View Full Version : Bulge on lower right abdomen / pelvis - muscle??!!

05-20-2014, 02:41 AM
Hi all - can anyone relate to this as its worrying me some...
If I arch my back backwards and look down at my right pelvis / lower right abdomen my muscles bulge out far more than my left and seems to create like a balloon effect that when looking down my right bigger than left. I have a small average belly, so if it were just muscle then it would likely push that out with it. It does feel like my obliques flexing but I am worried that something sinister is going on. Is it normal to be far more defined on 1 side to the other? I don't notice anything if im just standing, mainly if I arch my back. If i tense my muscles in then it all looks normal. Argh

Here is the area - more defined on the right and a little upwards

Trying me insane with worry :(

05-20-2014, 07:59 AM
It doesn't seem to be anything to worry about, but I can't be sure. All of my friends with various stomach ailments, always had some symptoms that were bothering them first. (some ache or pain or discomfort)

05-20-2014, 09:17 PM
Your inguinal nodes are there. One could be swollen. Is it tender? Honestly, do not worry about it too much.

05-21-2014, 01:51 AM
Thank you for taking the time to reply :)
No tenderness at all, if i stand in front of the mirror normally you wouldnt think i had a issue. Its only when i arch my back backwards, that the right pelvis area bulges and upwards - it does seem like muscle in the pelvis area and above that it seems like its just pushing my fat forward from my stomach which makes it uneven. Maybe im more defined one side. I've got a ultrasound privately booked as i cant drop it in my mind until i have someone look at it. Fingers crossed i am being a silly bugger and its just a fatter sided muscle as i am right handed. :)

05-21-2014, 03:40 AM
I always see these threads & the first thing I look for is whether the person says they have health anxiety or not.

You do know that you have health anxiety to some degree, right? The second I found out I had health anxiety, I suddenly was able to get much better control of that aspect of my anxiety. My Doctor told me if I had any persistent complaint then I should always get it checked out. However, understand that looking hard for problems... i.e. noticing a bulge when adopting a strange posture, is not something you should be doing or that should worry you.

If it was noticeable without doing that, or painful, or if you felt unwell in other ways, then you would have justification but I honestly think it's nothing to worry about. It's very easy to exaggerate a problem in your mind - you are seeing something unfamiliar & thinking the worst.

Let's hope your examination goes well, I have no doubt it will. :)

05-21-2014, 05:27 AM
Most definently do have health anxiety - i have a hard time accepting scans and professional opinions and worry stuff has been missed or ive not explained myself correctly.
Its only the last month ive suffered from it. I think the worry on this topic come from when i read a post of someone noticing a bulge near there cecum in the same position and it turned out to be serious and in my crazy mind it linked it but your right - it certainly isnt normal. Thank you for replying - i do hope it does, in the back of my mind i know im being stupid but need satisfying lol - thx again

05-21-2014, 08:15 AM
Sorry to hear the knowledge of it hasn't helped.

I still worry about actual symptoms but just knowing that anxiety is probably the root of those helps. I think it's only when I can't identify an obvious benign cause that my health anxiety gets the better of me.

The most important point, is don't look things up! Don't click on threads titled like your one :D ! You can get stuck in a cycle but once you break that cycle, it'll be much easier to keep under control.

I actually stopped visiting this site, didn't look things up & just reminded myself that it was all anxiety speaking. Within a week or so, I'd stopped worrying as much! You just have to take your mind off it somehow, that's the key point.

05-23-2014, 02:10 AM
I am exactly the same - until i can tell myself its this or that then i cannot drop it - really odd. Then i just think as time goes on its something serious and wont leave me alone.
Googling is a bad habit and doesnt help really does it lol - i need to quit doing that. Thanks for your reply - ill let you know how tommorow goes. Im nakered today as i was up late last night proding and poking myself trying to figure out what it is and now that area seems to twitching - most likely as i keep proding. Glad to here you got on top of it, certainly can be a horrible mind set to get in