View Full Version : Narcolepsy?

05-19-2014, 11:48 PM
Years ago I was told by a sleep clinician I knew that I may have narcolepsy and that might be the reason for some of my issues with sleeping and anxiety. I thought that was kind of a weird suggestion. I didn't think I fit the bill, but she seemed sure of it. At the time I didn't have the insurance or money to go to a sleep study so I never got an official diagnosis.

Tonight though I felt so compelled to sleep that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Like within the timespan of a half-hour I went from wide awake to sleeping sitting up. I wasn't ready to go to bed so I kept reading and noticed I nodded off 4 or so times against all of my willpower. I know it's normal to feel sleepy at night, but I recall getting like this in the past. Maybe I do have it? I could not keep myself awake so I had to lay down before I fell down or something. But I did my usual fall asleep/wake up instantly routine until I had such a bad panic attack I needed to walk it off. Eventually I overcame the sensation and I was able to get back up for another 10 min. But I'm starting to not be able to open my eyes again though so it's coming back.

I know I have other mondo sleep issues, I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet when I get my medical assistance benefits and get everything sorted out at a sleep clinic? Is anyone familiar with these? I'm not sure what to expect anymore and I don't want to be sleeping in some foreign bed with a bunch of electrodes hooked up to me

05-20-2014, 04:01 AM
You might have sleep apnea. They always ask me if I could fall asleep sitting in a chair. That's one of the signs. I've had the sleep studies before. They do give you good information on exactly what's going on while you sleep. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and periodic limb movement disorder. (kick my legs in my sleep).

05-20-2014, 07:40 AM
Thank you for sharing Anne! I am just going to have to get it taken care of. I usually put doctor-related stuff off for so long because I hate going there so much!!

05-20-2014, 07:53 AM
I hate it too, but it's good to know if you have sleep apnea, and exactly what is going on while you're asleep. My advice: take something to read (they let you watch tv or read before lights out and take your own pillow)