's just hard when you are a single parent and have to paint on a smile till the boys go to sleep

I know the feeling it's like being a sad clown. Smiling on the outside, crying on the inside :(

One day at a time, in fact one moment at a time :)

05-24-2014, 12:12 AM
Thank you for your kind words