View Full Version : Oscar pistorious... GAD an exuse for murder?

05-20-2014, 11:15 AM
A you are probably aware the Paralympic athlete is using the plee that he was unable to understand what clearly went on when he murdered his girlfriend. His anxiety revolves around crime aparently and in SA it's not surprising

So if it turns out he's telling the truth what do you guys think that means for anxiety sufferers and labels to be placed on us and also do you think it's reasonable to plee this. Do you reckon you could be capable?

Just a thought....

05-20-2014, 11:46 AM
Hi mikecole

Personally as a GAD sufferer I don't think it can be used as an excuse for any crime. Wether the GAD is triggered by crime in itself is irrelevant to me. Post traumatic stress maybe but not GAD on it's own. We all no right from wrong at a very early age if there were an intruder in my home my first thought would be make sure my family was ok then to ring the authorities not pick up a weapon.

I think the whole world as a whole needs educating properly on all mental health issues and Oscar pistorius being a GAD sufferer is going to make us look like criminals or that we need to be watched in case we commit a crime.

It's a really hard question to answer really as the case is really high profile and many have opinions on the case myself included.

05-20-2014, 01:15 PM
Yes I agree with you
It's hard to say anything for sure as he hasn't been chargerd yet we will see how the authorities respond. I agree also it sounds like a desperate plee from a sinking ship to change the record and nearly claim insanity rather then guilty

05-20-2014, 01:20 PM
Defense lawyers will say ANYTHING to help their clients, and most people know that.

05-21-2014, 01:07 PM
Defense lawyers will say ANYTHING to help their clients, and most people know that.

True dat!

I suppose GAD may have the tiniest, most minor, minuscule part to play in the case considering he has no legs, and lives in the most dangerous non war-torn country on earth.

Still, my GAD would never have made me shoot anybody, and you'd have to be pretty violent/trigger happy already to shoot somebody so quickly without knowing who it is.

05-21-2014, 04:27 PM
And, gee whiz, GAD or no GAD, wouldn't you at least find out where your girlfriend is before you start shooting?!

05-21-2014, 04:30 PM
And, gee whiz, GAD or no GAD, wouldn't you at least find out where your girlfriend is before you start shooting?!

Most definitely Anne.
But to be fair I would be pushing the hubby out the bed to go investigate lol.
But I no in the rare occasion he would wake first his priorities would be making sure our son and I were safe first.
The whole story makes no sense

05-26-2014, 03:54 PM
I think it is irrelevant...

05-27-2014, 02:53 PM
Honestly, I havenīt been keeping up with Pistorius case but I think that Pistorius might fake he is having GAD at all.

05-27-2014, 08:37 PM
I agree...his story makes no sense to me at all. I think they argued...he lost his temper. ..threatened to kill her...she fled for the bathroom and locked the door...he shot her through the door. I highly doubt he even has GAD and even if he did....it would have nothing to do with this scenario.

05-28-2014, 11:43 PM
what a stupid excuse loool