View Full Version : sleep

05-21-2008, 08:43 AM
Well, i have been on such a great recovery from my panic disorder. The only thing really bothering me anymore is my sleeping. If anyone can relate, let's say i go to sleep at around 10pm. I'd wake up around 3am, maybe get something to drink and turn on the tv. After about 20min i'll try going to bed again and just lay there for probably an hour, without no sign of tiredness. I used to be able to go days on 5hours, even less at sometimes. Now with anxiety i really contemplate my sleep. I try to go by the charts(8hours of sleep per day) and now if i get any less than that, i'm afraid throughout the day i'll feel a little sleepy and PASS OUT! Which, i have never done before. My anxiety starts making me feel sick and tired so i end up going back to sleep at like 8-9am and it just completely screws up my sleeping patterns and causes depression(because of hardly any daytime to do anything with others). Trying to reverse it back to normal is even harder for me. With sleeping patterns like that, i just can't fall asleep around 10-11pm. It usually goes into the early a.m.'s and gets later and later, until one day i have to force myself through all the anxiety and tiredness to get these sleeping patterns back in order. This has happened multiple times and i'm just not sure what to do about it. The cause also can be, me staying up just a little too late one night, with my mind distracted of the time and waking up in the p.m.'s.

05-21-2008, 01:17 PM
It takes a real conscious effort to get into a regualar sleep pattern ie. going to bed the same time every night & getting up the same time every morning, it's hard at first but it works in the end.

05-22-2008, 05:25 AM
hey dude i suffer from the same problems, sleeping, anxiety etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc lol the list goes on with anxiety, but a trick i found handy with sleeping is Nature Sounds, only storm sounds thou I live in Australia so it doesnt rain much but when it does its such a relaxant its like the only time my anxiety depression gets washed away when its bucketing down rain and thunder and lighting. i know you think tv works but in the long run i think it made my sleep worse, contributed to my sleep paterns being worse and sounds from the tv/ movies made there way in to my dreams giving me anxiety when i was sleeping....keep fighting mate....

05-22-2008, 05:32 AM
sorry um u can down load the Nature cds from bit torrent sites and stuff