View Full Version : Mental hospital

05-21-2014, 06:35 PM
Has anxiety caused anyone to check into a mental hospital???

I'm so scared I'm about ready to just check into one

I can't control my thoughts an feel like I'm going to live like this forever
Has anyone really lost control of themselves due to anxiety panic or depression????

05-21-2014, 06:41 PM
Have you seen the doc? Maybe you need to go to psychiatrist? How long are you suffering from depression? I am suffering with it for long time but never thought about going into mental institution, It is not easy there. I have been so many times visiting my friends in it, it is not easy ...

05-21-2014, 06:54 PM
Have you seen the doc? Maybe you need to go to psychiatrist? How long are you suffering from depression? I am suffering with it for long time but never thought about going into mental institution, It is not easy there. I have been so many times visiting my friends in it, it is not easy ...

I'm so scared to see a psychiatrist.... I want to talk to one so bad I'm just scared to leave my home :/
I don't feel depressed I just feel scared an worried an nervous 24/7 So my mom an 10000 other people tell me that's depression even though I don't feel depressed
I'm scared to take pills scared of anything an everything
I don't have thoughts of hurting myself I just feel like my mind is going to go crazy one day an I'm just going to do something bad not even wanting to do it
I live by a mental hospital so I just literally have days where I feel like driving there an checking myself in
I hate living this way :(
I'm on 2 years now of not being my old self

05-21-2014, 07:22 PM
Honestly, I dont think you to go as far as a mental hospital. I think you need to talk to a qualified person. We need to address your fears first and find out why you are afraid of so many things. Nothing is wrong with being fearful of something. You just need to recognize the fear and then adjust in ways to work with them and or around them!

05-21-2014, 07:22 PM
You don't have to check yourself into a hospital but you should make an appt with a good doctor to help you. Please don't be afraid to take medication..talk to your doctor about medications scaring you and maybe you could start with a very low dose of something. I was afraid to take medications too but finally I HAD to and now I'm so glad I got my courage and did it. Recently my sleep doctor wanted me to take something for my sleep. I was so scared. But finally the pharmacist said, "That is a really, really low dose. You'll be fine." I took one pill which was a big deal but after that it was easy.

05-21-2014, 09:06 PM
I would agree with Dahila and Exa, I don't think you go that far. You could, but I doubt it would make it better. It's really not easy there. You will never lose control from anxiety or panic attacks.

Go see a doc or psychiatrist. I was afraid of taking meds too. But trust me, meds will help you. I was very afraid too, but that was because I was afraid of almost anything from sodas to coffe. I've overcome that fear and so will you Stephanie!

You need to get a grip on your life. You won't live like this forever. Once you're strong enough to challange it and you take control over it, you'll notice how it'll slowly fade away. Don't, never lose hope! After rain comes sunshine!

05-21-2014, 09:27 PM
Stephanie I am very paranoiac, I check twenty times every medication I take. I wash my hands constantly I am scared of germs. I would not touch a lot ot things.....fear is always killing my potential. Very often we are scared of fear not actual situation of things. I have a serious health anxiety, but I am on meds and they help, they really do.

05-21-2014, 09:49 PM
Stephanie, many hospitals have outpatient programs. So if things get really bad, you can do that, which means you don't stay there overnight. You'll meet other people who have problems too and that will help a lot. There is help out there, you just have to take the first step. I know someone who went to a hospital and got so much better.

05-22-2014, 07:44 AM
Has anxiety caused anyone to check into a mental hospital???

I'm so scared I'm about ready to just check into one

I can't control my thoughts an feel like I'm going to live like this forever
Has anyone really lost control of themselves due to anxiety panic or depression????

Mental disorder has nothing to do with anxiety or panic attacks. That is something separate. You can have anxiety often but not have mental illness. You can't go crazy from anxiety. You will just be utterly annoyed. If one has a mental illness, that is not the same as an anxiety disorder. Check out this guy's free video about anxiety. He was a huge help for me in overcoming anxiety:


05-22-2014, 08:16 PM
I was in hospital for six months, I didn't admit myself I was admitted by mental health professionals and PC I have come across people who have experienced psychotic episodes due to high levels of stress/anxiety. So PC I would be interested in your definition of "crazy"

Stephanie I would strongly advise that you seek out the help of a doctor who can asses you then hopefully pass you onto a psychiatrist. In my opinion going into hospital will provide you with a protective bubble surrounded by health care professionals, but also you will be surrounded by other people who are not well. Some of them you may be able to relate to, others may frighten you, I'm not saying that in a derogatory way but people in hospitals are very unwell and it can be quite unnerving. but everybody's experience is unique. Also the protective bubble can also set you up for a fall because you become reliant on the hospital, I certainly did. I was admitted when I was 17 onto an adult ward and it was very difficult adjusting to the environment which increased my anxiety initally. Also I am going to assume you are 21/22 because of the number in your name, there is a lot of research which shows young people become reliant on the hospitals quickly and run a higher risk of becoming institutionalized.

I would advise staying at home around friends or family who can monitor you and at this moment in time I would advise medication to give you some relief and stability so that you can find your feet and start walking the road to recovery. I know you are scared, feeling overwhelmed and somewhat paralyzed by your fear but seek the help of a doctor. They will be able to take some of the weight off of your shoulders with the help they give you.

Take care and keep us posted :)

05-23-2014, 12:07 AM
I was in hospital for six months, I didn't admit myself I was admitted by mental health professionals and PC I have come across people who have experienced psychotic episodes due to high levels of stress/anxiety. So PC I would be interested in your definition of "crazy" Stephanie I would strongly advise that you seek out the help of a doctor who can asses you then hopefully pass you onto a psychiatrist. In my opinion going into hospital will provide you with a protective bubble surrounded by health care professionals, but also you will be surrounded by other people who are not well. Some of them you may be able to relate to, others may frighten you, I'm not saying that in a derogatory way but people in hospitals are very unwell and it can be quite unnerving. but everybody's experience is unique. Also the protective bubble can also set you up for a fall because you become reliant on the hospital, I certainly did. I was admitted when I was 17 onto an adult ward and it was very difficult adjusting to the environment which increased my anxiety initally. Also I am going to assume you are 21/22 because of the number in your name, there is a lot of research which shows young people become reliant on the hospitals quickly and run a higher risk of becoming institutionalized. I would advise staying at home around friends or family who can monitor you and at this moment in time I would advise medication to give you some relief and stability so that you can find your feet and start walking the road to recovery. I know you are scared, feeling overwhelmed and somewhat paralyzed by your fear but seek the help of a doctor. They will be able to take some of the weight off of your shoulders with the help they give you. Take care and keep us posted :)

I just turned 26
I've never been suicidal whatsoever
I'm just super scared that I will one day not be able to control my thoughts an just do crazy things due to my anxiety/panic
My dr made it clear someone with schizophrenia or psychosis would do that not someone with anxiety
But my anxiety likes to convince me I'm crazy losing my memory and going to die
I somehow can always convince myself
Anxiety will make me so crazy
I will need to be in a crazy hospital in a padded room blighting nurses I've seen that on movies
So I vision that being me :/

Why were you admitted?

05-23-2014, 12:12 AM
Mental disorder has nothing to do with anxiety or panic attacks. That is something separate. You can have anxiety often but not have mental illness. You can't go crazy from anxiety. You will just be utterly annoyed. If one has a mental illness, that is not the same as an anxiety disorder. Check out this guy's free video about anxiety. He was a huge help for me in overcoming anxiety: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

Thankyou for the help :)

I think I've talked to you on here before over a year ago
You've replied to my old posts
Do you struggle with panic/anxiety

Just by the name panic cured I'm really curious...
I had someone tell me today that once you have anxiety an panic it Will never go away
I had a panic attack after he said that it ruined my day
I would like to know someone once suffered an is now permanently cured

05-23-2014, 07:37 AM
I was in hospital for six months, I didn't admit myself I was admitted by mental health professionals and PC I have come across people who have experienced psychotic episodes due to high levels of stress/anxiety.

Not true! Mental illness is mental illness not caused by being anxious. If you were hospitalized for a mental disorder it is because you had a mental disorder, not because anxiety leads to being hospitalized for a mental disorder. That is not the same as someone in fear their anxiety will make them go crazy.

You guys, anxiety or panic is not mental illness. Mental illness or a mental breakdown, is a mental illness or mental breakdown. They can exist simultaneously but they do not come from anxiety. If you need to see a doctor then just go see one.

05-23-2014, 07:41 AM
Just by the name panic cured I'm really curious...
I had someone tell me today that once you have anxiety an panic it Will never go away
I had a panic attack after he said that it ruined my day
I would like to know someone once suffered an is now permanently cured

Stephanie, seriously, do not listen to people that tell you that nonsense. Most people on this site want you to just join in on their misery and don't have much to offer you. Of course you can cure anxiety. Your nervous system is set to a high state of alert causing adrenaline rushes. It is really simple. But you just have to know how to cure it, and not be led in the dark by other people in the dark. Go read my Techniques post above.

05-23-2014, 03:34 PM
Panic Cured, I'm not sure what type of Psychiatric unit or mental health service you work in.

But Ritch is correct. Episodes of psychosis can present in patients in severe cases of anxiety.

You are correct that it does not lead to psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia.

But anxiety is classed as a mental health disorder, it can lead (if untreated) to a nervous breakdown (hence "a disorder of the nervous system"). And there ARE many patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals due to anxiety disorders.

They are ordinarily severe cases, but it is the same condition, only in an extreme presentation.

Right I must work in a mental health unit to comment right? Nice try. Tell me how many psychiatrists and doctors have cured people's anxiety? Anxiety does not cause mental illness. You are saying this to people on here, who get panic attacks and fear they will soon go insane. You are making them feel worse telling them this wrong information. These are irrational fears and they need to know this. Not now fear they will go crazy one day and make their panic even worse. Anxiety in itself is not mental illness.

I don't care how anxiety is classified. It involves your mental state so technically it is a mental disorder, but you can say that about many things involving your mental and emotional state, but that is not what people are saying. They are worried that they could panic so hard, they become completely insane like schizophrenic. This will not happen! When they are in a panic state they worry they are losing their mind, this is an illusion not real mental disorder. You are making them feel these thoughts are real.

"many patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals due to anxiety disorders" BULLSHIT! Show me your statistics proving anxiety caused MANY PEOPLE to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital where this was necessary to do so. Anxiety causes people to go in ambulances, does that mean it's an emergency?
Anxiety does not lead to mental illness in itself.

People can get so anxious and neglect their health for so long, eventually leading to mental exhaustion or a nervous breakdown, but that is not the type of insanity people are fearing here. Sure, stop sleeping, barely eat, do nothing but worry all day, neglect your health, sure you could have a breakdown. That is not the same as a true mental disorder people are talking about. I hope you can see the difference.

05-23-2014, 06:34 PM
What about two of my friends commiting suicide not having enough support or energy to go on........... Anxiety if not controlled can lead to miserable effects .......... 14 like always is right:)

05-23-2014, 06:46 PM
For clarification


05-23-2014, 07:03 PM
Let me ask you this, are you here to help people or give them more anxiety?

So now you are blaming suicide on anxiety? Suicide is not caused by anxiety, that is a deep depression that must have went alongside their anxiety!

People with anxiety are reading what you wrote. Does that help them? No it doesn't. But oh yeah, I forgot, this site is not aimed at helping people, it is aimed at prolonging their misery and allowing a place where everyone can talk about how life sucks together.

People kill themselves from some serious issues, and those people could have anxiety but it is not caused by anxiety. Anxiety will not make you go crazy. You even said: "not having enough support or energy to go on" That is the reason you gave, not anxiety. And that person had some deep issues beyond anxiety.

You aren't understanding what I am saying. When people get all caught up in a panic attack it feels you are going crazy and their thoughts seem out of control. That is part of the panic, they will not suddenly snap and go crazy, that is what they are talking about. That is a bullshit crazy and you can't go crazy from that, insane, schizophrenic or end up in a mental hospital from that. That is just your mind playing tricks on you. Nobody has ever gone insane from that. Your tangent of some people ended up with mental exhaustion is not what I am talking about, and not what others are talking about when they fear going crazy. You are simply making them feel bad.

Anyway, before you type, why don't you think if what you are typing will help those who need help, if not, than what's the point?

05-23-2014, 07:49 PM

Everybody who has given input in this thread want's Stephanie to feel better and not be dragged into any type of misery at all. I have lived and breathed inside a psychiatric facility and have seen many people admitted to either an acute ward or recovery ward. I have met people who have been experiencing hearing voices as a result of been in an anxiety induced psychotic episode. You also seem to have a very poor understanding of mental illness, just because some has schizophrenia this does not make them insane...... yet you throw these derogatory terms around like you have knowledge of the subject . People with schizophrenia are ill and to add insult to injury you are prejudiced against them, putting them down and contributing to their misery. I have friends who have the condition and they are not insane at all, before I went in there I was ignorant and had preconceived ideas about people who have severe mental illness just like you, I'm no longer narrow minded and understand that these people like us did not ask to be this way. The top and bottom of it is they are ill and cannot help it, so who are you to judge them.

You're also trying to guide people onto websites which ends in "/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/" it looks like you're trying to sell something. From the bottom of my heart I hope Stephanie feels better I wouldn't wish her current state on anyone. I can say that because I have been in the same position felt complete despair and with help yet managed to drag myself out of the gutter into college/university. I’m far from cured but I’m better than I was. But I'm not going to sit here and say it's simple you just need to know how, because the human mind isn't simple and what worked for one may not work for another. There is no universal cure for anxiety and there is no absolute when it comes to the human mind.

You display a complete lack of empathy for people who are "experiencing misery". For you to say I don't care how it is classified it is not a mental disorder when world renowned health professionals classify it as a mental health disorder suggests you are somewhat delusional. The way you talk to people or comment on people here comes across like you are talking to people like you are better than them, you're not. You beat anxiety (if you ever had it) welldone, I'll make sure I get you a fucking medal.

Stephanie there is hope, you can get better. You just need to take baby steps towards recovery and as you get better you will burst into a stride. The anxiety may make you feel like you are losing your memory but you are not, a lot of time your mind will just be elsewhere and when you are not focusing on something it makes it more difficult to remember. It seems like you have just about hit bottom, it's time to get better.

