View Full Version : School / Anxiety Rising

05-21-2014, 09:18 PM
A the school year is ending my anxiety is increasing but also my diet is very poor ... I also watched a cancer movie which didnt help at all since i have hypochondria ... Anyway Today i sat in my 2nd period and immidiately felt faint or like i was going to pass out and anxious trouble breathing & panic attacks were coming i told myself "i wont and cant go home " the main thing that scares me is thinking will i faint and pass out ? Thats what sits in my head everyday i no longer feel well anxiety is really messing with my life to a point were i want to just stay home and avoid my problems its so scary i dont think i can anymore its so hard to go through a everyday struggle ... I know i should eat better and workout but idk what it is anymore anxiety has me feeling drained does anyone have tips for class anxiety ? And how to make it go down ? :(

05-21-2014, 09:43 PM
Eating right and exercising are a must for you! They will help. Lots of fruits and vegetables and protein, cut out the junk. Exercise will make a HUGE difference . Even if you do faint, it's not that big of a deal, but I don't think you will. Marie Osmond fainted on Dancing with the Stars and the next week she was laughing about it.

05-23-2014, 12:09 AM
Hi vanessa,

I think some self-reflection might help you. We often get anxiety attacks in certain situations for no real reason, but sometimes there really IS a reason...even if it's not really a "good" reason. We are stressed about SOMETHING, so our brain triggers this anxiety attack as a kind of defense mechanism, causing us to avoid the source of the stress.

Sometimes there is a conflict (real or imagined) that our mind blows way out of proportion, and dealing with that root cause head on -- while scary at first -- is the best thing we can do.

So if you find yourself feeling anxiety at school or in a certain class, then maybe ask yourself, "What do I fear? Why do I feel intimidated? What is the conflict here? Who or what makes me feel uncomfortable here?"

05-25-2014, 01:58 PM
That's all in your head. You just have to CALM DOWN. relax. Just remember to yourself, you are not in danger, you're just uncomfortable. Nothing is wrong with you. It's all an illusion. Fear is an illusion. Relax. Meditate every night before you go to bed