View Full Version : Still nervous!!! Why!!??

05-18-2014, 02:15 PM
I'm so frustrated right now. I've been on Zoloft since early April. I did a week of 12.5 mg's, a week of 25 mg's, two weeks of 50, and a week of 75. Last Thursday I upped to 100 mg's. A few days into the 75 I started finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! I was so happy! But when I upped to 100, I became nervous again. I'm leaving tomorrow for a one week trip with my little boy. We are touring DC with his 5th grade class. I'm so worried I'll be anxious and have panic attacks while there. I have a lot of trouble sleeping & we're sharing a hotel room.
I've been reading a workbook by Dr. David Carbonell and it's helping. The only thing is, I feel like my panic attacks are different from what he describes. Plus I don't have any phobias.
I don't know what I expect from any of you. Could the new dose be making me nervous? Or is it this trip? I HATE ANXIETY!!!!!!!

05-18-2014, 03:40 PM
Hi :-)

More than likely its the trip causing you anxiety.
I'm sure when you are away you will be so busy and having such a great time anxiety won't have a chance to creep in.

Hope you and your son have an amazing time :-)

05-18-2014, 03:44 PM
Hi Jgirl-73,
I do not know a lot about the Zoloft I was on Paxil for 13 years but know off. Did your doctor give you anything for your panic attacks like Xanax or Ativan? I always got nervous when having to travel with others i did not know and it was worse if I knew about it way in advance because i would be worrying the whole time before the trip. I did a lot better when it was a spur of the moment thing less days of worry but I stilled worried about it.
I am sure you will be glad to get home and I would talk to your doc. about something for those panic attacks.

05-18-2014, 04:03 PM
Hi Jgirl-73, I do not know a lot about the Zoloft I was on Paxil for 13 years but know off. Did your doctor give you anything for your panic attacks like Xanax or Ativan? I always got nervous when having to travel with others i did not know and it was worse if I knew about it way in advance because i would be worrying the whole time before the trip. I did a lot better when it was a spur of the moment thing less days of worry but I stilled worried about it. I am sure you will be glad to get home and I would talk to your doc. about something for those panic attacks.

I have Xanax. I did take a small dose earlier. I just hate taking it. It is going with me though.

05-18-2014, 04:06 PM
Hi :-) More than likely its the trip causing you anxiety. I'm sure when you are away you will be so busy and having such a great time anxiety won't have a chance to creep in. Hope you and your son have an amazing time :-)

I just looked over the itinerary for the trip and a flush of anxiety shot over me...so, I think you are correct. I'm nervous over this trip.

Thank you so much for your post. It really helped. I don't think I'm completely adjusted to my meds yet either so that's causing me to feel weird too.

05-18-2014, 04:10 PM
It took me around 2-3 month for me to feel the full benefit of my meds. I would have a great spell then wham a few bad days that seemed to hit harder after the good days.
Yeah your Xanax would be a good thing to take even if its just for peace of mind your taking them.
I truly believe you will be fine when you are away though.

05-18-2014, 04:25 PM
It took me around 2-3 month for me to feel the full benefit of my meds. I would have a great spell then wham a few bad days that seemed to hit harder after the good days. Yeah your Xanax would be a good thing to take even if its just for peace of mind your taking them. I truly believe you will be fine when you are away though.

Thank you! You've been super kind. My son just asked me if I'd have any of "those panic things" on the trip. I told him I didn't think so. I want to help him have fun so I'll do everything I can to relax and stay focused on him. :-)

05-19-2014, 06:12 AM
Good for you jgirl.

Kids are funny though they pick up on everything he sounds like a massive help for you.

Have an amazing time and keep us updated :-)