I was admitted because I could no longer endure my anxiety as well as other things so I tried to take my own life. I'm not proud of that but I'm not ashamed either. So PC I was admitted, given anti-depressant medication which I refused to carry on taking and they didn't insist because they didn't feel that the attempt to take my life was driven by anything other than anxiety and fear. My diagnosis when I was admitted to hospital was severe panic and generalized anxiety disorder...... No depression, no bipolar, no schizophrenia or any subtype of the conditions. If you want to question that I will gladly provide you proof once I have requested access to my medical records, but if I do that you have to do something for me. My full diagnosis now is ADD inattentive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.

Stephanie If you have any more questions you can ask here or by private message, I will do my best to help you as will everyone else here.... well nearly everyone

I apologize to everyone for the tone of my response, some people just really get under my skin

05-23-2014, 07:56 PM
Panic Cured

I apologise, but I don't wish to debate the complex, individual and highly variable presentations and consequences of mental health conditions (including anxiety).

With someone intent on fitting square pegs into round holes, based on your own personal interpretation of and "cure" of a subject still very much in debate amongst experts in their field.

If you rely on doctors and "experts" only, you will not heal your anxiety as drugs can't cure you. They may be needed for some people, but they are not the cure. Until these "experts" realize that the nervous system needs to be healed by doing various things such as supplements and meditation, etc. and lifestyle changes are needed by the sufferer, and the sufferer needs to be motivated to change, they will be spinning their wheels.

But I still do not think you understand what I have been saying. In a panic attack people feel they are going crazy, THAT you can't go crazy from and THAT is not mental illness. That is Fight or Flight response. Not that there has never been anyone in a mental hospital who has anxiety. Someone with anxiety can get themselves to a point of mental breakdown, but anxiety is not the path to mental illness or what people consider insanity. So when someone asks, "Oh my god am I going crazy? I'm freaking out!" They are most likely just in that panic state that tricks them into thinking they are going crazy. Not like, "In about 15 minutes you will not even remember your name."

I do not have a personal interpretation of the word cured. I had severe anxiety, now I do not and I never will again. That is the definition of cured, not an interpretation. I detailed how I did it the Techniques I used To Cure My Anxiety in the sticky above so others may follow.

05-23-2014, 08:02 PM

Here PC is again, trying to sell something. Praying on peoples state of mind and saying it will all go with this product that he wants you to buy. you're full of shit and I'm sure I'm not the only person who has noticed.

Again I apologize stephanie, but I don't like people praying on the vulnerable.

"So let's try and put together a plan for you then, because managing is not good enough. The problem is this forum will be mainly people who feel just like you, and then all you are doing is sharing their misery. You need a proper plan from A-Z. What I did was everyday from the moment I woke up, I spent my time focused on curing myself, doing everything possible until I reached the end. I never once thought I couldn't get better. I think that attitude is what drove me and it can drive you too. But you are going to have people tell you it can't be done, but don't believe them. I just found this video, it was a product I used, and got an email form the company and it says lots of great stuff I am totally on board with. Watch this video and then let's talk some more:


05-23-2014, 08:10 PM

Everybody who has given input in this thread want's Stephanie to feel better and not be dragged into any type of misery at all. I have lived and breathed inside a psychiatric facility and have seen many people admitted to either an acute ward or recovery ward. I have met people who have been experiencing hearing voices as a result of been in an anxiety induced psychotic episode. You also seem to have a very poor understanding of mental illness, just because some has schizophrenia this does not make them insane...... yet you throw these derogatory terms around like you have knowledge of the subject . People with schizophrenia are ill and to add insult to injury you are prejudiced against them, putting them down and contributing to their misery. I have friends who have the condition and they are not insane at all, before I went in there I was ignorant and had preconceived ideas about people who have severe mental illness just like you, I'm no longer narrow minded and understand that these people like us did not ask to be this way. The top and bottom of it is they are ill and cannot help it, so who are you to judge them.

You're also trying to guide people onto websites which ends in "/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/" it looks like you're trying to sell something. From the bottom of my heart I hope Stephanie feels better I wouldn't wish her current state on anyone. I can say that because I have been in the same position felt complete despair and with help yet managed to drag myself out of the gutter into college/university. I’m far from cured but I’m better than I was. But I'm not going to sit here and say it's simple you just need to know how, because the human mind isn't simple and what worked for one may not work for another. There is no universal cure for anxiety and there is no absolute when it comes to the human mind.

You display a complete lack of empathy for people who are "experiencing misery". For you to say I don't care how it is classified it is not a mental disorder when world renowned health professionals classify it as a mental health disorder suggests you are somewhat delusional. The way you talk to people or comment on people here comes across like you are talking to people like you are better than them, you're not. You beat anxiety (if you ever had it) welldone, I'll make sure I get you a fucking medal.

Stephanie there is hope, you can get better. You just need to take baby steps towards recovery and as you get better you will burst into a stride. The anxiety may make you feel like you are losing your memory but you are not, a lot of time your mind will just be elsewhere and when you are not focusing on something it makes it more difficult to remember. It seems like you have just about hit bottom, it's time to get better.

I was admitted because I could no longer endure my anxiety as well as other things so I tried to take my own life. I'm not proud of that but I'm not ashamed either. So PC I was admitted, given anti-depressant medication which I refused to carry on taking and they didn't insist because they didn't feel that the attempt to take my life was driven by anything other than anxiety and fear. My diagnosis when I was admitted to hospital was severe panic and generalized anxiety disorder...... No depression, no bipolar, no schizophrenia or any subtype of the conditions. If you want to question that I will gladly provide you proof once I have requested access to my medical records, but if I do that you have to do something for me. My full diagnosis now is ADD inattentive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.

Stephanie If you have any more questions you can ask here or by private message, I will do my best to help you as will everyone else here.... well nearly everyone

I apologize to everyone for the tone of my response, some people just really get under my skin

You completely missed the point. Typical responses from people here to criticize me when I am trying to help someone. I have seen it before and is why I rarely am on here. I was using words like "insanity" because that is what propel fear. I am not an idiot. People with anxiety repeatedly say things such as "Oh my god! Am I going insane? Am I going crazy?" That was what I was referring to. That is why I used those words. To say I am derogatory or prejudiced of them is again, misinterpreting what I said entirely. Again, you missed the point.

I don't want a stupid medal. I want people in the dark to not be guided by others in the dark.

"There is no universal cure for anxiety"- Yeah there is for the most part with slight modifications. It's very basic what causes anxiety. You just rely too much on the "world renowned health professionals" instead of the many who had anxiety, cured themsleves and try to help others. You want to keep waiting for the MDs to have the miracle pill, you will be waiting a long time. You can have your anxiety much much better in a matter of months but you have to actually heal yourself, not just learn to cope.

You trying to take your own life is very sad, and I am very sorry to hear that, and that makes sense you were admitted, which sounds like the right choice for you, but that is not the same as Panic Attacks can make one go insane which is a common worry of people here. Can you not distinguish between the two? You were so depressed from so much anxiety, and so miserable you finally couldn't handle it anymore and ended up in a hospital so you don't hurt yourself. I get that. That was not what I was talking about though. I was talking about the fear that anxiety can make you go mad, which it can't. Which is what people think in a state of panic. "Oh my god I am going crazy!" That is part of the fight or flight response and not really going mad. Do you get it now?

05-23-2014, 08:23 PM

Here PC is again, trying to sell something. Praying on peoples state of mind and saying it will all go with this product that he wants you to buy. you're full of shit and I'm sure I'm not the only person who has noticed.

Again I apologize stephanie, but I don't like people praying on the vulnerable.

"So let's try and put together a plan for you then, because managing is not good enough. The problem is this forum will be mainly people who feel just like you, and then all you are doing is sharing their misery. You need a proper plan from A-Z. What I did was everyday from the moment I woke up, I spent my time focused on curing myself, doing everything possible until I reached the end. I never once thought I couldn't get better. I think that attitude is what drove me and it can drive you too. But you are going to have people tell you it can't be done, but don't believe them. I just found this video, it was a product I used, and got an email form the company and it says lots of great stuff I am totally on board with. Watch this video and then let's talk some more:


Ritch, you are cluelss! I am constantly giving links of videos and programs here that I have done, not that I sell them. This is the latest goto link I have been doing. You just don't know because I haven't been on here in a year. How dare you accuse me of shilling or praying on people. I am trying to help people but typical, it takes someone like you to kill it. I don't make money or sell any program or have any program other than what I typed above. I have given free PDFs here dozens of times I provide video links for David Johnson's Freedom From Fear Anxiety Program I did. I have given this link tons of times:

I have given links to Charles Linden as I also did his program. I used to give lots of Claire Weekes links until I found out they were copyrighted.

I have uploaded books and videos for people to download.

I have given links to iherb.com of supplements I took. Never making any money from it!

I have told people for 2 years to do Patrick McKeown's Anxiety Free book and Mp3 and given his video links: http://www.buteykodvd.com/freedownloads.php He doesn't even know how many people I got to buy his book and I never got paid. I have also given his Amazon link where to buy his book.

I am always giving links because I formed my healing based on a summary of these people. The latest video link was a new one that I received in a group email since I was on the Eastern Essentials email list since I used their Calm and Relaxed remedy. That is my latest goto link. One out of many many I have given. I do not make money from any of this.

So good job Ritch! You have shown me why I never want to post on this crap site again. I'm gone for good. I am not going to take this crap anymore! Too bad you don't just listen to my good advice, you could be better. But I guess you'd rather prove me wrong! I still take pride in the few hundred people I have helped here, and that is something you can't take away.

05-23-2014, 08:28 PM
You completely missed the point. Typical responses from people here to criticize me when I am trying to help someone. I have seen it before and is why I rarely am on here. I was using words like "insanity" because that is what propel fear. I am not an idiot. People with anxiety repeatedly say things such as "Oh my god! Am I going insane? Am I going crazy?" That was what I was referring to. That is why I used those words. To say I am derogatory or prejudiced of them is again, misinterpreting what I said entirely. Again, you missed the point.

I don't want a stupid medal. I want people in the dark to not be guided by others in the dark.

"There is no universal cure for anxiety"- Yeah there is for the most part with slight modifications. It's very basic what causes anxiety. You just rely too much on the "world renowned health professionals" instead of the many who had anxiety, cured themsleves and try to help others. You want to keep waiting for the MDs to have the miracle pill, you will be waiting a long time. You can have your anxiety much much better in a matter of months but you have to actually heal yourself, not just learn to cope.

You trying to take your own life is very sad, and I am very sorry to hear that, and that makes sense you were admitted, which sounds like the right choice for you, but that is not the same as Panic Attacks can make one go insane which is a common worry of people here. Can you not distinguish between the two? You were so depressed from so much anxiety, and so miserable you finally couldn't handle it anymore and ended up in a hospital so you don't hurt yourself. I get that. That was not what I was talking about though. I was talking about the fear that anxiety can make you go mad, which it can't. Which is what people think in a state of panic. "Oh my god I am going crazy!" That is part of the fight or flight response and not really going mad. Do you get it now?

You must of missed the part where I stated I don't and did not suffer from depression. I know I didn't suffer from depression and so did about 3-4 psychiatrists that worked on the wards at the psychiatric unit.... can you not understand that. Anxiety can drive a lot of things, the simple fight or flight reaction from hans seyle's general adaptation syndrome that you keep quoting is very dated and has many limitations. I wrote a paper on it, it is a very basic model. You're also claiming to know things that world renowned doctors don't, there is a cure.... just visit this website.... it was a product I use.....

I'm also not waiting for any magic pill, because their isn't one. I practice mindfulness and use other methods to cope as best I can, that doesn't make me better than anyone who takes medication or make me feel like I can look down on them like they are inferior to me...... Sound like anyone you know?

05-23-2014, 08:32 PM
You must of missed the part where I stated I don't and did not suffer from depression. I know I didn't suffer from depression and so did about 3-4 psychiatrists that worked on the wards at the psychiatric unit.... can you not understand that. Anxiety can drive a lot of things, the simple fight or flight reaction from hans seyle's general adaptation syndrome that you keep quoting is very dated and has many limitations. I wrote a paper on it, it is a very basic model. You're also claiming to know things that world renowned doctors don't, there is a cure.... just visit this website.... it was a product I use.....

I'm also not waiting for any magic pill, because their isn't one. I practice mindfulness and use other methods to cope as best I can, that doesn't make me better than anyone who takes medication or make me feel like I can look down on them like they are inferior to me...... Sound like anyone you know?

Nope you misunderstood again. Sorry, I explained it in baby talk by now. Let's just stop debating. I am not going to re-explain myself to someone who only wants to show me I'm an idiot. You don't get what I'm saying. Let's leave it at that.

05-23-2014, 08:39 PM
Ritch, you are cluelss! I am constantly giving links of videos and programs here that I have done, not that I sell them. This is the latest goto link I have been doing. You just don't know because I haven't been on here in a year. How dare you accuse me of shilling or praying on people. I am trying to help people but typical, it takes someone like you to kill it. I don't make money or sell any program or have any program other than what I typed above. I have given free PDFs here dozens of times I provide video links for David Johnson's Freedom From Fear Anxiety Program I did. I have given this link tons of times:

I have given links to Charles Linden as I also did his program. I used to give lots of Claire Weekes links until I found out they were copyrighted.

I have uploaded books and videos for people to download.

I have given links to iherb.com of supplements I took. Never making any money from it!

I have told people for 2 years to do Patrick McKeown's Anxiety Free book and Mp3 and given his video links: http://www.buteykodvd.com/freedownloads.php He doesn't even know how many people I got to buy his book and I never got paid. I have also given his Amazon link where to buy his book.

I am always giving links because I formed my healing based on a summary of these people. The latest video link was a new one that I received in a group email since I was on the Eastern Essentials email list since I used their Calm and Relaxed remedy. That is my latest goto link. One out of many many I have given. I do not make money from any of this.

So good job Ritch! You have shown me why I never want to post on this crap site again. I'm gone for good. I am not going to take this crap anymore! Too bad you don't just listen to my good advice, you could be better. But I guess you'd rather prove me wrong! I still take pride in the few hundred people I have helped here, and that is something you can't take away.

Nobody is trying to take anything away, I just despise the way you look down on people and claim that anxiety is so simple to cure. Maybe it is for some, for a whole lot of people it isn't. You are also preaching that because it worked for you it will cure everyone else, that is what you cannot see. you say to fourteen that you don't have a definition of the word cure.

