View Full Version : Perimenopause & anxiety... For the ladies

05-19-2014, 06:10 AM
This thread may be of interest to any of you ladies in your 40s or 50s.

It may also be of interest to you men with wives in this age group.

Let me preface this by saying that I am 49 yrs old and have been suffering with random anxiety attacks really bad for almost the last year. Having had a history of GAD with panic attacks, I was no stranger to this. But I had this well under control for the past five or six years. But In the last year they came out of the blue.

In the last 2 months I finally figured out what is happening.....hormone imbalance! Raging PMS when I never had it before, anxiety through the roof, poor sleep, and those dreaded night sweats.

Ladies, if any of this sounds familiar, do yourself a favour and read up on perimenopause and estrogen dominance. There are so many symptoms, anxiety being one of the most common. You may be able to find reasons for the anxiety, when it appears that there are none.

You may also find strategies to help balance your hormones and get much needed relief. There are many strategies out there, HRT is not the only option.

I personally have decided to go the route of bioidentical hormones, the first 2 days were like I got my life back. Day 3 was rocky but today I feel great with absolutely no anxiety. I can't tell you what a relief it is.

I put this information out there for you ladies to do some research of your own and see if this may be what is causing your anxiety issues.

Cheers all

05-19-2014, 08:10 AM
Pam the anxiety goes through the roof with menopause, constant struggling with moods and panic. It is hormonal imbalance and it is constant PMS plus the night sweats, hot flashes, shakiness. I refused the hormonal therapy, tried all the black cohosh and all others. I did not find that it helps, a lot. One day I decide not to do anything but instead cut on ; soya, corn, avoid GMO foods. Milk only in form of Kefir, different veggies, generally I changed my diet completely. I use hemp hearts, and chia seeds it seems to deliver Omega 3 and 6 , which helps. ;)) good topic

05-19-2014, 12:19 PM

Thanks for your kind words, I knew you might like this topic.

I think diet can play a huge role in relieving symptoms.

Since I am severely estrogen dominant, I am avoiding anything in my diet which is even remotely estrogenic. No soy for me, no GMO, organic milk with no hormones ( I only use it in my tea but that's one thing I won't give up. There are many more but they escape me at the moment.

So far I have to say I think that these modifications are benefiting me, but it is still early.

I'm also trying to learn about xenoestrogens which are in so many things and affect the hormonal health of both men and women.

Thanks again my friend, you have a way of making my day!

05-19-2014, 01:20 PM
Hmm... I might have this.. :D Jokes aside, glad you find the root to your problem. Wish you the best! :)

05-19-2014, 01:25 PM
Just wanted to say what a great idea for a thread Pam.

This is a topic often not talked about in public, but is often seen in practice.

(Unfortunately I cannot offer any personal insight, despite being an emotional wreck on occasion myself, I am redundant on the technicality of being male). :)

05-19-2014, 01:35 PM
Pam we are still blessed cause in Canada we do not use bovine hormone, no like in US. I do not add the milk to anything, but i drink Kefir :)
I am kind of quitting on processed foods, I do not want soy, peanut, gmo or anything which is not good for us. I report that I am almost done with the planting today:) 80 % of seedlings are in the ground. I have like 25 square meters of veggies beds, which give us a lot of organic, home grown veggies:)
Oils are important, I am fun of avocado oil it is delicious, I would not touch anything with Canola with a long stick:))

05-19-2014, 02:08 PM
Thanks 14 and Elias for the vote of confidence.

So many women suffer silently, and unfortunately this kind of hormone imbalance can go on for years. Many doctors will just see the anxiety issues and say ok anti depressants for you. Especially if the woman is between 35 and 45.
Yes it is not unusual for this type of hormone nightmare to start in the mid 30's.

I think it is important for women to connect the dots for themselves, then go to the doc fully armed. Many women sail through this with no issues, then there are those like me who feel like they are going completely insane, their body betraying them on numerous fronts.

Dahila, I'm so glad you got so much planted. I am going to wait another week or two because our nights are still too cold . I will however get my kale and chard planted tomorrow. I too have done a great deal in the gardens this weekend, even got the gazebo top on today! Yeah! It's all coming together. Now, if I could only keep the darn dogs out of the beds!

Yes, you are so right, we are lucky here in Canada that the use of bovine growth hormone is so strictly controlled, that and GMO products. We do have to be concerned to some degree because of so much coming to us from elsewhere when it is out of season. I too am looking forward to my veggies coming from my garden.
