View Full Version : Does the anxiety lessen for you throughout the day?

05-19-2014, 03:45 PM
I've already made a post in the "Welcome" forum, so I'm diving right in with my first "official" post.

Does anyone find their anxiety easing up as the day goes on? My anxiety has reached a peak recently (last Friday's panic attack (first one in years) confirmed that), and I'm dealing with heightened anxiety every day now. Yet, it seems to be the worst in the morning and lessens as the day goes on. I'm guessing this is probably true for a lot of people.

The way is works for me is that the symptoms of the anxiety ("pit" in the stomach, decreased appetite, feelings of dread, etc.) reach a daily peak and need a release. For me the release is usually a bout of uncontrolled crying. After that it seems that much of that built up tension has been released, yet the anxiety is still hiding below the skin.


05-19-2014, 06:50 PM
For me is growing with the hours passed, the worst is around 7 pm................. in the morning is ok:)
Crying helps you, but I need to take a pill for that, otherwise I could not function. Mishko remember about the hormones right now, they could be a problem. Maybe you should talk to GP to avoid problems, with the small one in house you really must be exausted

05-19-2014, 06:57 PM
The majority of mine are mornings on way to work but I do have them at different times of the day. Usually when I start thinking about things that could happen or what if's and what would i do if...... I call it stupid wasted thinking.

05-21-2014, 10:26 AM
Dahlia: Yeah, that's why I asked because I figured it would be different for everyone. It's kind of nice in a way that if I get it all out of the way earlier in the day I can have a calmer latter half of the day. Find the positives in the negatives, right?? :)

JohnC: I'm definitely starting to realize all the "stupid wasted thinking" that I do every day and am doing things to combat it. One thing that's helped me currently is if I have a thought that just isn't worth worrying about, I attempt to immediately analyze it and if it's something not worth worrying/thinking about, I say it aloud: "That's not worth worrying/thinking about." It's helping a lot.

05-21-2014, 11:28 AM
My anxiety is kind of all over the place but I've found that most of my anxiety occurs mostly in the morning and at night. However that can vary depending what I'm doing during the day too like if I'm at work or if I have to go somewhere where there are a lot of people (large crowds/groups of people are a trigger for me). I sometimes get relief from the anxiety after I have an attack or if I cry (which I have to admit doesn't happen very often).

05-21-2014, 02:00 PM
I am the same as you almost.

I wake up feeling a bit stressed, it then gets to it's worst by mid morning, then it starts disappearing after lunch & by the evening I'm usually feeling alright.

I believe these things can follow the circadian rhythm, supposedly it alters the levels of cortisol in your system amongst other things.

05-21-2014, 03:59 PM
Mine starts as soon as I open my eyes in a morning & is on. & off all day. Slightly better in the evenings from 7-10 pm then bad again till I fall asleep . I am also plagued with anxiety in my dreams too . No wonder I'm exhausted ALL the time . X

05-23-2014, 01:18 PM
For the last week it gets worse around 17.30-6pm and last until maybe 20:30-21:00. So early evening has been my peak for few days (I'm about to finish menstruating and I'm feeling very low this evening - I could just cry, and yet there's nothing really wrong, it's horrible :( ). That's not always the case though, sometimes mornings or just before bed are worse.

05-23-2014, 08:21 PM
I think it is pretty common for cortisol levels to be highest in the morning, resulting in greatest anxiety. I often feel this in the morning --- including waking up very early and not being able to fall back asleep. Once I get up and get going, it tends to be (somewhat) better.