View Full Version : Any tips for palpitation (fast beating heart) caused by anxiety..??

05-18-2014, 04:01 AM
Hey everyone...

Okay so am trying to overcome my fears ...But since i have started panicking am not going out much so am fearing going out. Also i havent met anyone except my family so whenever the bell rings..my heart starts beating fast. I want to meet people and go out i know once i will do that... i will get over it after sometime.. But, the fast beating heart sort of stops me from doing so.

Am taking Remeron 15 mg... are there any tips to overcome this quickly..when am out or when am with someone..?? so that i can finally do what i want to do and get over my fears..

05-18-2014, 05:37 AM
Hi Hun, I was told by a very trusted doctor that you can slow the heart ( momentarily ) by bearing down hard as if having a difficult bowel movement. It is only temporary but she said it will sometimes stop the heart palps. I trust her, she is my sister and yes it works. This is the quickest way to get rid of heart palps BUT when you do it watch your facial expression, you may get an odd look, Lol.
Good luck Hun

05-18-2014, 08:28 AM
wow John thanks for that advice, it is new for me. somehow it makes sense

05-18-2014, 11:09 AM
Wow thanks for the advice. It feels better to hear any suggestion and positive response people from people who have been through it... Will try it out.. and I hope I get over this, soon. Thanks