View Full Version : Body feels bruised

05-20-2008, 10:05 PM
Okay, so I don't know if this has anything at all to do with anxiety but I would appreciate any info that anyone may have.

For a pretty long time now I have been experiencing this. Most of the time I notice it really late at night when I get home from work. If somebody pokes me or touches me in the slightest way it is painful. It feels like I have a huge bruise all over my arms and legs. It doesn't hurt unless there is some kind of physical contact, but it is the slightest amount of contact that hurts. When I wake up in the mornings I don't seem to notice it anymore. It seems to go away. Also, it's not every night.

So, could this be related to anxiety? If not, does anyone know why this would happen or what it could be from? Please let me know if you know.

05-21-2008, 11:02 AM
You would need to tell us more about your day and what you do at work? Do you work on a computer all day? Some prolonged positions like computer work can cause pain like this but not through out the whole body. Upper arms, shoulders, mid body. But this can be one of a million things. You could get a blood test to see if all blood levels are normal, enough of this and not too much of that. It's a general blood work up, painless. Do you eat properly?

You said "if somebody pokes me or touches me in the slightest way it is painful". If you do it your self is it painful too? That would make a very big difference if you can or can not reproduce this painful feeling your self. If you can reproduce it I'd guess not anxiety.

05-21-2008, 08:20 PM
Hi frisby,
Thanks for your reply. I work the front desk of a hotel so I am standing or bending over in front of a computer all night. I can produce the pain when I touch myself as well. I was just wondering if anybody had ever heard of anything like this before because I haven't. I had blood work done about 2 months ago due to other reason. Everything came back normal except my billirubin count, which pertains to your liver (that ended up being fine anyway). I think what I am going to do is just make a doctors appointment. I need to go for other things anyway, so when I go I will bring this up as well. Thank you so much for responding though and if you have any other ideas as to what this may be please fill me in.