View Full Version : Need help! Panic with urgent school deadline tomorrow!

05-21-2014, 02:00 PM
I have my final assignment, worth 50% of my final grade, due tomorrow and I've just been in panic mode all day. I'm menstruating which is NOT helping - I'm usually panic-free otherwise, but the timing is just horrible. I still have over a thousand words to write, but even looking at the document makes me feel sick and the panic rises.

I can't fail after all my hard work, but I can't focus long enough to type anything. Any tips? I am breathing through cupped hands with longer out breaths to keep my oxygen levels down, but I don't know what else to do. I can't get an extension either.

I'm gonna stay up into the early hours of the morning if I have to, but each hour spent with panic is an hour wasted!

05-21-2014, 02:06 PM
Try and do the first hundred and maybe as you are concentrating the panic will leave. I always hated those assignments when they say this is 50% of your grade. What the hell was the first part of the year for? Good luck and YOU CAN DO IT. ( pep talk )

05-21-2014, 02:41 PM
I had the same problem two weeks ago and I found that as I wrote a bit more I became calmer - it's a tough path but once the end is in sight you'll feel a lot better and you'll probably even be able to read through what you wrote whilst panicking at the end when you feel relieved it's finished. Just try to keep going is all I can really say but you will definitely feel better when you see light at the end of the tunnel and 1000 words isn't that much! If you think of it as 400 words a paragraph that's only one paragraph, a bit and a conclusion!

05-21-2014, 03:19 PM
Thanks guys, I've written 300 more words. I now have 1642 so I am over half way to finishing. I'm going to go over what I've written so far, make it beautiful, and crack on with the next bit. I'll do my best.

ETA: 1760. :) The problem is I make a lot of points but some of them might be contradictory or just have no real need to be in the essay. I'm telling myself now to just keep writing and fix everything once it's finished.

05-21-2014, 04:01 PM
Hi, I do a lot of writing online, and what always helps me is to follow my outline and also to save the editing for last. Every time I edit a sentence, I always lose my train of thought and it takes me awhile to get that train rolling again. Good luck! You're gonna feel so proud when you finish and turn it in on time.

05-21-2014, 04:24 PM
Thanks guys, I've written 300 more words. I now have 1642 so I am over half way to finishing. I'm going to go over what I've written so far, make it beautiful, and crack on with the next bit. I'll do my best.

ETA: 1760. :) The problem is I make a lot of points but some of them might be contradictory or just have no real need to be in the essay. I'm telling myself now to just keep writing and fix everything once it's finished.

Well done on writing more! That's the best way to do it - write and then edit after. Even if it's not that great what you have written down you'll feel a lot better when it's done and have enough confidence to go through it and make it even better!

05-22-2014, 05:13 AM
Hi everyone, I have almost finished (only 400 words to go) and will proof read it and send it off within the next three hours I expect. I am a little jittery (just got up, having coffee now) but I am determined to have the afternoon and evening free of this tyranny! Thanks everyone for their support, this is so much easier to deal with when everyone is helping me. :)

05-22-2014, 06:15 AM
Alright !!!!!!!

05-22-2014, 07:40 AM
You know, no matter how the panic shows itself, it's always the same bullshit! Just carry on and as Claire Wekes said, don't add second fear. Its just adrenaline running through you. It is nothing to care about. The problem is when you keep it going instead of just allowing it to pass. And what's this deal about keeping oxygen levels down? You are confused. It is keeping CO2 levels up, not oxygen down. Not overbreathing so you do not blow out too much carbon dioxide, not keeping oxygen low.

05-22-2014, 11:57 PM
Good job, snowberry!