View Full Version : Another thing to worry about :/

05-19-2014, 01:53 AM
Blllahh! exactly how i feel at the minute! haha.

Basically after weeks/months of getting chest pains while I was resting and while I exercised, which is what I was most concerned about, I decided to give in and go to the doctors again (Ive been before, about a year ago when I first got my health anxiety and they did 3 ECG's and one stress ECG, all come back normal) but I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything new going on because of the chest pains while I was running. Anyway, doctor said the same thing as usual, he doesn't think it's anything but he'll put my in for some blood tests and do an ecg, I went on thursday to do my ECG and blood works, the woman who did it said in general no news is good news so if you don't hear anything by middle of next week presume everythings fine. The next day I look at my phone and I've got a missed called from my doctors, never a good sight if you've got anxiety haha, thinking the worse that my ECG is all over the places and ive got some heart disease. I rang back and he said that he wants to see me tonight at 5.20, panic sets in even more! :P

I rang him back because I didnt want to sit at work for 4 hours wondering what was wrong, and he told me that my ECG was fine but my glucose level was 'a little low'. I'm a little bit relieved, until I google it and all i see is diabetes, diabetes & diabetes. I don't want diabetes at any age, never mind at my age of 22, so i go to the doctors worrying myself sick i've got diabetes, he gets a nurse to do that prick of the finger on me to test my sugar levels and it comes back normal at 4.7. He seems a bit confused as to why it was low the other day and normal now, but i'm kind of relieved obviously, he says he wants me to do a fasting blood test this week sometime.

But i'm sure anyone with health anxiety can relate, i'm worried why my blood sugar was low in the first place, have I got diabetes and that prick of the finger was just a spike in my blood sugar levels for that day? i'll go back this week and it'll be low again, the panic will start again etc. Having health anxiety sucksss! haha any normal person would be happy they got a normal reading on the friday, i'm worried why it was low on the thursday. The only thing I can think of is i'm on quiet a strict diet at the minute, I weigh 200lbs at 5ft 10, and from monday to wednesday i hammered the diet, lost 3lbs but must admit my calorie intake was quiet low for monday, tuesday and wednesday, on average 1,400 calories aswell as excercise. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, I've stayed off google because I don't want to see something I wont like! haha.

Anyone been through anything similar? Sorry for babbling on :P

05-19-2014, 05:32 AM
Hi Gyda,

First let me assure you that if your glucose levels are low, it isn't diabetes. Diabetes is the other end, too high blood glucose.

What your doc may tell you is you may be hypoglycaemic, and that, especially in someone as young as you can be helped immensely with what you eat and how often you eat.

Don't worry, you will be just fine. Let us know how you make out at the docs.


05-19-2014, 05:34 AM
Just re read your post and I suspect your diet has everything to do with your results.

05-19-2014, 06:55 AM
Thanks for the reply Needtogetwell, when you say you suspect my diet has everything to do with my results, do you mean that i've made myself hypoglycaemic, or the fact that my diet leading up to the blood test is reason is was low and im not hypoglycaemic?

05-19-2014, 07:15 AM
Thanks for the reply Needtogetwell, when you say you suspect my diet has everything to do with my results, do you mean that i've made myself hypoglycaemic, or the fact that my diet leading up to the blood test is reason is was low and im not hypoglycaemic?

Probably could go either way, did you get an answer from your doctor yet?

I wonder if maybe your calorie intake might have been too low with the added exercise.

05-19-2014, 07:47 AM
When I started to go to gym and cut on my carbs, I had this problem. The problem was solved, by eating something every 4 hours so I kept my blood sugar level. You run you need a lot of good proteins and a bit of calories..Low blood sugar is very unpleasant, shaking body and hands, feeling panicky. I was mistaking it with the panic attack ... Pam knows what she is saying :)

05-19-2014, 08:22 AM
Not yet needtogetwell, i'm off for the fasted blood test on wednesday so ill ring thursday to see if theres anything wrong with it.

Ah really Dahila? Maybe thats the reason for mine too, I don't normally beleive in cutting carbs but im in the last month stage before my holiday to Disney World so i began just having chicken and veg for my dinner's for one last push. So there's no medical problem or anything with you, it's just purely you cut carbs - your blood sugar levels dropped as a result of that? Ive already brought carbs back into my diet so we'll see what the blood test on wednesday says.

Thanks for the replys! :)

05-19-2014, 09:11 AM
Yes, thats right Gyda, I started to take a small snack to work, and it solved the problem. today I plant my veggies so very soon I will eat meat and veggies. I have in work in the desc small dark chocolate, just in case I feel shaky, every time i cut my carbs rapidly it happens all my tests come so perfect, I surprised.
Just cut your carbs gradually, you need the protein and sugar, so provide it, with the fruit:))