But say to me "There is no universal cure for anxiety"- Yeah there is for the most part with slight modifications.

So which one is it?

You claim to know more about curing anxiety than MD's. You claim anxiety is not a mental disorder, even though it is classified as one.

If you have only good intentions I apologize, If you want to help people I admire that..... try doing it without looking down your nose at them whilst you do it. Instead of saying to riley

"Yeah I was tired of feeling bad, and I did something about it and I no longer have any anxiety. What are you going to do about it besides complaining and asking others to complain with you?"

^^^ can you see what I'm saying, in my experience kicking someone whilst they are down usually only adds to the problem. You want people to take positive steps yet approach them with negativity.

05-23-2014, 08:44 PM
Nope you misunderstood again. Sorry, I explained it in baby talk by now. Let's just stop debating. I am not going to re-explain myself to someone who only wants to show me I'm an idiot. You don't get what I'm saying. Let's leave it at that.

I don't want to show anyone is or isn't an idiot, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

I don't appreciate people throwing derogatory terms at people with mental illness and I don't enjoy seeing you speaking to someone like they are beneath you.

05-23-2014, 08:50 PM
Nobody is trying to take anything away, I just despise the way you look down on people and claim that anxiety is so simple to cure. Maybe it is for some, for a whole lot of people it isn't. You are also preaching that because it worked for you it will cure everyone else, that is what you cannot see. you say to fourteen that you don't have a definition of the word cure.

But say to me "There is no universal cure for anxiety"- Yeah there is for the most part with slight modifications.

So which one is it?

You claim to know more about curing anxiety than MD's. You claim anxiety is not a mental disorder, even though it is classified as one.

If you have only good intentions I apologize, If you want to help people I admire that..... try doing it without looking down your nose at them whilst you do it. Instead of saying to riley

"Yeah I was tired of feeling bad, and I did something about it and I no longer have any anxiety. What are you going to do about it besides complaining and asking others to complain with you?"

^^^ can you see what I'm saying, in my experience kicking someone whilst they are down usually only adds to the problem. You want people to take positive steps yet approach them with negativity.

You know what you do? You tell me and others what I think, what I say, and what my motivations are, and they are all wrong. You have taken what I have said and changed it to mean something different. I explain myself over and over, and you then twist those words. Even saying I am here to sell stuff. Everyone that knows me here knows that is completely not true.

I do not look down on anyone! I do not like people who need help, to be guided in the wrong direction. I care about them. You made up this entire scenario that I look down on schizophrenics or mentally ill which is so far from what I said. If you want to knwo wwhat I said, re read what I wrote. I do not need to waste my time explaining it again to you.

Yes you should apologize. I am trying to help people and not looking down on anyone. But people rely on some miracle to cure them, they need to get in the driver's seat. I do get bothered when people get lazy and refuse to do anything about their situation. I am fully supportive of those who make any effort at all. This site is filled with people who only want to have a pity party with very little actual guidance. I do know more about healing anxiety than most doctors. YES I DO! Doctors are completely lost when it comes to actually curing anxiety. They know how to get people doped up on addictive Benzos, but is that a cure to you? I was addicted to Benzos myself. Some people need those meds, but that is not a true cure. Meds or no meds, it is methods similar to what I did one will need to do regardless. Yes, I know more about healing anxiety than most doctors!

I already explained what I was referring to about mental disorders. When people say they are scared of going crazy from anxiety, they mean they will snap in a panic attack, end up like a homeless guy talking to sidewalk cracks, which can't happen.

Now you should check out all of those links I gave you above as they can say it all much better than I can.

05-23-2014, 09:21 PM
"This site is filled with people who only want to have a pity party with very little actual guidance. I do know more about healing anxiety than most doctors. YES I DO! Doctors are completely lost when it comes to actually curing anxiety"

That there is looking down on people. to me at least it is implying that people are only looking for sympathy and also want to drag people into their misery...... Which you have previously stated.

Not all doctors believe that medication such as benzo's are useful, not all doctors throw medication at people like the media says they do. if I practice mindfulness or other techniques and do not feel anxious this does not mean my anxiety is cured, because when I stop practicing mindfulness it returns. It means that I am doing something which is preventing it from manifesting itself. Cured to me means absence of something, without having to do anything to treat or remove it.

"I already explained what I was referring to about mental disorders. When people say they are scared of going crazy from anxiety, they mean they will snap in a panic attack, end up like a homeless guy talking to sidewalk cracks, which can't happen".

People can experience such severe anxiety that they have a psychotic episode and can do something similar to what you suggest above. If I'm not mistaking him for someone else Fourteen is in the process of becoming a psychologist and I have witnessed similar things to which you describe. Medical literature also states this can happen, but you say it can't. you are also saying that a panic attack cannot make you go "crazy"..... what it can do is play a role in inducing a psychotic episode and also make you faint.

I'm going to spitball here. You want to help people, to help them take positive steps to adapt and overcome their anxiety instead of sitting their enduring it and surviving. You want people to be in the driving seat..... to be in control of their anxiety instead of the anxiety controlling them. You think that being surrounded by negativity (this forum in your own words) make's negativity breed like a disease and makes it even harder for people to break free from their struggles.

You feel that you have cured your anxiety and that everyone else will also be cured if they delve into the various techniques that you have stumbled across. is this what you are trying to say?

05-23-2014, 09:59 PM
PanicCured, I did go to one of your links (eastern essentials) but it looks like they sell calming herbs, magnesium, Vitamin D3 and chammomile tea. They also sell MP3's on meditation, ebooks on hyperventilation, ebooks on anxiety, etc. The cost for one month was $95.00. I saw this disclaimer:
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should consult a healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. - See more at: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/#sthash.Jfd6d68t.dpuf

05-23-2014, 10:04 PM
^^^^ That looks like selling products or at least endorsing them to me, I get my niacin (vitamin D3) for a lot cheaper than that. Before I go below is a direct quote from post 31.

"I do not look down on anyone! I do not like people who need help, to be guided in the wrong direction. I care about them. You made up this entire scenario that I look down on schizophrenics or mentally ill which is so far from what I said. If you want to knwo wwhat I said, re read what I wrote. I do not need to waste my time explaining it again to you."


In the above link from post 17 you state that "They are worried that they could panic so hard, they become completely insane like schizophrenic" Is this not saying someone with schizophrenia is insane, is it not judging people and looking down on them?

I guess I didn't make up this entire scenario, because it is what you wrote.

05-23-2014, 10:40 PM
All supplements by FDA regulation need to have that disclaimer or it can't be sold in the US. Every supplement!

Ritch you are acting like a stalker psycho! STOP IT! Going around the forum posting links from years ago to try and show everyone what a horrible piece of crap I am. You are acting like a maniac! All this energy you are spending trying to discredit me, you should spend on healing yourself. This is utterly ridiculous. What are you trying to prove?

I always post links of sites of products, programs or free videos that I used or I think can help people. I don't make money from it, just think they are good. I spent money on them myself. I didn't know products should be free.

"PanicCured, I did go to one of your links (eastern essentials) but it looks like they sell calming herbs, magnesium, Vitamin D3 and chammomile tea. They also sell MP3's on meditation, ebooks on hyperventilation, ebooks on anxiety, etc. The cost for one month was $95.00. "

Anne all supplements by law in the US have to have that disclaimer. It doesn't mean anything, It is FDA regulation. So a program that comes with all of those supplements should be free you are saying? I guess he is evil for charging money. Sounds cheap to me for all of that. I used to have to buy all that stuff separately.

BUT I POSTED THE LINK FOR THE VIDEO ANYWAY! The point was the video. One can chose not to watch it. You guys are absolutely nuts! forget it! leave me alone. I will never post here again. You are so damn stupid! I know how to help people get from anxiety to no anxiety but you rather fight me you morons!

05-23-2014, 10:42 PM
I've never posted on here because it helps me just reading what others have written, but I have to comment on this..

I've suffered from debilitating anxiety for as long as I can remember (I'm 40yo), seen countless doctors, taken every psych med under the sun.. And I totally understand and agree with what PanicCured is saying here.

I sure as hell haven't cured my anxiety, but that's partly because I've never really read anything that confirms what I found out about anxiety last year.

So thanks PC for what I've read today :-) I hope you haven't disappeared from here!

05-23-2014, 10:47 PM
^^^^ That looks like selling products or at least endorsing them to me, I get my niacin (vitamin D3) for a lot cheaper than that. Before I go below is a direct quote from post 31.

"I do not look down on anyone! I do not like people who need help, to be guided in the wrong direction. I care about them. You made up this entire scenario that I look down on schizophrenics or mentally ill which is so far from what I said. If you want to knwo wwhat I said, re read what I wrote. I do not need to waste my time explaining it again to you."


In the above link from post 17 you state that "They are worried that they could panic so hard, they become completely insane like schizophrenic" Is this not saying someone with schizophrenia is insane, is it not judging people and looking down on them?

I guess I didn't make up this entire scenario, because it is what you wrote.

You idiot! What I was saying was that people during a panic attack have 50000 irrational fears, one is they will "go insane". I see people post that here a million times. I was trying to make a distinction between the irrational fear of "going insane"that never happens, and what you were talking about, so people here reading this, do not have more fears of going insane. I did not want them having more irrational anxiety because of what you guys were writing. You are not helping shit! Go harass someone else! Yeah I do know more about healing anxiety than most doctors. I don;t give a crap if you believe me as I do not care what you think. I did the doctor route and I saw what they have to offer. "Cure" is when you no longer need anything anymore. Leave me alone and go get a life! I have a life to live. Last time I try to help anyone here. Go tell people here their anxiety will lead to psychotic breakdowns. That is real good for them. You are not helping shit! I live 100% anxiety free, and everyone who makes a plan similar to mine gets there too. Deny it all you want. I am out of here! Go pick someone else to bully and harass. I've had enough!

05-23-2014, 10:51 PM
I've never posted on here because it helps me just reading what others have written, but I have to comment on this..

I've suffered from debilitating anxiety for as long as I can remember (I'm 40yo), seen countless doctors, taken every psych med under the sun.. And I totally understand and agree with what PanicCured is saying here.

I sure as hell haven't cured my anxiety, but that's partly because I've never really read anything that confirms what I found out about anxiety last year.

So thanks PC for what I've read today :-) I hope you haven't disappeared from here!

I won't post here again because this is the abuse you get when you try and help others but you can PM me. They do not want help here. They are all saying, "We have anxiety and we know everything there is to know about it, even though I still have it, and if you try to help me than fuck you!" You and anyone can PM me anytime and I will do everything I can to help you out! Don;t listen to these people that try and bring you down. I try and bring you up.

05-23-2014, 11:03 PM
I tried messaging you but I need to have made 10 posts :-( Are you able to message me?

05-23-2014, 11:14 PM
While I'm here I will also add that I think my brother's life could've been saved by this information. He suffered from anxiety as well and I tried telling him late last year about what I'd found out about it. He died in February from a heroin overdose. He was on anti-depressants and had an outwardly normal life, but in hindsight we realised he wasn't coping as well as everyone thought. I think if he had've listened to what I had to say he might still be alive. :(

05-23-2014, 11:15 PM
All supplements by FDA regulation need to have that disclaimer or it can't be sold in the US. Every supplement!

Ritch you are acting like a stalker psycho! STOP IT! Going around the forum posting links from years ago to try and show everyone what a horrible piece of crap I am. You are acting like a maniac! All this energy you are spending trying to discredit me, you should spend on healing yourself. This is utterly ridiculous. What are you trying to prove?

I always post links of sites of products, programs or free videos that I used or I think can help people. I don't make money from it, just think they are good. I spent money on them myself. I didn't know products should be free.

"PanicCured, I did go to one of your links (eastern essentials) but it looks like they sell calming herbs, magnesium, Vitamin D3 and chammomile tea. They also sell MP3's on meditation, ebooks on hyperventilation, ebooks on anxiety, etc. The cost for one month was $95.00. "

Anne all supplements by law in the US have to have that disclaimer. It doesn't mean anything, It is FDA regulation. So a program that comes with all of those supplements should be free you are saying? I guess he is evil for charging money. Sounds cheap to me for all of that. I used to have to buy all that stuff separately.

BUT I POSTED THE LINK FOR THE VIDEO ANYWAY! The point was the video. One can chose not to watch it. You guys are absolutely nuts! forget it! leave me alone. I will never post here again. You are so damn stupid! I know how to help people get from anxiety to no anxiety but you rather fight me you morons!

as for the product you are endorsing it is $95 dollars for digital content and supplements, so say I order for a second month why am I paying $95 dollars again for supplements/digital content when I already have all the digital content?

Posting links from years ago? I was showing you what you posted earlier today and denied saying..... I posted a picture in case you changed your post, which wouldn't surprise me. You are using derogatory terms to describe people who have mental illnesses as if they are beneath you. You have preconceived idea's about subjects you seem to not understand, give people with mental illness labels like everybody else who fuels stigma against people who are ill or different. What next you judge people who are born with disabilities?

You are also endorsing products to people who by their own admission are struggling and preaching about a cure the rest of the world seems to know nothing about. You describe people here as wanting to drag others into their misery and that this site is filled with people who only want to have a pity party. Yet you don't look down on people? who are you kidding?

I'm a stalker for reposting what you posted and making sure you didn't change it? What am i trying to prove? nothing you are doing that all by yourself.

05-23-2014, 11:37 PM
You idiot! What I was saying was that people during a panic attack have 50000 irrational fears, one is they will "go insane". I see people post that here a million times. I was trying to make a distinction between the irrational fear of "going insane"that never happens, and what you were talking about, so people here reading this, do not have more fears of going insane. I did not want them having more irrational anxiety because of what you guys were writing. You are not helping shit! Go harass someone else! Yeah I do know more about healing anxiety than most doctors. I don;t give a crap if you believe me as I do not care what you think. I did the doctor route and I saw what they have to offer. "Cure" is when you no longer need anything anymore. Leave me alone and go get a life! I have a life to live. Last time I try to help anyone here. Go tell people here their anxiety will lead to psychotic breakdowns. That is real good for them. You are not helping shit! I live 100% anxiety free, and everyone who makes a plan similar to mine gets there too. Deny it all you want. I am out of here! Go pick someone else to bully and harass. I've had enough!

