View Full Version : The need to run away

05-19-2014, 08:52 AM
I was just wondering if anyone else on here ever feels the need to run away from wherever they are when they panic. When I start to freak out, I feel this overwhelming need to run out and run in any direction, but just run and hide. A few times, I've given in while in school and I've run straight out of class. I remember this one time that I started to panic right in the middle of algebra 1 and by lunchtime I had run all the way to the next town over.

05-19-2014, 09:12 AM
Yes. I usually drive for half an hour, till the meds start to work:)

05-23-2014, 12:16 AM
Yep. Me too. I mean, not literally run, but I would feel like, "I gotta get out of here RIGHT NOW..." At parties, at work, at school, at clubs, even at my in-laws' house haha! I'd go chill in the bathroom for like forever and just kill time on my iphone. Or I'd go sit in my car. Or I'd go to a movie or go sit on the beach for a couple hours or just go for a long drive...

05-23-2014, 07:50 AM
Yeah and the key to ending a panic attack is to do the opposite. Sit still and allow it to pass. I mean sit really still and do not pace or run away to your safe place. It is the running away or seeking that makes it worse.

Panic hits, sit, remain calm and still, do not add anymore fear, relax, calm...calm, do not do anything. 3 minutes its over.