View Full Version : Feeling irrelevant

05-22-2014, 12:20 AM
I don't know what it is lately but I just feel like i'm nobody's first choice. It's as if no one gives much of a shit about me in my family and group of friends. I don't know if this is just me being paranoid but I just don't feel important to many people. I know a lot of people would normally say "go and find new friends and people who care about you" but that's easier said than done. My friends are people i've gone to highschool with. It's just such a crappy feeling and I feel like a crappy person.

How can I shake this feeling? It's really putting me down.

05-22-2014, 01:26 AM
Sorry to hear you're feeling like this Penguin.

Has any of your family come out and said something to you to make you feel like this?

I know that when my depression and anxiety was at full strength, I often felt just like this, but my feelings weren't really based in reality. It was just me feeling like crap, wanting my friends and family to understand what I was going through and feeling like if they cared about me then they should already know. But they didn't get it, how bad I was. And I wasn't any good at opening up about my thoughts and feelings, no good at letting people in. So I guess since I wasn't complaining outwardly, everyone thought I was just fine or just going through a phase.

05-22-2014, 01:31 PM
Sorry to hear you're feeling like this Penguin.

Has any of your family come out and said something to you to make you feel like this?

I know that when my depression and anxiety was at full strength, I often felt just like this, but my feelings weren't really based in reality. It was just me feeling like crap, wanting my friends and family to understand what I was going through and feeling like if they cared about me then they should already know. But they didn't get it, how bad I was. And I wasn't any good at opening up about my thoughts and feelings, no good at letting people in. So I guess since I wasn't complaining outwardly, everyone thought I was just fine or just going through a phase.

I can relate to you totally. My family doesn't really know what i'm going through and half of the reason why I joined this forum was because it's one of the only places I can fully express myself. Me and my sister and mom have fought before and we say some things but we're generally pretty close knit and loving. They haven't said anything to truly put me down but I can't help but feeling irrelevant. I guess this applies more to my group of friends than it does my family but it's just a crappy feeling. I wish being positive and more outgoing was possible during my down periods :(