"They are worried that they could panic so hard, they become completely insane like schizophrenic"

you wrote that, you put your own head in the fire not me.

"I was trying to make a distinction between the irrational fear of "going insane"that never happens, and what you were talking about, so people here reading this, do not have more fears of going insane"

oh so the best you could come up with was a derogatory term for someone with schizophrenia to make a distinction? and I'm the idiot? What next you use someone with autism or tourettes to make a point? then claim you wasn't looking down on them.

I'm not saying to anyone that their anxiety will lead them to a psychotic episode and neither was fourteen. What I was doing was being honest and saying that I have seen it occur. I'm certainly not going to lie to anybody. A nurse once told me you can't faint from a panic attack, but I did! That lie placed me in a sense of false security, then boom down I went. You think I was ever able to trust her again, that I felt confident in what she was telling me? I became anxious that everyone was lying to me to make me feel better and this increased my anxiety tenfold.

I enjoy helping somebody as much as anyone, but I will not lie to them.

You want to help people here but say they drag everyone into misery etc, and they want a pity party? and because I say something to you about it I'm a bully?

"They do not want help here"

So because someone is saying something back to you (me) you generalise and say nobody here wants help?

if you stopped talking to people like they are beneath you.... you wont here a peep from me at all. There is no problem without provocation.

Nobody is forcing you to leave but you seem intent on leaving, so let me be the first to say don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!

05-24-2014, 05:08 AM
While I'm here I will also add that I think my brother's life could've been saved by this information. He suffered from anxiety as well and I tried telling him late last year about what I'd found out about it. He died in February from a heroin overdose. He was on anti-depressants and had an outwardly normal life, but in hindsight we realised he wasn't coping as well as everyone thought. I think if he had've listened to what I had to say he might still be alive. :(

If PM me won't work, let me know your email address and I will get in touch wit you, I am here for you.

05-24-2014, 08:57 AM
Panic cured you are the most annoying person and rude as a hell. I love Ritch , he never posts bullshit. If your only argument in discussion is to insult others you are not person to talk to, but to report. Long ago I heard (read )about you a lotk, nothing change I see.
You are scaring the original poster , you close her up.
The asshole describe you perfectly, What a waste of oxygen.............

05-24-2014, 01:17 PM
Okay so after reading what everyone had repost
I literally almost had a panic attack!

So this is what happens to me when I am about to freak out and I start posting on here

I was having a bad day the day I posted this thread
A lot of adrenaline racing thoughts about 100000 a minute....
Telling myself in my head
Stephanie you're going to die this way
You will be miserable forever
I started to panic like crazy after

My thoughts turned into
What if I will start talking to myself
to the flowers to the walls
Take off from your home naked an go running like a crazy person
Hurt yourself or hurt someone else
Go crazy in a hospital rip off my IV bite nurses
And I'm crying so hard asking my fiancé is this going to happen! WHAT IF it does Take me to a hospital I'm scared I don't want this to happen IT EVENTUALLY WILL!
an he says to me it's not going to happen if I show any early signs that aren't my normal self he will make sure I get a lot of help
He says you're just panicking it will go away
So I'm lying on the floor crying scared of everything all the what ifs my physical symptoms anxiety gives everything!
after me crying hysterically.... I'm finally calm so I post my thread

I really felt like I should check in a hospital
I felt like okay I'm calm if I go into a hospital I will be better with them calm
I can't go in a panic because if I do I will start biting people an punching people
So I asked everyone's advice on here

The posts I've read some helped me and some made me feel worse
Reading some posts I felt okay they're right I need to talk to someone I'm totally fine I felt better

But as I kept reading I literally told myself
SHIT! I will end up in one soon
I'm not upset with anyone on here either
I'm sad that all the back an forth was going on because I just wanted someone to tell me
I thought like you for years and I was fine!
But at the same time I don't want any sugar coating I'm not here for people to tell me what I want To hear
Even though it does make me feel better

I've seen many professionals
And sometimes the professionals will say the other professionals are wrong
Medication will be my only cure
I've also gotten anxiety an panic will never be cured
I don't trust professionals anymore

It's just really scary to feel this way out of nowhere
I want this to go away
I want to live a long happy life with my family

05-24-2014, 02:21 PM
Panic cured you are the most annoying person and rude as a hell. I love Ritch , he never posts bullshit. If your only argument in discussion is to insult others you are not person to talk to, but to report. Long ago I heard (read )about you a lotk, nothing change I see.
You are scaring the original poster , you close her up.
The asshole describe you perfectly, What a waste of oxygen.............

Ritch is an idiot and he misunderstood everything I said. He is like a psycho stalker that has nothing better to do than to fight every single sentence I make. I know what I am talking about. The original poster PM'd me how much I have already helped her you moron!

05-24-2014, 02:27 PM
PC: I can't post links til I've made 25 posts! Try gypsylee73 at gmail dot com ;)

05-24-2014, 02:36 PM
And you idiots that fight me: You know what I used to do when I had anxiety? I would research the people who cured their anxiety how they did it. I spent every waking moment trying to figure out how I could become anxiety free. I didn't say oh this is how I will always be and I will spend my life on forums asking, "Am I ok? Am I going to die?" all day. And I sure as hell didn't have people telling me anxiety leads to mental hospital. And if a person like me came on here with the advice one needs, I would listen to him, and follow what he had to say, not pick apart every sentence and debate semantics. I post a link to a free video and then someone here argues the guy sells 4 supplements and a whole bunch of digital bonuses for money, as if he should just be giving them away. And then you show a disclaimer as if that discredits him, when all supplements are required to have that same disclaimer. Once a guy cam eon here long ago going on and on about Magnesium and Amino Acids, so what did I do? Fight him? No I went and bought Magnesium.

This is how it works. There are 2 types of people: Idiots: they listen to doctors that tell them anxiety can only be managed and they have given up and refuse to even accept the idea that anxiety is a passing phase you can be free from. If the doctor says it, than it is the ultimate truth.
Smart people: They know they have anxiety now, but later they won't. They just have to do the steps to get to their goal, which is anxiety free and follow others that did these steps, and reject those that tell them it can't be done.

05-24-2014, 02:41 PM
Stephanie: I know where you're at! My fear was going insane for so long. But even after some of the worst situations eg. withdrawal off morphine and no sleep for a week, I never went crazy. It's good you messaged PC because I'm with him on what he's saying.. I wish I'd known it 20 years ago! You'll be okay :)

05-24-2014, 02:50 PM
Stephanie: I know where you're at! My fear was going insane for so long. But even after some of the worst situations eg. withdrawal off morphine and no sleep for a week, I never went crazy. It's good you messaged PC because I'm with him on what he's saying.. I wish I'd known it 20 years ago! You'll be okay :)

This guy Ritch is saying he was so fed up with his anxiety, got depressed from it, that he became suicidal, so he was hospitalized and he then states anxiety leads to a mental hospital. He completely missed the point. The 14 person also missed the point.

"30% of psychiatric hospital admissions are due to anxiety/depression."
Again- missed the point and notice how she puts depression and anxiety together in her bullshit statistics not backed up by anything. That is not even what you are talking about. Depression where people may hurt themselves, can end up in a mental hospital. Not someone had such severe panic they snapped. They don't get it what you guys are saying!


Ritch goes on a tirade how I look down on those that are mentally ill. That fear of going mad, is only a fear. You will never go insane from those panic episodes. It's only a bluff. Read this and do this next time you have a panic attack and report back how it went: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

You will find people here have taken anxiety as their identity, and will do everything they can to not lose that. They will fight people that claim they have cured their anxiety, because they have not cured themselves and their doctors tell them they can't be cured, so they do not want to go against the reality they know to be true. But they are wrong. Doctors can't cure your anxiety, only you can.

05-24-2014, 03:04 PM
Without legitimate qualification through peer review, you have no more validity on the forum than someone claiming that burning incense lowers blood pressure.

What a joke! People, you have a choice, wait until your MDs have peer reviewed studies with the miracle pill to curing your anxiety, or begin right now doing the steps to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Read my Techniques How I Cured My Anxiety post above in the sticky, and make your own plan in a similar style to what I did. I had severe anxiety, I now have none of it. What I type is completely valid. Watch how people here will try and discredit me because they have built their reality on their anxiety and do not want the house of cards to come crashing down on them. But the house of cards you built is what you want to come crashing down on you.

Check out these 3 links:




05-24-2014, 03:28 PM
Like I said, I've seen sooo many professionals about this and most of them just made my anxiety worse. I loathe the medical profession, and not just when it comes to "mental illness". Their whole approach to illness is just wrong in my opinion.. They've scared the crap out of me so many times, to the point where I avoid doctors like the plague. I'm sure there are some good ones but the majority I've found quite useless.

So my advice to stephanie is to talk to someone like PC and stay well away from the mental hospital!

05-24-2014, 04:24 PM

Mental disorder has nothing to do with anxiety or panic attacks.

Anxiety is very much a mental illness/disorder.

05-24-2014, 04:36 PM
So by that reasoning, any member of the public can come to the forum and state something like "hey guys, I can cure cancer", simply mix 3 tobacco leaves with water and drink 3 times a day. Don't wait for this to be tested by expert biomedical scientist, do it TODAY and cure yourself now.

Before you dismiss (as you do) the flippant nature of this post, there is (real) research into tobacco plants and the destruction of cancer cells (currently in trials).

But there is a reason why peer review exists.

My point was, if you are so convinced of your research, it is surely worth putting it under scrutiny.

Unfortunately you will not get far in any study by calling your potential audience c*nts, morons and stupid when they question the claims you make.

As for the admissions reports for psychiatric hospitals, there are numerous (reviewed) articles in medical/psychiatric journals and reports. You simply need to hit google.

I said what I needed to say, and I know there are lots of people who read what I wrote and it has already helped them. That is enough for me. Anyone with half of a functioning brain understands what I am saying.

You are comparing overcoming anxiety to curing cancer! I never said anything even remotely similar! Cancer and anxiety are not even similar! When did I ever say hey light incense and drink a magic potion and wish upon a star will cure your anxiety? NEVER! Then you go on a tirade about tobacco. Either you are incredibly stupid, or simply never really read what I write. We can't do any of the logical advice I give because it is not peer reviewed. Completely idiotic!

This is an absurd argument here. You still, after all of this explanation I have given, are still completely missing the point of the original post!

There are enough smart people reading this that understand what I'm saying.

05-24-2014, 04:38 PM

Mental disorder has nothing to do with anxiety or panic attacks.

Anxiety is very much a mental illness/disorder.

That is not the type of mental illness the original poster was talking about.

05-24-2014, 05:20 PM
This guy Ritch is saying he was so fed up with his anxiety, got depressed from it, that he became suicidal, so he was hospitalized and he then states anxiety leads to a mental hospital. He completely missed the point. The 14 person also missed the point.

"30% of psychiatric hospital admissions are due to anxiety/depression."
Again- missed the point and notice how she puts depression and anxiety together in her bullshit statistics not backed up by anything. That is not even what you are talking about. Depression where people may hurt themselves, can end up in a mental hospital. Not someone had such severe panic they snapped. They don't get it what you guys are saying!


Ritch goes on a tirade how I look down on those that are mentally ill. That fear of going mad, is only a fear. You will never go insane from those panic episodes. It's only a bluff. Read this and do this next time you have a panic attack and report back how it went: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

You will find people here have taken anxiety as their identity, and will do everything they can to not lose that. They will fight people that claim they have cured their anxiety, because they have not cured themselves and their doctors tell them they can't be cured, so they do not want to go against the reality they know to be true. But they are wrong. Doctors can't cure your anxiety, only you can.

Hi PC it's your friendly neighbourhood psycho here,

Please show me where I mentioned me being depressed and wanting to take my own life. What I wrote was

"I was admitted because I could no longer endure my anxiety as well as other things so I tried to take my own life. I'm not proud of that but I'm not ashamed either. So PC I was admitted, given anti-depressant medication which I refused to carry on taking and they didn't insist because they didn't feel that the attempt to take my life was driven by anything other than anxiety and fear. My diagnosis when I was admitted to hospital was severe panic and generalized anxiety disorder...... No depression, no bipolar, no schizophrenia or any subtype of the conditions. If you want to question that I will gladly provide you proof once I have requested access to my medical records, but if I do that you have to do something for me. My full diagnosis now is ADD inattentive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder"

I'll give you some more information to clarify this, even from the age of ten I was an anxious person. I was been brought up by someone with anxiety, I watched them and began to exhibit similar behavior and fears. soon the anxiety was creeping into my life and my default reaction to any situation became an anxious one. I worried about everything, but I still had friends and appeared to everyone else as "normal" (in their words). My anxiety grew to the point where It was controlling and influencing my life, I desired control but couldn't grasp it. Then I met somebody and the anxiety disappeared..... I felt untouchable, no anxiety no nothing... to me at least I felt like I was in control and alive.When the relationship ended, the anxiety came back stronger than it ever had been and took away the peace/contentment which I had experienced for the first time in seven years. I tried to take my own life because I didn't want to feel anxious, have to endure or be afraid anymore I guess at this point I was more afraid of living than I was dying. The night before I tried to take my own life I can remember going to bed with a smile on my face and a feeling of calm because I knew I was going to be free from the chaos inside my mind and I was going to be at peace.

So feel free in your next post to say I was depressed and change the information to suit the point you are trying to make :)

As for my tirade I have posted a picture of you denigrating people with mental illness and merely highlighted what everybody else can see. I have also seen people being admitted with just anxiety, I have been inside an acute psychiatric facility for 5 months and a recovery unit for six weeks surrounded by various mental illnesses ...... I'm assuming your knowledge of psychiatric admissions comes from.... Google no?

Anxiety and Depression can be a byproduct of each other, but they are not a requisite of each other..... but it seems to be a concept you cannot grasp. You also seem to project your opinions or beliefs as facts. I can believe in anything.... for example I can fly..... I can believe this with 100% personal conviction, but my level of conviction has no relation to whether or not it is true in the outside world. So you can say you have a cure or that you are moses, but it doesn't have any validity without evidence.

I'm not saying you haven't helped anybody or that you have but you do claim to have helped 100's of people who no longer need this site, which coupled with your "cure" is a very bold claim which you stated in here after looking down your nose at Riley.


