View Full Version : Conversation with My Anxiety

05-21-2014, 12:46 PM
Not sure if it is a good thing to put so much focus on this as its happening. But I think that this may help me get thru this. I have to find some rational thoughts quick. Right now I am feeling about 98% detached. If I hit that 100% mark, it will not be good and I'll be on the phone with 911 or driving myself to the er.
Anxiety: Your neck and shoulders are achy. This might be a heart attack. Quick take your pulse and check your blood pressure!
Me: Of course my neck and shoulders are achy. You keep me tense all the time and don't ever let me relax. I'll go take a hot shower. That will help.
Anxiety: Do you really want your boyfriend to find you dead and nude in a cold shower when he gets home?
Me: You always say that. You just know there's a good chance you'll be forced to back off by the time that water shuts off.
Anxiety: You can't take a deep breath. You're definitely going to die this time.
Me: I can't take a deep breath because you're always choking me and allowing me only small amounts of air in-and that's only when you're not completely holding my breath in your grip. My deep breather muscles are out if shape.
Anxiety: You're floating away from yourself. That distance is you leaving. This is it.
Me: That's not me leaving. That's you trying to steal me. I won't let you. Not this time. Not ever again.

Hmm. That actually helped. A lot. Enough for me to be able to go get in the shower. I stood in there until the water ran tepid. By the time I was dried off and dressed, I was mostly okay. Another 10 minutes playing with my cat and I'm back. I don't know if I'll ever be unafflicted, but I will control this somehow.

05-21-2014, 12:59 PM
That's virtually what's gotten me through some of my 98%er's too.

You know that rush that comes on, and all of a sudden everything just feels bad? (Of course you do, this is your thread...!) doing what you just did gets me down from that every time. It's awesome to be able to talk yourself down, makes you stop fearing attacks.

I'm glad you're feeling better Niki :) it's all about finding out what works for you.

05-21-2014, 01:08 PM
I hate that rush. Lol. I feel very accomplished today writing myself down from that. It was close. Two panic attacks in a row I've gotten through. My boyfriend helped me with the last one, but I got through this one all by myself. :)

I hope your trip home is good. Enjoy the scenery. :)

05-21-2014, 02:11 PM
I have been a huge advocate of talking to your anxiety. Many of my post are about that.

This is how I look at it, anxiety it a little kid that is throwing a tantrum, its temporary and its no fault of anyone, it just happens. You just need to be the one in control, you need to be the one to talk it down and calm it like a little child. Baby it a little tell it that everything is normal and all will be alright. Slowly that child will calm down and all will be back to normal.

The other way I look at it is, that its a child that will grow up, but you need to train it and work with it so it can mature, next thing you know it will be off on its own and you will never deal with it again!

Keep it up! you are on the right path!

05-21-2014, 04:35 PM
I dunno. That Anxiety fellow sounds like a real asshole. Instead of talking to him, maybe you can just kick him in the nads next time he opens his big fat mouth. =)

Glad you're feeling better!

05-21-2014, 09:16 PM
That anxiety fella is a complete dick. Haha. I think I will keep this dialogue up with him. It seems to have been one of the better coping skills I have tried. I am a fan of this forum, too. Its nice to have a place to share my thoughts and how I am feeling.

05-22-2014, 02:27 PM
That anxiety fella is a complete dick. Haha. I think I will keep this dialogue up with him. It seems to have been one of the better coping skills I have tried. I am a fan of this forum, too. Its nice to have a place to share my thoughts and how I am feeling.

I love this place, I really think this place has helped me 10 fold on healing from this sickness. If you read one of my old post I have really come a long way and I only wish to share what I have learned here so others can heal too!!!!

05-22-2014, 02:31 PM
You guy's crack me me up!!!! kick once for me please.