View Full Version : Interviews and test scores....whew! No panic attack

05-21-2008, 02:05 PM
Today I had to perform tests for an employment agency (there is a job I am waiting to hear about.) Well, it took about 3 hrs. straight.....I could feel the clock ticking in my head......and I thought an attack was coming on because I was hurrying. I made it without the attack!

My scores? Don't ask about my computer scores (based on intermediate level: Word and Excel) Just passed. My data entry speed and accuracy for alpha was better than good; my numeric data entry, a little less but still good. My math (problem solving, percentages, multiplication, division,) ALL FROM YOUR HEAD. NO PAPER OR PENCIL.........not great. My best scores? Spelling, comprehension, and grammar. Over 96%.

Now, it's wait and see. :unsure:

05-21-2008, 02:09 PM
Just to add to my previous post, going back home after doing these tests, I felt like my chest had a heavy weight on it......sort of hyperventilating a bit too. My throat feels tight....so I don't know if I am going to my group tonite. I feel a bit exhausted. :o