So feel free to point me in the direction of the threads where "100's" of people have stated that you have helped them to the point they will no longer frequent this site because you have helped them. Note that the fact they may no longer visit this site does not PROVE that you are the reason for that, not without EVIDENCE to support your claim.

Also feel free to share your cure for anxiety as I'm sure I'm not the only one dying to read it. But I have a sneaky feeling that you will direct us to various sites all of which require a subscription to something. You may no longer have anxiety and be free from it. Does this mean you have a universal cure for anxiety..... no?

Speaking theoretically meditation may be a "cure" for dahilla...... so that must mean it is a universal cure. I can now say it is a cure, I can cure hundreds of people from an estimated 7 billion worldwide population and make the claim that this is a universal cure. Have a think about how I sound with that statement, because that is how you are being perceived and I think is the point fourteen is trying to make

Oh and fourteen I KNOW incense lowers blood pressure ;)

05-24-2014, 05:41 PM
Oh and fourteen I KNOW incense lowers blood pressure ;)

Absolutely! And our fellow members can now cure hypertension, by simply lighting a fragrance candle, payable in 3 easy payments of $24.99. "Don't delay, throw those beta blockers away". :D

05-24-2014, 06:15 PM
I just gotta say its frustrating to have posted a question on a different thread and hoping for some answers but no one has replied but so many people are taking the time to argue and validate themselves. Not what I was hoping for out of this.

05-24-2014, 06:15 PM
Absolutely! And our fellow members can now cure hypertension, by simply lighting a fragrance candle, payable in 3 easy payments of $24.99. "Don't delay, throw those beta blockers away". :D

You guys are so incredibly stupid, missed every point I made, and unhelpful to people here I can't even believe it!

05-24-2014, 06:18 PM
This thread has been a pretty funny read so far. It seems to be a never ending soliloquy of pointless rebuttal. Based on the endless debate, I am aware that my contribution will be overlooked or misconstrued but I guess I have penchant for joining an unwinnable fight.

Personally, I have had panic attacks and an intense phobia of going insane for the past 7 months or so. I am aware that my fears are unfair to the individuals who go through psychosis/mood disorders/personality disorders/dissociative disorders etc., as I am both minimizing their struggle as well as perpetuating a notion that they are something to be afraid of. Most people who go through the struggle of Schizophrenia, Borderline personality disorder,Bi-Polar, Depression, or other mental disorders for that matter, are able to lead healthy and fulfilling lives, so it is unfair to have a phobia to become like them. However, fair or not, it still scares me shitless. I go to a shrink, take medication, attend group meetings and mindfulness groups, and so far have not seen the change that I have desired. I know that I am impatient, but I am unwilling to accept that I will be stuck with a life that is one of just dealing with my anxiety and irrational fears instead of overcoming them.

On that note, I would say that I have agreed with what Panic Cured has had to say the most. No, you can't go crazy from panic attacks, ocd, generalized anxiety, or any other form of anxiety. I am repeating that verbatim from doctors, psychologists, and whoever else has any sort of medical training to make that statement. No, you aren't going to go bonkers and start talking to a crack in the sidewalk. Yes, you are ok for thinking these thoughts and while they are scary (believe me I know), you are not condemned to them for the rest of your future. It is my most ardent belief/hope that we can overcome out fears if we work at them. I would say that you should go to a medically trained professional to make sure that you are dealing with an anxiety disorder, and if you are, make sure that it is not due to medical issue. You may be fighting something like a thyroid disorder and can have something of an easier cure.

Now I am not like Panic Cured, in that I don't have any sort of technique or suggestions for you to follow through with to overcome your anxiety. Another disagreement seems to be that I do think that medical professional can offer help in that they can assure you of the fact that you do have anxiety disorder. I also think that talking to a shrink is incredibly helpful, as has been statistically proven. I do not think that you can go to mental hospital or take a pill and expect to get better. If that is all you do, then yes, I think you will live a life in which you just try to deal with anxiety. Einstein's definition of insanity is attempting to do the same thing over again and expecting different results. I think that is particularly true of anxiety disorders. Unless you are willing to make some lifestyle changes, you will not get better. Some life changes that you will need to make include but are not limited to, increased exercise, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep, decreasing sugar content, not ingesting stimulants, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, and otherwise leading a healthy life. If you are dehydrated, sleep exhausted, nutritionally deficient, out of shape, I don’t see how you couldn’t be anxious. In short, leading a shitty life will make you feel like shit.

I know that it is easy to just wish your anxiety away and try to wait until you get better. My shrink says that avoidance is the fertilizer for anxiety, so if you decide to sit in your room and avoid most of life you are just making it worse. You can get better, but you have to work at it. I have agoraphobia so I know how hard it is to push past the anxiety. I know how daunting it is to be expected to leave your house and go to somewhere like a psychiatrist's office, but you can work up to it. Give yourself some minor exposure to something that makes you anxious, until it no longer bothers you as much, and then take the next step. Leave your room and go into your kitchen until it no longer scares you. Then just step outside your front door. Then maybe go to mailbox. Just take little steps until you get better. Your brain can be rewired just by these steps alone to help you get over anxiety. Again, I am repeating that verbatim from a medical professional. No, you don’t need to take medication to rewrite your brain or your neurochemical processes, but they may be helpful in the short term to allow you to take the appropriate steps. However, rewiring the brain is a calorically expensive task, and so your brain will fight you, but I promise it will be worth it.

Anxiety disorders are a mental illness by technical definition but they have nothing to do with psychosis. Once again, quoting a medical professional. In order to meet the definition of anxiety disorder your most distinguishable trait has to be that of anxiety. If you were schizophrenic your most dominant trait would not be that of anxiety. So if anxiety of health, both mental or physical seems to be your main compliant, then you most likely have an anxiety disorder. Of course I would advise you to go to health professional to make that assessment, because self diagnosis is one of the most unhealthy things you can do.

Now I also agree Panic Cured is right to abhor the people perpetuating the notion that there is any validity in fearing insanity. I don’t understand why any of you find it necessary to try to allow people to think there is anything rational in such an irrational concept. I don’t think you understand the degree to which people fear such a notion, and unless you are a medically trained professional trying to do some messed up version of making people better, I don’t know why you replied at all. As a person who deeply fears the idea, I can personally say that you aren’t helping anyone by saying that. Even if you do know people who you think went through periods of anxiety induced psychosis, I am inclined to think you are full of shit. Unless you have seen their medical record, talked to their doctor, or anything along those lines, I think you may incorrect in your assumptions.

To address some other issues raised, I have no idea how effective supplements may be. I would suggest looking at medical journals which have done studies to determine the effectiveness of it. I know that meditation, yoga, and staying hydrated have been scientifically proven to be effective treatments. Look up a particular supplement on Google Scholar to see if you can find some scientific research to either prove or disprove it’s validity. In my opinion is that if it is FDA approved, you can try it and at least you won’t be hurt by it.

05-24-2014, 06:48 PM
Now I also agree Panic Cured is right to abhor the people perpetuating the notion that there is any validity in fearing insanity. I don’t understand why any of you find it necessary to try to allow people to think there is anything rational in such an irrational concept. I don’t think you understand the degree to which people fear such a notion, and unless you are a medically trained professional trying to do some messed up version of making people better, I don’t know why you replied at all. As a person who deeply fears the idea, I can personally say that you aren’t helping anyone by saying that. Even if you do know people who you think went through periods of anxiety induced psychosis, I am inclined to think you are full of shit. Unless you have seen their medical record, talked to their doctor, or anything along those lines, I think you may incorrect in your assumptions.

Yes you understood what I was saying. Why there is a debate about this is beyond me. Ritch still goes on how I was "denigrating" the mentally ill or looking down on them and I have no idea why he keeps saying this. What the hell is he even talking about? Why would I talk down on the mentally ill? This doesn't even make any sense.

That irrational fear you will go crazy is irrational and anxiety in itself will not lead to psychosis. I realized any person reading of minor intelligence could understand what I was trying to say.

Your last paragraph I have to 100% disagree with as FDA does not deal with any supplements. They are busy approving drugs that kill people or cause side effects. You know pharmaceuticals is one of the leading causes of death in the US, right? All those drugs that killed people or made them horribly addicted, were handed out by an MD and were approved by the FDA. Now that doesn't mean all pharmaceuticals are bad and all doctors are bad and it doesn't mean nobody should take meds. Do not have anxiety about drugs. There is a time when some people need meds. What it means though is whether or not a supplement is approved by the FDA, which they do not even deal with, means nothing. Most MDs know nothing about natural therapies so why should we rely on them to explain them to us? The ones that do know should be commended.

These 2, Fourteen and Ritch seems to think a "cure" for anxiety means I took some magical pill. They obviously talk a whole lot and do not listen and do not read what I write. As I explained it very thoroughly in my Techniques post, curing my anxiety was a process that took months. Little by little I did it using various techniques, supplements, lifestyle changes, changing thought patterns, facing my fears, yoga, etc. After months of hard work, I became 100% anxiety disorder free. Now is this really so hard to understand? How can anyone not know what I mean by overcoming or curing anxiety? And guess what, those supplements I bought, the yoga classes I did, the therapist I went to, the books I bought, the CDs I bought, the programs I bought, the acupuncture I did, they all cost me money! Nobody gave me these things for free. This idea that if someone charges you money they are automatically an evil scumbag is absurd!

You see Mandizzle, there are people here who do not like their view of reality to be shaken. They feel they are stuck with anxiety, which they are actually not, so anyone that claims to have beaten what they have not, they need to abuse and stomp on. They think I am not validating their struggles by saying I have overcome what they are stuck in. All this effort to try and discredit me, they could use to better themselves, and even help other people. No, let's continue for 5 more pages of trying to bully me into a corner. I guess this is how they make themselves feel important.

Main point- That irrational fear of going crazy in a panic attack will NEVER happen. It is irrational, not real and a bluff. It won't ever happen.

05-24-2014, 06:57 PM
I realize that in my reading of the comments I unintentionally shifted my attention to the popular debate instead of the initial question.

I guess my main question is what do you mean by losing themselves? If you mean is there any chance of insanity, then the answer is no. If you mean is there any likelihood that you are going to lose control of yourself and hurt someone then the answer is no. You are in control of your actions. Even if you went into a state of psychosis (which you won't), you would not be statistically any more likely commit a violent action than a normal person. The worst that would likely happen is you would embarrass yourself a bit. At least that is the answer that my doctors, personal and group shrinks, and other medical professionals have given me. People with anxiety issues are if anything a little too in touch with themselves to go into a state of psychosis or lose control. You are dealing with an irrational fear, which can be terrifying. But there is no validity in the statement. I know what it is like to get have your fight or flight system start out of nowhere and then get lost in irrational fears, but that does not have to be the end of it. I think that there is a lot of help that a shrink could give you in both reassuring you and giving you techniques in overcoming your worst fears.

There are some who may be misinformed which may try to convince you that you can lose control like we so often see on tv. If you go to shrink, which I personally think you should, and they diagnose you with anxiety, then they will likely tell you what they told me. No, there is no chance you will lose control or go crazy. Your fear of going crazy seems to be an extension in your fear of losing control. One way you can look at it is how many times have you thought you were going to go crazy and lose control? How many times has it happened? If you are like me, then it has never once happened. Then you might think that you are going to go crazy or lose control this time for sure. To which I would say, how many time have you thought that and how many times has it happened? Once again, if you are like me, it has never happened once even when I am sure that it will. You are ok for thinking the things that you are thinking, but try not to let them take over your life. Even if they already have, it's ok. You can get better, as long as you work towards it.

However, I think you can get lost in a way that involves folding into yourself and essentially giving up hope. You can become agoraphobic, or condemn yourself to your current mental illness for the rest of your life. That is not true, and deeply unfair to yourself. To me someone dealing with anxiety who thinks they will never get better is like an obese person assuming they can never lose weight. Both are incredibly inaccurate. You can achieve better mental health just like you can get better physical health, but both take an incredible amount of work. Most likely, you will need to change your diet, sleep patterns, behaviors, etc so you can become better. Now you may have a similar mentality to someone who is obese and think along the lines of, "unless I resemble the grossly inaccurate representations of perfect health that is perpetuated by the media (i.e. never getting angry, anxious, sad, scared, worried) then I am not good." That is not true, it is ok to get scared, or anxious. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You can become healthy as long as you have realistic expectations of standards. Just like you can't lose 40lbs in a week, you can't expect to get over your anxiety in a week. But you can make great strides if you are dedicated to it.

05-24-2014, 07:06 PM
They are confusing people with psychosis that also have anxiety with an anxiety attack leading to full on complete psychosis. These are totally different. A panic attack which is a natural fight or flight response, can't lead to any type of psychosis. I remember feeling I was going to snap or my brain would explode or I was losing my mind, and they all subsided when the panic faded. Not one medical professional would ever say your anxiety may lead to insanity or psychosis. They will always tell you it is an irrational fear. I actually feel I am going insane from just dealing with this thread.

05-24-2014, 07:13 PM
No, definitely not confusing the issue. I think you need a better understanding of it other than what you are finding on google.

I think you don't know diddly squat what you are talking about. So what, you are in school studying this. woop dee doo. Stop telling people their irrational fears could be real. They are not real!

05-24-2014, 07:24 PM
The key word here is "training". So you see the people after they have already been admitted. Some of them will present with accompanied anxiety but anxiety did not cause psychosis. The fear people have of going insane will never happen to them. If they do go insane, it is not directly due to their anxiety or panic attacks. No matter what you say, you have not ever seen someone that was like, "She had really bad anxiety. Used to get panic attacks. She always feared going insane from her anxiety. One day, she had such a bad panic attack, her brain split and now she talks to imaginary animals and she can barely string together a complete sentence. Yep. All due to that one bad panic attack." This can't happen! It is an irrational fear.

05-24-2014, 07:32 PM

"No one is trying to upset anyone, it is a case of being correct about it. Many people fear heart attacks, would it be correct to say that no one has suffered from them?"

