View Full Version : Never relaxed-Please Help

05-18-2014, 06:57 PM
I can't relax. I can sit or lie down and think I am taking it easy but before long I notice almost every part of my body is tense and muscles tight and I'm holding my breath. I'll be reading or looking at the internet and I'll realize my leg muscles are tense, my shoulders are up by ears and my toes are flexed. And why am I holding my breath? I have so many questions and hope someone can help me and guide me through recovery. I'm seeing a therapist and looking for an anxiety group not facilitated by my employer. I am a mental health worker and one would think the answers should be so clear and readily available but when it comes to my own illness(es) I am at a complete loss. I've been diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, and disassociative disorder. I appreciate any and all responses. :)

05-18-2014, 10:40 PM
Hi. Just wanted to say that I know that tense feeling too. Mine is usually in my chest on my left side. I've wondered for a while why it gets that way and stays sore for days. But sometimes, I'll just be sitting there and feel my muscles clenching up, and I have to try to tell myself to stop it, which doesn't really work. I think mine is in my back too, because it is sore on the same side a lot. When it gets really bad I clench up, hold my breath (don't know why either), and then start shaking or twitching. I also noticed that I can feel my pulse everywhere and hear it and a whooshing sound in my ears. It makes me want to pull my hair out. I've been taking wellbutrin, tranxene, and now metoprolol (for rapid heart rate and anxiety). I think the metoprolol has calmed things down a bit, but it took a little while to adjust to it. I'm sorry I can't answer any questions, as I am new to this whole thing, but just want you to know that I can sympathize with you on the random muscle tension.

05-18-2014, 10:54 PM
Thanks Sullengirl. I, too, take metoprolol and propranolol for palpitations (though it doesn't seem to always work). I would love to know for even just one day how it feels to be relaxed in my body.