View Full Version : Anyone else bored of feeling like this?

05-21-2014, 02:44 PM
Hi all,

I know a lot of you have anxiety in forms that are a lot worse than mine but recently I started to feel a lot better so stopped taking my medication. All was fine for a week but then as, I assume - it came out of my system, I had bad shoulder pains and chest pains again and my anxiety and stress levels rapidly increased so I've had to start taking them again.

Anyone else just wonder where it will eventually end?

It's just frustrating when you thought you were a lot better but then it knocks you back three paces.

05-21-2014, 03:39 PM
Ooh, I've heard horror stories about people who just stopped their meds without tapering off gradually. Did you discuss your desire to quit the meds with your doctor?

05-21-2014, 03:51 PM
I get so fed up of this . I've had anxiety for over 15 years & there are times that I begin to feel better . I used to get excited & think it was over & I could live a normal happy life , however I've since learnt that this is not the case in my 15uears of experience it ALWAYS returns . You may go through a good spell but it never lasts . This is one of the hardest things about this ilness, it is in my experience & my mothers life long. You learn to handle it better & tackle things & not let it affect you as much but is lurks in the background all the time & when it does return you are left feeling a deep sadness & depression as deep down you know it's never gonna go . It's a condition & in lots of cases a chemical imbalance in the brain , it surfaces sometime for no reason at all & others you know it's coming because of a situation that has happened in your life . I was anxious as a small child & at 34 am still just as anxious & it does make me feel fed up of it , I'm sick to god dam death of it . Depression now has me & that's even bloody worse . I can feel myself getting angry just thinking about my life.
Sorry this is a very pessimistic post but it's how I feel & it's what's happened in my case . Lots of other people will disagree .
I've tried everything & I mean everything , to change things & to feel better . Again this also gives you a sense if hopelessness .

I really hope that you & others have better luck than me & find things that work for you
Jessy x

05-21-2014, 04:22 PM
Ooh, I've heard horror stories about people who just stopped their meds without tapering off gradually. Did you discuss your desire to quit the meds with your doctor?

Well when I decided to stop I was having a really really busy and stressful week with work and forgot / wasn't at home at the usual night time I take them because of work commitments and I managed to carry on and felt absolutely fine. I'm currently on an anti-depressant to try to relax me as I get pains etc when I get anxious too, however, I have been on anxiety medication before. I saw my doctor and asked if I could switch to an anxiety one and he told me he 'didn't really want to medicate me for my whole life' as I'm still only quite young [his words]. He gave me a repeat prescription for the anti-depressants and told me to only take them when necessary but obviously that doesn't work.

& Jessy - thank you for your response, it might seem pessimistic but I'm all for honesty! I go through depressive periods with the anxiety and it's awful, it makes it all seem so much worse. It's odd as I've only suffered with it from the age of 19 and there was no real trigger point either. Prior to the onset I was always quite antsy and liked things in a schedule or in order and got a bit panicky when things didn't go to plan but it was never a real problem. But even though you've tried everything, I hope you manage to reach a positive point soon, the positive points no matter how long they last are always worth remembering.

05-21-2014, 04:38 PM
It seems like all of us just keep trying to find what works best for us with the least amount of side effects. The medication I take helps immensely, but I can't take as much as I would like because of the side effects . meditation helps, exercise helps, and knowing others have it too helps.

05-21-2014, 06:33 PM
Anne is giving sound advice, I am on meds; small dose, they work good, as long as I meditate regularly. I am dealing with anxiety so many years there is not way out of meds for me. Probably I will take them to the end of my life. It does not mean that I had not tried. There were 5 years with maybe ativan once in 6 months, I had really meditate then, like 4 hours a day... When I am on meds, I have almost normal life. When not I do not function at all.....
I wish you guys not to have anxiety, depression , ocd and any mental problems. We are build this way and we need to deal with it any possible way.
I started the gardening and I am much quieter now. :)) Love my veggies, flowers. shrubs, trees......

05-22-2014, 07:41 PM
I really don't mean to sound insensitive but your doctor sounds like a prat. "He gave me a repeat prescription for the anti-depressants and told me to only take them when necessary but obviously that doesn't work." <<<------- What kind of advice is that, taking them only now and then could cause you more problems than it solves. Also if you come off of medication make sure you come off gradually under the guidance of a competent doctor like free suggested.