Yes, many people fear heart attacks like they fear mental illness. Especially if they have GAD, Panic Attacks or OCD. If they do, they may have reoccurring invasive or obsessive thoughts with those fears. You don't seem to understand to what a degree that people seem to obsess over these fears. You could tell them that the chest pains they exhibit could be a heart attack, just like you are telling them the fears of insanity could led to a state of psychosis. And yes, I think they should go to medical professional to determine that it isn't anything more serious. However, telling them that there is any validity to their worst fears isn't helping anyone if they are diagnosed with panic disorder, OCD, or GAD. Someone with these disorders likely does not have any symptoms for heart failure or an inclination towards psychosis. So I don't know why you insist on telling them that it is a distinct possibility when 99.99% of the time it is not. People can have panic attacks 3-4 times a day, and you are making their suffering that much worse when it doesn't need to be. Yes people can have heart attacks, just like people can go into a state of psychosis, but the likelihood of it happening vs. how often the fear presents itself in someone with these fears makes them completely and 100% irrational. If you honestly believe that by your attempt to validate these irrational fears is helping someone who is expressing a sense of debilitation because of them is helpful, then by all means go on. But it is my personal opinion that you need to learn when that information is necessary vs. when you should try to stop being stubborn and instead help someone struggling.
Your saying that it is a distinct possibility reminds me of someone who say that you can catch STD's from a toilet seat. To someone with OCD that is an irrational but persistent fear, just as the one of developing a state of psychosis or losing control. Both are incredibly unlikely to develop, but you're like the guy who says that he saw someone get crabs from a public restroom. One, you don't know where he got it from so you are probably wrong. Two, that is the opposite of someone with an anxiety needs to hear. Why do you need to point out something like that to someone who is possibly of facing their worst fear several times a say when it is debilitating to them especially when it is so incredibly unlikely to happen?

"Oh I saw it happen so now I must assure everyone that what you fear most is likely to happen. " Why? Why would you have to do that? Why do you think that that is an ok thing do.

05-24-2014, 07:49 PM
Besides, your inappropriate response to the phobia seems to suggest that you are not in fact in a “specialist psychiatric hospital training in acute and complex presentations.” Anyone can make such claims and am entirely certain to not believe you. If you were training in a hospital you would know that unless you know that individual and have interviewed them for their symptoms, it is unwise to suggest any future possibilities, such as psychosis. Furthermore, I don't know of any shrink trying to perpetuate the notion that a phobia should be validated. If you were my shrink and you tried to suggest that my worst fears were a distinct possibility I would be out that door and seeking a second opinion in a heart beat.

05-24-2014, 07:56 PM
I removed myself from the thread.
This simply has to be either spamming or a wind up.

05-24-2014, 08:14 PM
Hey Mandizzle,

Your input will not be overlooked at all. Even though you may be inclined to claim I am full of shit.


That is from the National Health service in the united kingdom, read one of the psychological causes of psychosis..... It states severe stress or anxiety. I don't ever remember myself or fourteen stating that anxiety will be make anyone go crazy or develop schizophrenia. Anxiety is listed as a potential cause for a psychotic episode, not for going crazy there is a distinction. It is listed there by the organization responsible for providing healthcare to the whole of England. I'm not just making a claim and expecting you to believe it, there is evidence to support what I have said. Our statements are not made with any malice, but with facts supported by medical evidence. If I ever said anxiety will make you go crazy please point it out and I will retract my statement
But yet you are guaranteeing someone that they will not experience an episode of psychosis, when there is plenty of evidence that it is possible which is the complete opposite to which you are claiming.

Vitamin C Can cause Myocardial infarction as well, it is listed on the side effects list that you can obtain by requesting it from the FDA. I suppose that is bullshit as well?

“People with anxiety issues are if anything a little too in touch with themselves to go into a state of psychosis or lose control”

Again what you are implying here is you cannot go into a psychotic episode when you have anxiety, please provide medical literature to support your somewhat naïve claim.

"However, telling them that there is any validity to their worst fears isn't helping anyone if they are diagnosed with panic disorder, OCD, or GAD"

^^ I would disagree by being honest with them you are not leading them into a fall sense of security; someone may be terrified of death so should I lie to them and say they will never die. By doing that I would helping them avoid it and as you said “My shrink says that avoidance is the fertilizer for anxiety” that kind of contradicts your above statement does it not? I have found that the key to overcoming my fears is by facing them, not avoiding or sugar coating them.

I’m not influenced by TV or media sensationalism on the subject of mental illness or the facility’s for treating such difficulties. I don’t believe that everybody wears a straight jacket or all the rooms are padded because they are not.

You come across as someone who is somewhat intelligent and is approaching your difficulties with various methods in the hope that you will experience relief. I have strong beliefs about many things but this does not make them fact, what I also like to do is challenge my beliefs to make sure they are not rooted in nonsense. Challenge your beliefs, do some of your own research into whether or not anxiety can induce a psychotic episode and see what you find. If you encounter information that disagrees with your beliefs you can either rethink them or ignore them. If you decide to ignore evidence which proves contrary to your belief and your belief does not change I would advise you look up the meaning of delusion or being full of shit. Instead of just believing what you are told by somebody, research it yourself.

I, like you and PC believe that you have to take a proactive approach to resolving anxiety and I have never disputed this. I also never said that you cannot make progress or have overall better mental health. I know this is possible because I have watched many others get better and get their lives back on track like I have mine. What I did say is there is no universal cure for anxiety which there isn’t. These medical professionals whose opinions you seem to hold in high regard, do they say that there is a cure for anxiety like PC is telling members here? Or are you just going to ignore that part and agree with everything else?

PC you may feel that you can help people maybe you can, you may feel that you have a cure for anxiety…. You don’t. you have a collection of techniques or supplements that have taken away your anxiety not a cure

You call people here morons, idiots whatever you like and claim not to be speaking down to somebody. I have highlighted in previous posts your derogatory expressions of mental illness.

05-24-2014, 08:15 PM
Yes, us telling you that there is no probability of the poster having to worry about psychosis because it is the equivalent of statistically impossible for someone with an anxiety disorder must be a wind up. You were saying that people under extreme periods of stress may go into psychosis but, if they were as prevalent as you seem to suggest half to population would be in a tizzy every time they crashed their car or got injured. I am saying that for people with anxiety disorders, or even for the general population, this doesn't happen even if they have an intense phobia of it.

05-24-2014, 08:27 PM

^^it does happen, however likely or unlikely it may be it is not impossible.

"it is the equivalent of statistically impossible for someone with an anxiety disorder must be a wind up. You were saying that people under extreme periods of stress may go into psychosis but, if they were as prevalent as you seem to suggest half to population would be in a tizzy every time they crashed their car or got injured. I am saying that for people with anxiety disorders, or even for the general population, this doesn't happen even if they have an intense phobia of it"

If the accident is severe enough they will possibly experience PTSD or be in a "tizzy" again a serious road accident is cited as a potential cause of PTSD http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/post-traumatic-stress-disorder/pages/introduction.aspx

Lets play a game, it's called put up or shut up. Provide evidence to substantiate your claims or shut up.

05-24-2014, 08:41 PM
I think it is safe to say that the main difference that we seem to be hung up on is psychosis. I would have to say that yes, anxiety can cause psychosis. But there is a reason that psychosis is not a symptom of anxiety disorders. I think Panic Cured and I are trying to explain that psychosis does not occur in people who are exhibiting anxiety disorders. That is not to say that anxiety has never caused psychosis to occur in individuals, especially under extreme periods of stress but it is incredibly unlikely to happen. Looking at the symptoms of anxiety disorders as posted by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America's website (I don't have enough posts to link it myself) not once is psychosis ever mentioned.

05-24-2014, 08:58 PM
PC you may feel that you can help people maybe you can, you may feel that you have a cure for anxiety…. You don’t. you have a collection of techniques or supplements that have taken away your anxiety not a cure

Yes Captain Obvious! That is what I have been trying to tell you. You insisted I was speaking of some miracle cure you must pay me for. I have made it very clear that I followed a plan to overcome my anxiety and wrote what I felt was helpful in my techniques thread so others can use it. I also have stated so many times that you do not have to do exactly what I did, but follow a similar plan, just make it specific for you. I post links of products and programs I used so others can too or links of information. After doing all of these various things for months, I cured my anxiety disorder. EVERYONE ELSE CAN TOO! Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

We are all taught a cure must mean a pill. But a cure can also be a process of various things that require work on the patient's part. It is called healing. Healing does not come in a pill. That is why I say if one is on meds or not, they still need to do a healing path at least similar to what I did.

05-24-2014, 09:04 PM
Now you could say that Flashbacks constitute psychosis, and that would be wrong. A flashback, or involuntary recurrent memory, is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual has a sudden, usually powerful, re-experiencing of a past experience or elements of a past experience. It is not the experience of psychosis but the recollection of a previous experience usually experienced through touch, sight, sounds, tasting, and smell. You can also look at the symptoms of anxiety through the National Institute of Mental Health (again, I don't have enough posts to link it myself) and you can see that once again psychosis is not a symptom of anxiety disorders.

Now I may be committing some sort of fallacy here, but I am led to believe that if someone who was going through OCD, Panic Disorder, GAD, had some sort of statistical possibility of going into psychosis wouldn't the NIHM or the Anxiety and Depression Association of America be inclined to include that in their list of symptoms? People going through panic attacks have their flight or fight systems hijacked so it could be said that they are going through acute symptoms of stress but psychosis is still not a recognized symptom. People with OCD often have fears of psychosis but that is still not a recognized symptom.

05-24-2014, 09:09 PM
Hey Mandizzle,

Your input will not be overlooked at all. Even though you may be inclined to claim I am full of shit.


That is from the National Health service in the united kingdom, read one of the psychological causes of psychosis..... It states severe stress or anxiety.

So what that it is listed on this website. It also says alcohol and weed can trigger psychosis. How many people you see being admitted to mental hospitals after a night of drinking? It also states lack of sleep is a cause. So does everyone who doesn't get good sleep go insane? Stress is listed as a cause, so I guess all lawyers and people working stressful jobs should now worry about becoming psychotic. Sadness is listed as one of the factors. So I guess when someone is sad the next stage is mental hospital.

Severe anxiety or stress listed as a cause for psychosis is not what Stephanie was referring to. Luckily her question has been answered by me. Anxiety can be a general term for a lot going on in one's life they aren't able to handle. But this does not mean anxiety is the path to psychosis. This does not mean irrational fears of going insane are real. They are not! Fear of going insane in a panic attack is only a fear!

Why oh why can you not distinguish the difference? When someone feels they are going mad in a panic attack, that is not real and they will not go mad. People who do end up having a psychotic break, true psychosis, probably were pre-disposed of it happening anyway, and the psychosis could have been triggered or instigated by various factors, lack of sleep, anxiety, etc. Not that anxiety in itself leads to psychosis. A person going psychotic, may have undergone severe anxiety, lack of sleep, alcohol, or of course the #1 killer of all- sadness. (I'm being sarcastic)

05-24-2014, 09:18 PM
You call people here morons, idiots whatever you like and claim not to be speaking down to somebody. I have highlighted in previous posts your derogatory expressions of mental illness.

I have never spoken down on the mentally ill and you do not even make any sense. You think the terms "going insane" or "going crazy" is somehow me degrading the mentally ill. Those are terms used by people who suffer from anxiety. What do you think, I have some agenda where I insult people who have mental illness? Come on, get with the program here! It's utterly absurd to say that I am degrading the mentally ill. Ridiculous!

05-24-2014, 09:23 PM
Summing it up: everyone just shut up and l leave the thread for panic cured hehehe, anxiety will be never cured cause it is a part of our humanity.
We all are idiots, panic you watch what you are talking about, Not everyone here is like you. Some people are respectful to others, so they are respected back. Do not start to grandma, I am not 20 years old dear stupid.

Now I am going to light up the incense stick to lower my BP and help with my anxiety; lavender is the best;))!!!!

05-24-2014, 09:28 PM
I really appreciate everyone's replies
An yes I will admit I was nervous reading a few posts
And I understand no one was trying to scare me so I'm okay with it :)
I know it kinda got off subject a few posts
But it's safe to say
Yes I fear having to check Into a mental hospital
I am the person who is scared of everything
And I believe all scary things people tell me but not the good things
I really need help working on that
I need a lot of help in fact!
I'm just scared to get it
I feel safe just staying locked up in my home
I too think that I will end up getting fed up with anxiety letting it destroy my mind an eventually
Go psycho
Hurt myself or someone else
So I understand everyone's point
It's scary to think like this!!!
For example I'm watching the Jodi arias story on tv... It freaked me out because What causes someone to go crazy an hurt someone? Can that happened to me she seemed normal!?
I can't even watch movies with psychos I think my brain can possibly stop working an forget what's right an wrong and I will go psycho....
Just WHAT IF I wake up psychotic one day because of my anxiety an panic disorder
My DR checked me for everything he diagnosed me with generalized anxiety an panic disorder
An what I got from some posts
Maybe I was reading too fast but this is what I understood
Anxiety can overwhelm me to the point of having episodes of psychosis if not treated
That's scared the shit out of me
Especially because I'm very weak at getting help
Posting on this forum has motivated me to do things with some users feedback
An my family dr recommended me to start this forum too
I really like this forum
but it scares me sometimes
Some posts do work me up
But like I said that's okay
I don't need anyone to feel sorry for the poor girl with anxiety because she's sensitive to what people say


sorry if I sound all over the place too my toddler is being a toddler jumping off the walls and I'm trying to talk to him watch tv an write this :/

05-24-2014, 09:51 PM
Stephanie 21

You don't have to worry about going psycho and hurting yourself/or your family. That is a prevalent fear but if it happened often that would be a reported symptom of people who have Generalized Anxiety disorder, OCD, or Panic disorder. Furthermore, you don't have to worry about going into a state of psychosis either for similar reasons. If it was statistically likely to happen because of anxiety disorders, then it would be a reported side effect/symptom by the National Institute of Mental Health. Look up the symptoms of Panic Disorder or GAD on the NIMH and Anxiety and Depression Association of America's website and you find that instead of a symptom of psychosis, there is a prevalent fear of mental illness. Psychosis is a complex mental state that is not likely brought on by a single factor, such as anxiety.

Try not to get too scared about what people say on here. We are people just like you, who for the most part are trying to use our limited knowledge to allow ourselves and those around us to feel better. We are not medically trained professionals, and even if people claim as much they have no way to prove it. If you have any concerns present them to your doctor, but try not to think about it too much.

