View Full Version : am I the only one that gets this! help!!

05-22-2014, 08:06 PM
Hi there, I am new to this anxiety forum and really hope that I can find someone that has similar symptoms to me because I feel so alone and feel that I'm the only one like this. I have been dealing with anxiety for a long time my symptoms are not only that I can anxious heart racing etc... but I get tightness/weird numbness feeling on my right side of my face sometimes and recently I have this tight feeling pressure in my neck where I have to hold my neck I've done ct scans blood tests ECGs and even a mri where everything has come back normal! Does anyone else have these symptoms !!??!!!

05-22-2014, 08:56 PM
I have had them before yes, all anxiety... best way yo deal with them is to not be afraid, they lose the power and it starts b to calm down. Like thinking. My heart is racing because i have adrenaline in my system, i guess this means my body knows how to respond and as soon as the adrenaline is out.. ill go back to normal. Stuff like that. Just apply it to the most bothersome symptom.

05-23-2014, 07:44 AM
Watch this video. He explains it well. His stuff helped me long ago.
