View Full Version : Has anyone any ideas what has caused my anxiety - help

05-21-2008, 04:56 AM
As a child i had a few Panic attacks, but they were not anything to worry about, then as i grew older i became not easily scared.
In my late teens i had a bout of Deppresion after a relationship ended, then 2 years ago my nan who i was very close to passed away, i seemed fine, although i knew my nan was going to die for a year before she did, and i would spend many nights crying like a baby, but when she died i seemed to cope better than i thought, untill a year later, i hit rock bottom and had another bout of deppression ( Still Have ) went to the doctor was put on anti-deppressants, they didnt work, then they tried CBT where i saw a Psycologist and was put on a home online course aswell.

That didnt really work, as my psycologist said that you would be better going to Bereavement counselling, was put on a waiting list, got my first appointment but couldnt face going, so its never really got resolved.
Now i feel i can cope a bit better with nans death but i now have this anxiety and its always in the evening, i wake up in the morning feeling ok, next evening comes and wham its back, i was put on Citolopram, they helped, i stopped them and i seemed fine for about a month now they have come back not to the degree they were where i had total panic, sweat, fear, vomiting, couldnt breath, ( i am also a asthmatic ) chest pain, Palpiatations and feeling faint, eyesight goes wierd. Now i have had to start the medication again to stop it getting like that.

i would love to know what causing it, i want it to stop so as i can stop the Citolopram as it give me a side affect i dont want- granted its better than the panic attacks, i have wondered if because the deppression wasnt sorted its developed in to a panic disorder, this only occcured since i got pulled over by the police as they thought my brake light was faulty, and i started to panic, now i have total fear off police, wont go out at night in the car incase i get pulled, its a nightmare