View Full Version : My anxiety is affecting my job, How should i handle this?

05-21-2014, 03:08 PM

05-21-2014, 04:18 PM
Well, if you want to use this boss as a reference, you're going to have to give some kind of notice. You should at least give one week's notice, if you're sure you cannot possibly give two. If you only give one week, give some kind of plausible explanation of why you can't work two weeks notice. Give the employer as much time as possible to find another person..

05-21-2014, 04:29 PM
Yeah, I lost over 20 jobs due to anxiety. No lie. I always tried to stuff down my anxiety and just tough it out. That never worked, and I'd end up losing the job suddenly. Not fired, I'd just not be able to go because I'd be freaking out having a panic attack. Best thing is to give notice right away and then stay as many days as you can til boss finds replacement.

You can cure your anxiety, but it won't happen overnight. Don't beat yourself up over losing this job though. It's off the books too? Heh, yeah you'll later be glad you moved on. Don't freak out okay or be too hard on yourself. There will be other jobs. Learn to deal with the root causes of your anxiety, and in time you'll be stronger and more confident again.

Good luck! =)

05-22-2014, 11:59 PM
You okay? We're still here if you wanna talk it out...