View Full Version : HEALTH ANXIETY!!!! Im so scared!

05-20-2014, 01:46 AM
It used to be my heart and now it is I think I have breast cancer... And in my opinion I have a legitimate reason to think I do! First off, I have a lump in my left breast on the outer side (it's been there I would say a MINIMUM of 4 years) also that same breast is always, ALWAYS tender and painful on the outer side. In addition to that, the last few days my nipple feels raw. I've had the lump checked twice... Once in 2011 and once in 2012 and the doctors both said a cyst cause I drink a lot of caffeine... BUT both times I had the doctors check, I yanked back quickly cause of how tender the spot is so I barely let them feel literally.. (So I think they didn't check properly) on top of all this (the pain, tenderness, raw feeling) my left arm, shoulder and back hurt a lot too. I am legit freaking out!!!!!! I feel so alone and want to bawl my eyes out! I've just got on Google which I know was a STUPID IDEA!!! And read about inflammatory breast cancer and now I'm convinced that's what I have! I'm only 25 and I have a 1 year old who I'm so in love with! I'm just scared! Maybe the raw feeling is from breast feeding (cause I still am breast feeding) but why would that happen after 18 months of breast feeding randomly?? It's just so weird, everything is always crazy symptoms with my left breast, the right breast is completely normal, never had 1 single issue with it my whole life. I'm just so scared I have inflammatory breast cancer as I have some symptoms they list! I have an appt to get checked tomorrow but I'm just so scared, sorry for rambling! :(

05-20-2014, 01:55 AM
I forgot to mention also... That I just generally don't feel well lately at all. Like general malaise. And the last couple week I have also had symptoms of a yeast infection (that's stressing me out too) and I've never had those in my entire life except for once while pregnant) the last thing I've had recently in the past week is my lower abdomen like where you would get period cramps has been hurting for a week! Idk why cause I haven't had a period for 2 years because of pregnancy then breast feeding so it's not period cramps!

05-20-2014, 02:28 AM
Go and have an ultrasound. I found a couple of small moveable lumps, did my head in thinking I had cancer until I eventually went and had them scanned. Nothing found and said to be from broken blood vessels from me poking at them!!
Just go and have a scan then you can stop worrying. It's amazing what symptoms your mind will talk you into having! Trust me, I know!!

05-20-2014, 02:32 AM
Go and have an ultrasound. I found a couple of small moveable lumps, did my head in thinking I had cancer until I eventually went and had them scanned. Nothing found and said to be from broken blood vessels from me poking at them!! Just go and have a scan then you can stop worrying. It's amazing what symptoms your mind will talk you into having! Trust me, I know!!

That's very true! Our minds are so powerful. The bad thing about inflammatory breast cancer is it isn't associated with lumps, it's just breast enlargement, one breast feeling hot to the touch, redness, swelling, pain/tenderness.

05-20-2014, 02:33 AM
Go and have an ultrasound. I found a couple of small moveable lumps, did my head in thinking I had cancer until I eventually went and had them scanned. Nothing found and said to be from broken blood vessels from me poking at them!! Just go and have a scan then you can stop worrying. It's amazing what symptoms your mind will talk you into having! Trust me, I know!!

I have an appointment Wednesday for my doctor to check and see what's going on

05-20-2014, 03:52 AM
Hi mrs j

I'm so pleased you've made that appointment. Before they start the exam tell them how painful it is and if they can't do it as its too sore ask for that ultrasound.

I found a lump about a year after I had my son and all it turned out to be was a swollen lymph node. I was so pleased I had it checked out properly though.

Good luck an let us no how you get on please :-)


05-20-2014, 06:06 AM
Edit: Sorry guys I posted on the wrong thread :)