I understand the position you are in, you feel like you are getting off of the ground then the anxiety just puts the boot back in and down you go. I get tired of feeling like this and at my most desperate I do wish that it would all end, but we have to try to keep going. You are young like myself and hopefully we will learn to deal with it better. Exercise and meditation are great pieces of advice from anne and dahila, I can certainly relate to your post jessy.

05-23-2014, 07:00 AM
Ritch I don't find that insensitive at all - I'm still trying to find myself a doctor that isn't a prat! I see a different one almost every time I go which doesn't help but all of them seem to be the same way.

05-23-2014, 07:43 AM
Hi all,

I know a lot of you have anxiety in forms that are a lot worse than mine but recently I started to feel a lot better so stopped taking my medication. All was fine for a week but then as, I assume - it came out of my system, I had bad shoulder pains and chest pains again and my anxiety and stress levels rapidly increased so I've had to start taking them again.

Anyone else just wonder where it will eventually end?

It's just frustrating when you thought you were a lot better but then it knocks you back three paces.

Yeah I was tired of feeling bad, and I did something about it and I no longer have any anxiety. What are you going to do about it besides complaining and asking others to complain with you?

05-23-2014, 08:02 AM
Yeah I was tired of feeling bad, and I did something about it and I no longer have any anxiety. What are you going to do about it besides complaining and asking others to complain with you?

I live a normal and busy life and 6 out of 7 days a week I don't let it affect my day to day activities therefore I think I'm allowed to complain and ask if other people have it reoccurring despite usually managing to control it?

05-23-2014, 03:35 PM
But what will you do to get rid of anxiety completely?

05-23-2014, 04:28 PM
But what will you do to get rid of anxiety completely?

I don't know how to which I'm sure is the problem for many here or none of us would be here?

Although I feel as though I manage it well, that's part of the reason I joined this forum - to share other people's experiences and explore more options of how to rid of it altogether [but as I've found so far, some people can like yourself but some people such as Jessy can't.]

05-23-2014, 04:54 PM
I completely understand how you feel. I stopped taking Effexor 1 week ago and am still dealing with withdraw symptoms (mostly dizziness). What helps me, is knowing I'm not alone. Sadly, there are so many people with this disorder but it's good to know you have a safe place here to open up and talk with others who are struggling too.

05-23-2014, 07:10 PM
So let's try and put together a plan for you then, because managing is not good enough. The problem is this forum will be mainly people who feel just like you, and then all you are doing is sharing their misery. You need a proper plan from A-Z. What I did was everyday from the moment I woke up, I spent my time focused on curing myself, doing everything possible until I reached the end. I never once thought I couldn't get better. I think that attitude is what drove me and it can drive you too. But you are going to have people tell you it can't be done, but don't believe them. I just found this video, it was a product I used, and got an email form the company and it says lots of great stuff I am totally on board with. Watch this video and then let's talk some more:


05-23-2014, 07:58 PM
Yeah I was tired of feeling bad, and I did something about it and I no longer have any anxiety. What are you going to do about it besides complaining and asking others to complain with you?

Here he is judging people again

05-23-2014, 08:29 PM
I explained on the other thread I do not sell anything. Do not listen to Ritch. I always used to give lots of links to books, videos, supplements and programs I personally did. I never made money. They are just good links to help people. I went through a few weeks I remember when I would upload a great book every few days so people could download for free. What do you think, 670 posts all shilling? No. I never sold anything here. I try and help people. Fuck it! It's not worth it if I have to deal with people like you. You can;t even see I am one of the few people here who actually could help people. Go ask the few hundred I have helped Oh wait, you can't. They don;t need this site anymore!

05-23-2014, 09:51 PM
Maybe you are not selling anything.

"You can;t even see I am one of the few people here who actually could help people"

Again here you are thinking you one of the only people who can help people...... hows the view from up there? What do we look like down here? Maybe you have helped people and I take my hat off to you for that.

05-23-2014, 10:53 PM
I don't know how to which I'm sure is the problem for many here or none of us would be here?

Although I feel as though I manage it well, that's part of the reason I joined this forum - to share other people's experiences and explore more options of how to rid of it altogether [but as I've found so far, some people can like yourself but some people such as Jessy can't.]

Riley and EBA, I do not have time for these bullshit arguments. This guy won't get off my back. If either of you need my help, you can PM anytime and I will do everything I can to help you. If not, good luck. I am not going to be harassed like this.