View Full Version : Anxiety Brain Zaps

05-23-2014, 05:50 AM

I've been on 20mg of citalopram for a year now. I missed my meds the other day and now for the past few days I've been getting 'brain zaps'. Feels like an electrical current running from forehead to the side of my head. I get really dizzy, and sick. I'm currently at work... I work at a supermarket and I'm dreading going back onto the shop floor. Had to take diazepam as the brain zaps are giving me panic attacks, but diazepam makes me dopey and tired. Remind me never to forget my meds ever again!!

05-23-2014, 06:18 AM
Sorry you're having those brain zaps. They are a common side effect of not taking it after being on it for a while. I was on zoloft a few years back and stopped and for 2 weeks i got those brain zaps.

Hope you are feeling better though!

05-23-2014, 04:56 PM
Yep same thing happened to me after recently stopping Effexor. I get those "zaps" and I've had vertigo too. I'm sorry you have to deal with this...:(

05-24-2014, 02:17 AM
Sorry you're having those brain zaps. They are a common side effect of not taking it after being on it for a while. I was on zoloft a few years back and stopped and for 2 weeks i got those brain zaps.

Hope you are feeling better though!

Jesus 2 weeks? Hope mine don't last that long... I only forgot one pill. My Head is still 'zapping' :(

How r you now, now that you have come off your meds?

Thank you

05-24-2014, 02:19 AM
Yep same thing happened to me after recently stopping Effexor. I get those "zaps" and I've had vertigo too. I'm sorry you have to deal with this...:(

Thank you.

It's not nice at all. How long did yours last for?

05-25-2014, 06:39 AM
I still get them, but less often. I stopped my meds a little over a week ago. I'm mostly dizzy still and anxiety wants to rear it's ugly head. I just try my best to smile and not give in to the fear. That's what fuels it so I try to tell myself, " no big deal."

05-25-2014, 11:36 AM
I still get them, but less often. I stopped my meds a little over a week ago. I'm mostly dizzy still and anxiety wants to rear it's ugly head. I just try my best to smile and not give in to the fear. That's what fuels it so I try to tell myself, " no big deal."

Omgea3 supplements help a lot for brain zaps. I had them really bad when I came off Effexor.