05-24-2014, 10:04 PM
So what that it is listed on this website. It also says alcohol and weed can trigger psychosis. How many people you see being admitted to mental hospitals after a night of drinking? It also states lack of sleep is a cause. So does everyone who doesn't get good sleep go insane? Stress is listed as a cause, so I guess all lawyers and people working stressful jobs should now worry about becoming psychotic. Sadness is listed as one of the factors. So I guess when someone is sad the next stage is mental hospital.

Severe anxiety or stress listed as a cause for psychosis is not what Stephanie was referring to. Luckily her question has been answered by me. Anxiety can be a general term for a lot going on in one's life they aren't able to handle. But this does not mean anxiety is the path to psychosis. This does not mean irrational fears of going insane are real. They are not! Fear of going insane in a panic attack is only a fear!

Why oh why can you not distinguish the difference? When someone feels they are going mad in a panic attack, that is not real and they will not go mad. People who do end up having a psychotic break, true psychosis, probably were pre-disposed of it happening anyway, and the psychosis could have been triggered or instigated by various factors, lack of sleep, anxiety, etc. Not that anxiety in itself leads to psychosis. A person going psychotic, may have undergone severe anxiety, lack of sleep, alcohol, or of course the #1 killer of all- sadness. (I'm being sarcastic)

In the post at the top of this page you said "A flashback, or involuntary recurrent memory, is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual has a sudden, usually powerful, re-experiencing of a past experience or elements of a past experience." This is a direct quote from wikipedia and sums up your knowledge of the subject.

I'm not going to lie I'm laughing so bad ^^^ You mean stephanie is lucky wikipedia answered her question.... can I call you wiki?

I never said anyone should worry about anything, I said that anxiety can cause a psychotic episode.....which it can, I also never said irrational fears of going insane are real either. Severe amounts of anxiety in a panic attack can contribute to inducing a psychotic episode. I also did not imply it was impossible but guess who did?

The key words you keep missing is CAN.... I didn't say WILL. Vitamin C CAN cause myocardial infarction not that it WILL

How many people are being taken into hospital because of drugs and alcohol? enough to warrant a subsection in the dsm VI labelled substance related disorders, there is also a section under the schizophrenia section substance related issues http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s408/Rjoe8/Substancedisorders_zpsd46d3359.png

Check post 5 here http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?topic=74862.0. Someone reporting anxiety induced psychosis

Also check the symptom thread someone in there reports psychotic symptoms when experiencing high levels of anxiety

Night Wiki!

05-24-2014, 10:10 PM
Stephanie 21

You don't have to worry about going psycho and hurting yourself/or your family. That is a prevalent fear but if it happened often that would be a reported symptom of people who have Generalized Anxiety disorder, OCD, or Panic disorder. Furthermore, you don't have to worry about going into a state of psychosis either for similar reasons. If it was statistically likely to happen because of anxiety disorders, then it would be a reported side effect/symptom by the National Institute of Mental Health. Look up the symptoms of Panic Disorder or GAD on the NIMH and Anxiety and Depression Association of America's website and you find that instead of a symptom of psychosis, there is a prevalent fear of mental illness. Psychosis is a complex mental state that is not likely brought on by a single factor, such as anxiety.

Try not to get too scared about what people say on here. We are people just like you, who for the most part are trying to use our limited knowledge to allow ourselves and those around us to feel better. We are not medically trained professionals, and even if people claim as much they have no way to prove it. If you have any concerns present them to your doctor, but try not to think about it too much.

"If it was statistically likely to happen because of anxiety disorders, then it would be a reported side effect/symptom by the National Institute of Mental Health"

You have just said what we have been saying, it can happen not that it will. We never predicted how likely or unlikely it is that it will occur, just that it can occur. we didnt imply that it can't happen. like you

"“People with anxiety issues are if anything a little too in touch with themselves to go into a state of psychosis or lose control” <<< that's what you said,

05-24-2014, 10:34 PM

Talking about Wikipedia, you should look up the Red herring fallacy.

I copied the definition of what a flashback is, I didn't base my entire argument off of it. But if it makes you feel better according to the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network "a flashback is when memories of past traumas feel as if they are taking place in the current moment." That essentially says the same exact thing that I quoted, but it's not from Wikipedia so it must mean the information is one million times better right?

On that note, I am not sure that linking to anxiety forum quite proves the point of it's possibility.There are many people describing symptoms that they themselves link to psychosis but that is meaningless unless diagnosed by a doctor. Many of these people are trying to self diagnosis what they are going through, which is an incredibly unhealthy habit to perpetuate. But if it floats your boat to make sure everyone knows what could happen, such as Vitamin C causing myocardial infarctions, regardless of it's improbability I guess I can't stop you. I'm just trying to make sure that people like Stephanie 21 are aware that psychosis is not likely to happen, it is a complex process that usually takes multiple factors to occur, and it is not a recognized symptom of anxiety disorders because of the unlikelihood of it happening, and there is no point in getting scared because you.

05-24-2014, 11:19 PM

Talking about Wikipedia, you should look up the Red herring fallacy.

I copied the definition of what a flashback is, I didn't base my entire argument off of it. But if it makes you feel better according to the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network "a flashback is when memories of past traumas feel as if they are taking place in the current moment." That essentially says the same exact thing that I quoted, but it's not from Wikipedia so it must mean the information is one million times better right?

On that note, I am not sure that linking to anxiety forum quite proves the point of it's possibility.There are many people describing symptoms that they themselves link to psychosis but that is meaningless unless diagnosed by a doctor. Many of these people are trying to self diagnosis what they are going through, which is an incredibly unhealthy habit to perpetuate. But if it floats your boat to make sure everyone knows what could happen, such as Vitamin C causing myocardial infarctions, regardless of it's improbability I guess I can't stop you. I'm just trying to make sure that people like Stephanie 21 are aware that psychosis is not likely to happen, it is a complex process that usually takes multiple factors to occur, and it is not a recognized symptom of anxiety disorders because of the unlikelihood of it happening, and there is no point in getting scared because you.


If you ask anybody here or read my posts around the forum my intention has never been or will be to scare somebody. If you want to imply that it is my intention to do so that is your right, but there are roughly 250 posts and various members who would suggest otherwise. The private message I sent to Stephanie yesterday apologizing about the heated discussion in this thread included words of encouragement, not of malice. As for fourteen he has contributed a hell of a lot to this forum and with the exception of yourself and PC, I doubt there is a member here who would have a bad word to say about fourteen

I agree with the majority of the statement you have just made and Like I have previously said you do seem somewhat intelligent. You learn in higher education that Wikipedia is not an accepted source for information as it is not reliable, so as a source of information many do not trust it's accuracy. No a link where someone is self diagnosing may not be accurate, but this one http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?topic=56102.0 which states two psychaitrists, a gp and a psychologist have agreed on a diagnosis of anxiety induced psychosis...... that coupled with what I have witnessed in a psychiatric facility and fourteens experience/current education in this particular field demonstrates more than a possibility and is not "meaningless". you also have other links which have provided you with the same information

What I can say is that statements such as “People with anxiety issues are if anything a little too in touch with themselves to go into a state of psychosis or lose control” imply that something is not possible, but we BOTH know that it is.

But I will not lie to somebody and say that anxiety can not induce psychosis when it can, which is what you did..... imply that it can't happen

I was told when I was in the hospital that it was impossible to faint due to a panic attack by a senior staff nurse, so I calmed myself down and thought thank god for that. 7-10 days later, I experienced my most severe panic attack and fainted. Because I was lied to I didn't feel able to trust any of the professionals charged with being responsible for my care. This only fueled my anxiety and set my recovery back, so I make a point of being honest and not lying or telling someone what they want to hear. You can sugar coat whatever you like, but lying to people CAN set them up for a fall.

I can see your viewpoint and I hope you can see mine.

PC if you can honestly say you did not mean to denigrate mentally ill people, then that is fine with me. It still does not change the fact you stated people want to drag others into their misery, it is still looking down on people. You also claimed to have a cure which you don't and provided links where people purchase particular packages that state they do not cure any condition.

05-25-2014, 12:23 AM
Maybe I was reading too fast but this is what I understood
Anxiety can overwhelm me to the point of having episodes of psychosis if not treated
That's scared the shit out of me

This is what I was hoping to avoid having them put more unnecessary fear into people already in fear.

RITCH and FOURTEEN are misunderstanding things and talking of hypotheticals.
YOU AND NOBODY ELSE HERE CAN GO CRAZY FROM YOUR ANXIETY! Do not be scared of this. The site Ritch links shows lack of sleep, sadness, alcohol and sever anxiety as things that can lead to psychosis. How many drunk or tired people end up insane? There would be a mental institute on every block if that were the case. Think about it. Anxiety does not lead to psychosis. A person who will become psychotic, the psychosis can be triggered by things such as severe anxiety. Not that Anxiety leads to psychosis. That non stop fear you have of going insane, is obviously part of the anxiety fear. It is irrational. Can some people work themselves up into such a frenzy psychosis sets in? Well, maybe, but this would obviously be such an extreme case you need not worry about it.

Also, some people end up in mental hospitals because they become a danger to themselves such as suicidal, not only just because they are hallucinating and talking to cracks in the sidewalk.

Only listen to people who have advice of substance you can use here and do not join in others pity party. Just make your goal to be anxiety free ONLY and do what is necessary to get there.

To make irrational fears for some of you seem real, is entirely insensitive of them. They simply would not stop no matter how much I tried to get them to. Please do not let this increase your anxiety. You don't need more to worry about. Go ask any doctor you have if all those fears you have of becoming insane, can it come true because of your anxiety and they will tell you no.

Imagine someone who really had a psychotic breakdown, one who has gone severely insane. Imagine all that led up to that. They may have had very severe anxiety leading up to it among other things. They may have family members who also have this. But it isn't like your anxiety is a step towards insanity. Go look up everything you can find about anxiety and see if you can find even one person ever saying anxiety leads to true severe mental illness such as schizophrenia. I doubt you will find any. Just as Mandizzle claimed, psychosis is not listed as a side effect of anxiety.

And in the worst case scenario one does literally go insane, one can get help as there is much help for this and it doesn't mean you are gone forever. Like anything else, you would just heal from it.

But that craziness you experience in a panic attack, where you feel your brain is falling apart, I felt that too, and is part of the fight or flight response, and I never went crazy. You think you are going to lose your mind, but when all calms down you are back to normal again. Most people with anxiety feel this. You won't really go insane. It just seems like it. It's a bluff. Once you get rid of anxiety, those feelings like you are losing your mind go away with it.

I am telling you that anxiety can be 100% overcome. Only a complete fool would make fun of me or bully me or talk crap to me when I make a statement like that. Do not listen to fools. Listen to those that can offer you something of value. I have 2 important threads at the top. One is how I cured my anxiety and the other is how to stop panic attacks. Read them. With my Techniques post, come up with some type of healing plan similar to mine. It doesn't have to be exact, but you should do something in that manner. Something along those lines. Heal and calm the nervous system, get healthy, do yoga and change habits. Do not bend your life for your anxiety. Push yourself to do the things that cause anxiety and little by little push through it. The few supplements I do recommend are there to help heal the nervous system. Certain herbs like the Calm and Relaxed Remedy, Passion Flower Extract, magnesium, Vitamin D3, etc. Just read what I wrote there as I am sure there is something in it you can benefit from.

Then all those feelings of going crazy will go away as the anxiety goes away. All the 1000 symptoms troubling you that no doctor can explain also go away when the anxiety goes away. But see a doctor first just to get the diagnosis of anxiety so you know for sure that is what it is.

Read my important posts here:
Techniques-I-Used-to-Overcome-My-Panic-Anxiety-Disorder: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8633-Techniques-I-Used-to-Overcome-My-Panic-Anxiety-Disorder

Quick Guide to Stopping Panic attacks: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

05-25-2014, 08:44 AM
Stephanie I am old woman, and I am dealing with anxiety and panic attacks more than 30 years. I am also the herbalist, trained one. My Advice is

Log off and do not come here, if you want to improve, the discussion does not give you what you need, rather the opposite. Please, at least consider it.

05-25-2014, 11:03 AM
Hey Stephanie. I actually did check myself into a mental hospital for feeling exactly the way you're feeling now. I was there for 4 months, over the Christmas period actually, back in 2010.

I had no understanding of anxiety at the time, none whatsoever. Every morning I'd wake up and remember that I'd 'gone mad' and my day would consist of me huddled up in bed, crying. I thought I'd lose control daily. It even progressed to something else, an OCD type of feeling, which I won't really mention incase it triggers something.

My few months in the mental hospital were useful. Tough, and heartbreaking, but useful. They helped me see I wasn't broken. If you keep trying the therapies recommended for anxiety, whichever ones you like, holistic ones, medicinal ones, whatever floats your boat, eventually you'll get a short period of deep relief from how you're feeling. During that period of relief is when you'll start your recovery from this.

You'll realize if you can have moments of clear 'sanity', then nothing was ever wrong, or broken... It was just distorted.

Your sanity is still there, in it's entirety, you just can't see it because it's been distorted by enough adrenaline to wake up a herd of sleeping elephants.

When you find your moments of clarity, you very slowly begin to move beyond this type of classic anxiety thinking.

You aren't broken, mad, about to lose control or about to have a psychotic breakdown... You will feel that way every second of your day sometimes, but it won't happen. Not if you have people around you who can help you understand what is happening, and why it's happening.

Lack of education and lack of support are often two major reasons for a major breakdown. They were mine. I had anxiety that didn't have to be as severe as it was, but none of those things were there for me. So I flipped. You have those things here whenever you need them. I for one am happy to message you anytime you want, to bring you back down to a slightly more level Steph!

05-25-2014, 11:28 AM
This is what I was hoping to avoid having them put more unnecessary fear into people already in fear.

RITCH and FOURTEEN are misunderstanding things and talking of hypotheticals.
YOU AND NOBODY ELSE HERE CAN GO CRAZY FROM YOUR ANXIETY! Do not be scared of this. The site Ritch links shows lack of sleep, sadness, alcohol and sever anxiety as things that can lead to psychosis. How many drunk or tired people end up insane? There would be a mental institute on every block if that were the case. Think about it. Anxiety does not lead to psychosis. A person who will become psychotic, the psychosis can be triggered by things such as severe anxiety. Not that Anxiety leads to psychosis. That non stop fear you have of going insane, is obviously part of the anxiety fear. It is irrational. Can some people work themselves up into such a frenzy psychosis sets in? Well, maybe, but this would obviously be such an extreme case you need not worry about it.

