View Full Version : Inappropriately Timed Adrenaline Rush???

05-18-2014, 02:04 AM
Does anyone have experience with out of the blue adrenaline rushes? If so what do they feel like? What are your physical symptoms? Please please help me. I think that this is what is happening to me. When I Google it I get no answers on adrenaline rushes that occur when a person is at rest. It happens frequently. I am at my wits end.

05-18-2014, 05:47 AM
Hi NervousNiki,
Could you expand a little on what you mean by adrenaline rush? What does it feel like when you have them? I am just wondering if you might be having a panic attack ( adrenaline ) it sounds possible.

05-18-2014, 01:38 PM
Thanks for the reply John. :) So, this is what happens: I will be doing something like watching TV or completing paperwork at my job and all of a sudden a feeling will wash over me. It starts in my head. It feels almost electrical. I feel confused and struggle to articulate thoughts. I feel detached and distant. My heart races, my motor skills are affected a bit. My hands don't want to work and are fumbly. I always fully recover. I've made several trips to the er and have once called 911, certain I was dying. All rational thoughts go out the window. If I do have a thought that this is not going to kill me, it is fleeting and quickly replaced with thoughts of impending doom. It's scary. Especially when I am alone. I've always had anxiety and occasional what I thought were panic attacks. Nothing like what happens to me with this, though. Is panic a progressive illness? Does it get worse and add new symptoms at will? Its affecting me negatively in so many ways. I dread when it will happen again. I stress about going to work because that is where it the hardest for me to deal with. My coping skills are limited there. I look forward to any and all replies. I can't do this anymore.

05-18-2014, 01:52 PM
That sounds like a panic attack alright. The detached feeling can be unnerving, but it's normal.

Sometimes I'll get really bad anxiety attacks that I think are panic attacks...until the panic hits. They're pretty distinct, but it's hard to judge when you're in the moment. If I start getting up and running or feel the need to leave *now* that to me is a panic attack, regardless of what other sensations come along with it.

My anxiety changes over time and I get different feelings. My therapist used to call this symptom shifting. Some people don't experience that frequently, while others do. Either way is typical.

I think just being aware of it is a huge help because you know it's not going to hurt you. What you're feeling is very characteristic of anxiety and nothing more. Hope you feel better!

05-18-2014, 03:07 PM
Thank you. I am currently on medication that is supposed to help this but it is not. My psych doc prescribed for me two beta blockers (metoprolol and propranolol) as well as prozac. I'm still having issues of heart palpitations and of course extreme panic attacks. I am anti-pharmaceutical, but was willing to try anything to try and overcome this. I will give the drugs a bit more time, but if I am going to continue having anxiety and panic while taking them, I'd just as soon not be on anything.

05-18-2014, 03:07 PM
Hi NervousNiki,
Every thing you just said is common panic attack . I have driven myself to the ER more than once at great financial hardship to my family ( expensive ). It almost always seems to start small and snowball into full panic. I take xanax for my panic attacks that seem to help the best.
As for your other question. I do not know if it ever goes away or not. I have went a long stretch without much but something triggers it usually a idle mind or a lot of stress and worry.
I believe that some people may get it at a particularly stressful part of there life and when the stress is gone they never have it again. I think that it is definitely manageable at the very least.

05-18-2014, 03:24 PM
Idle mind. During my last ER visit the doctor mentioned that. It was the first time I had heard it but it really made a lot of sense. I try now to keep my mind active in some way. I am reading more than watching TV, and rather than listening to music while I am cleaning house, I tune into old episodes of Jeopardy and try to play along. It seems to help, I think. I'm always on the verge of anxiety and panic. Maybe its because o have come to a point where I am waiting for it. Not if it happens, but when. So often throughout the day I feel like I am barely able to stay in my body. I don't know any other way to explain it. I hope this forum helps. I hope I can help the people on this forum. Anxiety sucks and is a thief of happiness and light.

05-18-2014, 03:35 PM
Yep, This forum has helped simply in the fact that it keeps my mind busy.
If i can help one young person from having 20+ years of suffering I will be happy. Hang in there and lets use the forum to find some answers.
If you have a question just ask.