View Full Version : I know this is what to do....to deal with it...

05-19-2014, 03:53 AM
Hey Everyone...

I want to share something and ask a question. I have read many many threads and many success stories on how to overcome anxiety. And I know I need to push myself to do things that I have suddenly become afraid of. I was perfectly okay.. was a perfect speaker, was a Host, a compare..so social, admin of many groups during my study life. But suddenly, last 2, 3 months were bad for me,and my panic became bad and now Am afraid to go out and even meet people....this was not Me...and this is not Me

I know.. i need to push myself and tell myself i am fine... Need to go out will feel lightheaded ..and say myself SO WHAT..? Say whatever wil happen i will deal with it.. I know this is wht i need to do...and i know it works..I have already done that in past. I got busy in my life and al my panic was suddenly gone...

But.. the thing is.. how to take convince myself and how to deal with the minor symptoms.. Am trying to learn that, trying to learn coping strategies... I need to learn to be how I was. I always had this slight anxiety when going to do something new, when going on the stage, but once I used to enter that task, all my panic would disappear..So I need to be like that again.. To that point..where i forget about my panic..and be like how i was...

I Want you all to try this too.. And I will be more than happy if you would share any positive stories. How you overcame ur bad times of anxiety and will be glad if you can share any tips too..that can realy help...

Wish you all very very very happy life ...and stay blessed..

Looking forward to good replies..full of positivity and support :)

05-19-2014, 05:47 AM
"convince myself and how to deal with the minor symptoms"

You shouldn't convince yourself. You shouldn't wait until fear will go away to act. Firstly you should act despite of fear. You should stop being in fear of fear and just do what you need to do (go out of the street, meet people etc.). You are afraid, so what? Fear is just a sense, it is just a chemistry in your brain. Your fear doesn't correspond to any real threat. It is illusion. So just don't put it in regard and act.

That is why many people can't get rid of their anxiety. They make the same mistake. They want their fear to go away until they can do something. They are afraid of the sense of fear itself. But everybody should do the opposite. Accept the fact they have fear. Accept their fear. And act like they don't have it.

Your second problem that you have a very strong desire to be like you were before (self-confident, having no fear) and you have a deep frustration based on the comparison of your present self and past self. But you shouldn't compare and have a desire to go back. Because things now are as they are. What happened, happened. Focus on the present, not on past and find an effective solution to deal with your problems in present circumstances. And if you will overstep your fears (notice I say overstep, not get rid of it instantly) you will be more self confident and strong person, than you were before. Because anybody can act when he feels confidence, absence of fear. But only the strongest can act when they experience fear and self-doubt. Don't wait, just act.

Meditate, of course.

05-19-2014, 07:07 AM
Thank u so much for ur kind words... I surely will try to do as u have said.. But I need to know I will be how I was... I cant be in this state for long coz am loosing a lot of things, my time, my money, career, and social life. I m doing nothing... So I hope I will be able to push myself to face the fears..and learn to deal with it...And then forget about it..

You are right...i need to act like i dont have these fears...it seems impossible at the moment..but need to learn.