Also, some people end up in mental hospitals because they become a danger to themselves such as suicidal, not only just because they are hallucinating and talking to cracks in the sidewalk.

Only listen to people who have advice of substance you can use here and do not join in others pity party. Just make your goal to be anxiety free ONLY and do what is necessary to get there.

To make irrational fears for some of you seem real, is entirely insensitive of them. They simply would not stop no matter how much I tried to get them to. Please do not let this increase your anxiety. You don't need more to worry about. Go ask any doctor you have if all those fears you have of becoming insane, can it come true because of your anxiety and they will tell you no.

Imagine someone who really had a psychotic breakdown, one who has gone severely insane. Imagine all that led up to that. They may have had very severe anxiety leading up to it among other things. They may have family members who also have this. But it isn't like your anxiety is a step towards insanity. Go look up everything you can find about anxiety and see if you can find even one person ever saying anxiety leads to true severe mental illness such as schizophrenia. I doubt you will find any. Just as Mandizzle claimed, psychosis is not listed as a side effect of anxiety.

And in the worst case scenario one does literally go insane, one can get help as there is much help for this and it doesn't mean you are gone forever. Like anything else, you would just heal from it.

But that craziness you experience in a panic attack, where you feel your brain is falling apart, I felt that too, and is part of the fight or flight response, and I never went crazy. You think you are going to lose your mind, but when all calms down you are back to normal again. Most people with anxiety feel this. You won't really go insane. It just seems like it. It's a bluff. Once you get rid of anxiety, those feelings like you are losing your mind go away with it.

I am telling you that anxiety can be 100% overcome. Only a complete fool would make fun of me or bully me or talk crap to me when I make a statement like that. Do not listen to fools. Listen to those that can offer you something of value. I have 2 important threads at the top. One is how I cured my anxiety and the other is how to stop panic attacks. Read them. With my Techniques post, come up with some type of healing plan similar to mine. It doesn't have to be exact, but you should do something in that manner. Something along those lines. Heal and calm the nervous system, get healthy, do yoga and change habits. Do not bend your life for your anxiety. Push yourself to do the things that cause anxiety and little by little push through it. The few supplements I do recommend are there to help heal the nervous system. Certain herbs like the Calm and Relaxed Remedy, Passion Flower Extract, magnesium, Vitamin D3, etc. Just read what I wrote there as I am sure there is something in it you can benefit from.

Then all those feelings of going crazy will go away as the anxiety goes away. All the 1000 symptoms troubling you that no doctor can explain also go away when the anxiety goes away. But see a doctor first just to get the diagnosis of anxiety so you know for sure that is what it is.

Read my important posts here:
Techniques-I-Used-to-Overcome-My-Panic-Anxiety-Disorder: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8633-Techniques-I-Used-to-Overcome-My-Panic-Anxiety-Disorder

Quick Guide to Stopping Panic attacks: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

Nobody here has said anyone is going to crazy or insane, if you go back to the start of the thread you was implying that anxiety cannot cause a psychotic break. Which Science, not my beliefs that are measured in person conviction but science says it can cause one. I never said anybody was likely/unlikely to have a psychotic break, nobody also said that anybody was going to go insane. I was merely pointing out that it can cause a psychotic break and not "insanity or crazy" which you seem to be throwing around.

The anxiety in a panic attack is not going to drive somebody insane or crazy <<<< Nobody ever said that it would, but it can contribute/cause a psychotic break. Psychotic break and insanity are two very different things. Mandizzle can make the distinction between the two ,maybe he will succeed in what I failed by explaining it to you.

I also took exception to how you stated people here are trying to drag people into misery and you have said you do not want to be part of this site. So I'm going to step away from this thread as you cannot seem to grasp the concept of what me and fourteen were trying to say. I'll carry on this site and I'm sure you will keep talking of this "cure" of yours

Stephanie Jessed has given you the perfect advice above :)

05-25-2014, 12:33 PM
Stephanie I am old woman, and I am dealing with anxiety and panic attacks more than 30 years. I am also the herbalist, trained one. My Advice is Log off and do not come here, if you want to improve, the discussion does not give you what you need, rather the opposite. Please, at least consider it.

Thankyou for your advice
But I really like this forum
I might not get told what I want to hear sometimes but that's okay
I need to not get worked up easily
I have to work on that :)
Many people have helped me improve here

05-25-2014, 12:49 PM
Hey Stephanie. I actually did check myself into a mental hospital for feeling exactly the way you're feeling now. I was there for 4 months, over the Christmas period actually, back in 2010. I had no understanding of anxiety of the time, none whatsoever. Every morning I'd wake up and remember I'd 'gone mad' and my day would consist of me huddled up in bed, crying. I thought I'd close control daily, and it even progressed to something else, which I won't mention incase it triggers something. My few months in the mental hospital were useful. Tough, and heartbreaking, but useful. They helped me see I wasn't broken. If you keep trying the therapies recommended for anxiety, whichever ones you like, holistic ones, medicinal ones, whatever floats your boat, eventually you'll get a short period of deep relief from how you're feeling, and that period of relief will start your recovery from this. You'll realize if you can have moments of clear 'sanity', then nothing was ever wrong, or broken... It was just distorted. Your sanity is still there, in it's entirety, you just can't see it because it's been distorted by enough adrenaline to wake up a herd of sleeping elephants. When you find your moments of clarity, you very slowly begin to move beyond this type of classic anxiety thinking. You aren't broken, mad, about to lose control or about to have a psychotic breakdown... You will feel that way every second of your day sometimes, but it won't happen. Not if you have people around you who can help you understand what is happening, and why it's happening. Lack of education and lack of support are often two major reasons for a major breakdown. They were mine. I had anxiety, but not those things, and flipped. You have those things here whenever you need them. I for one am happy to message you anytime you want, to bring you back down to a slightly more level Steph!

Thankyou :)

I was having a bad day when I posted this thread an I will have more really bad days I'm sure
I have good an bad days
When I started getting anxiety severely I thought I was having a heart attack all the time after about 6 months of constant worry an 1000 tests later
I stopped panicking about my heart
Next was a fear of aneurysms an strokes that lasted a long time too
My fears of heart attacks strokes an anuerysms aren't a fear anymore
Now my fear is losing control of myself an feeling I need to pass out constantly
An yes sometimes I feel like like I need to check in a mental hospital
Everyday is different
I'm hoping this phase of fears will go away like the others
Whether I do or dont end up in a hospital due to my anxiety As much as it scares the hell out of me
I need to look at is as it will help me and if it doesn't then who knows.....
I realize I need to stop with the what ifs and thinking about what can possibly happen 3 days 3 months or 3 years from now
Today I won't be in a hospital because I will have a good day I know it :)

If I have any questions I will be sure to message you since you were once where I am today
Thankyou :)

05-25-2014, 01:18 PM
I've been to a mental hospital for my anxiety. Trust me, there's nothing to worry about. I was only there for like, three days though.

05-25-2014, 04:50 PM
But even though you guys were in a mental hospital, did you go completely insane? No. That is what Stephanie and others here feel. I once had a really bad breakup and I was so hurt, my therapist at the time recommended I check into a mental hospital. I did not become psychotic though. Stephanie and others here are worried that when they have the fear of going insane and completely losing their mind, if it will actually happen. I keep saying it will not. Jesse and chanellebourgeois can you please explain the distinction I am trying to make here so people do not have unnecessary fears. Pat of healing anxiety is seeing through the bluff. That fear you are going mad is irrational. Please help clear this up as think how many people reading this could be frightened.

Ritch's whole MO here is to discredit me when I know what I am talking about. He also seems to not understand all supplements must have legal disclaimers to be sold, not that they are not really used to treat. It is a formality that all non "medical" treatments must say.

I am here to help and don't let him or anyone block what I am trying to get across here. I still stand by my Techniques and Guide to Stopping Panic Attack threads at the top in the stickies. I want nothing more than for those with anxiety, heal yourselves and become anxiety free one day. There is no turning back. I will never have an anxiety disorder again. Fear is a natural emotion, so everyone has anxious moments in their life. That is not the disorder though. That is normal amounts of fear everyone feels. If I ever exhausted my nervous system to the point where I did have an anxiety disorder again, I wouldn't care. I would just do the steps to heal it, like I would with any illness. The panic feelings do not scare me, as I have 100% understanding of what they are.

The healing path is a process but you have to keep moving forward in it. It is a bunch of little steps you do each day that eventually add up to your healing. But certain supplements I feel are needed to nourish the nervous system. I list them in the stickies above. Understanding what panic attacks are and how to not add 2nd fear, as Claire Weeks says, is important. Read my guide above and try it out next time the panic hits and report back your experience. Learn to not hyperventilate. And try to act like you do not have anxiety, do not modify your life to fit your anxiety. Like if someone is scared of flying, the worst thing they can do is avoid flying. You have to fly to get over fear of fling. Anyway, just stay focused on your goal which is anxiety free, and do what needs to be done to get there. And all those weird symptoms go away when the anxiety goes away. Go to a doctor first to make sure what you have is anxiety, and get the anxiety diagnosis. If you need any help, you can PM me.

Take care!

05-26-2014, 07:48 AM
Stephanie 21,
I'm really glad to hear that you seem to be having a decent day. I can understand the desire to want to check into a hospital, as I have considered it myself at times. I guess it really comes down to how much help you think you will get from it. It seems that eventually you come to realize that each new fear is irrational, which is great, but then you replace it with another. I guess it is up to you to decide if you need help to a degree in which merits going to a hospital. At the very least, I would suggest going to a psychiatrist/psychologist. They're trained to teach you the methods in which you can prevent yourself from getting hooked on a new fear. They can also assess you and let you know in their professional opinion if you merit hospitalization. In addition, you might want to go to a doctor and make sure there isn't a medical factor contributing to your anxiety.

Keep in mind that just as your fears of heart attacks, aneurysms, and strokes were fully realized as irrational fears, so is the notion of going into psychosis or losing control. I know it can seem really scary because as Ritch said, there have been some recorded cases of it occurring, but he(or she) also made it apparent that it is incredibly unlikely to happen. As Panic Cured and I have been trying to say, it is an irrational fear and while it is okay to be scared of it, there is virtually no chance of it happening. I know that in a deep state of anxiety the feeling that you are going to lose control seems inevitable but it's not. I know that knowing that even if there is a remote possibility of your fear occurring makes you feel that much more anxious. Many others, myself included, have felt as you have and while it is terrifying you can get past this fear like all of your others. I read once that people with panic attacks tend to categorize their fears into two categories, called overestimation and catastrophizing. Things like thinking you are dying, having a heart attack, going crazy, losing control, or things along this line fall into the overestimating category. Things like thinking you are going to faint, When I am panicking I have five questions I ask myself;

For Overestimating
1. How many times have you felt you were going to lose control( die, go crazy, faint, have a heart attack, etc.)?
-To which I normally reply that I have this thought a lot.
2. Then I ask myself another question. How many times has it ever happened?
- To which I must admit, it has never happened even with all the times that I was afraid that it would.
3. Then I start to ask myself, what if it happens this time?
- To which I reply with a question.
4. How many times have you thought that this is the time it would happen, even though I have had this fear and it never once occurred in the past 1 million times that I was certain it was going to come into fruition?
- A lot.
5. How many times has it happened?
Never. I think that it is going to happen this time for sure all the time. But like all the other answers it never happens. You have probably been certain that you are going to lose control or faint all the time, but it never happens.
5. What are the chances that you are overestimating the fear?
- For me at least, I realized that it was just me overestimating the situation into one of me going crazy, hurting someone, or dying even though the chances were extremely small.
For overestimating fears it is helpful to realize that some of the things you fear are very unlikely to occur and even though you have had this thought many times, it has not come true.

For Catastrophizing
it's important to remember that what you fear is more of a hassle than a horror, and that there are things you can do to cope with the situation.
What am I afraid will happen?
I will have a panic attack at work.
What would be so bad about that?
I might pass out and my coworkers will notice.
What’s the worst that could happen?
Everyone will look at me. I would be so embarrassed I would just freeze.
How bad is it really?
Well, it would be very embarrassing to “lose it” at work.
Is it a hassle or a horror?
It wouldn’t feel very good, but I guess it’s more of a hassle than a major horror.
Will it make a difference in my life in a week or year from now?
In a week people may still remember that I had one, but in a year from now it’s unlikely that anyone will remember.
How could I cope if it did happen?
I could excuse myself and go to the bathroom.
Have I been embarrassed in the past?
Yes,I tripped on the stairs at work.
How has that turned out? Did it make a difference?
I felt uncomfortable around my coworkers for a few days. It didn’t really make a difference in my life. I don’t think anyone remembers.
So, how bad is it to embarrass myself?
It doesn’t feel good, but it’s not that bad

Now I took this information pretty much verbatum from a self help strategy link, and I don't have enough posts to wholly link it correctly, but if that stuff seemed helpful to you then by all means look it up. I know it sounds like I'm trying to endorse some phoney website, but it's just a pdf for strategies to dealing with panic attacks.


I hope it helps, and that you have better days.

05-26-2014, 07:59 AM
Oh I guess it works just fine, you copy and paste that link. Again, I know it looks like I'm selling something, but I'm not. If it does have anything on there for you to buy, then just don't buy it. I am pretty sure that it is just your standard pdf with no attachments to something that can be bought or sold, but I can't guarantee that there isn't anything. Just so you know.

05-26-2014, 12:07 PM
Good advice^^^

Also I am not sure which country you are located in Stephanie, over here in the UK we have something called " An Intensive home treatment team". When my anxiety was at it's peak, before being admitted to the Hospital the team came out and monitored me. A psychiatrist would come out once a day with two psychiatric nurses to see me to give me my daily medication and see how the medication was treating me. The nurses would also come out two additional times without the doctor to Monitor/help me in anyway they could. Ultimately this wasn't enough for me, but if it is a possibility I would recommend exploring this option before hospitalization.

I appreciate you are in a state of despair and that you will be overwhelmed by emotions/anxiety. But you have to choose what is right for you and I know this is a million times harder than it is me writing it but do your best to make sure the decision is made by YOU not the anxiety/emotions.

I wish you all the best in your recovery.