View Full Version : In need of some advice! [Drinking]

05-22-2014, 07:38 PM
Hey, what's up guys!

So, as you know, I'm doing really good. Sometimes I even forget my anxiety completly, which is really good tbh.

Now that I'm doing progress, getting back into normal life, there's decisions I have to make that can either put me back or boost my "healing-process". And now, I have to make one of these decisions.

I'm not drinking any alcohol at all at the moment. I've only had one drink the last 6 months. Mostly because I was afraid it's going to be a set-back. Tomorrow, I'm going to Gothenburg to meet up with some friends. I'm gonna be there the whole weekend. And ofc, we're going to be drinking. And I don't know how I'm going to react to it. Will I get panic attacks and sh*t or will I forget everything and just have fun? Should I or shouldn't I drink?

I've heard that it reliefs you from anxiety for the moment, but in long-terms or the day after: your anxiety is higher than usual.

05-22-2014, 08:02 PM
Moderation is the key, as long as you do not get drunk every evening and have one of two drinks from time to time , you should be good. you need to enjoy your life now, later when you are my age there is not much to enjoy:))

05-22-2014, 08:25 PM
Moderation is the key, as long as you do not get drunk every evening and have one of two drinks from time to time , you should be good. you need to enjoy your life now, later when you are my age there is not much to enjoy:))

Yeah, I guess I'll have to drink a few drinks and see how it feels. Haha, thanks Dahila! :) How old are you btw?

05-22-2014, 09:28 PM
I could be your mom easily :)) Try to have one or two and you will see:)

05-22-2014, 10:28 PM
Do you have any issues or problems with drinking? If you do, be careful. If not, and you can drink in moderation and stop and it won't be a problem later, that doesn't seem so bad. But don't have a drink to reduce your anxiety because that's not the way to handle anxiety.

05-22-2014, 11:56 PM
I agree with Anne. Did one or two drinks cause problems in the past? If not, then I would say to go ahead and have a couple. But if even one or two caused issues before, then just drink something else. Your friends aren't gonna care what you're drinking. They just want you to be there.