View Full Version : Are these minor panic attacks?

05-18-2014, 12:44 AM
I have I think general anxiety and panic attacks
Going doc tomorrow and waiting for caffeine withdrawal to stop
I have anxiety for large parts of the day, currently all day, but not always.
Usually in the evenings, sitting down, very sudden pretty severe feeling of panicky restlessness hits me in the solar plexus and I have to stand and walk around. Wat it makes me feel like doing is curl up in a ball and tense All my muscles
I think my breathing is affected, I need to take deep breaths. It's never about anything other than I worry whether it is a meds side effect but I've been told it doesn't sound like it by my psychiatrist.
She didn't say what it might be though.
This seems to happen most days at least once. I can go a few days without it though pretty often
Does this sound like panic attacks?

05-18-2014, 02:07 AM
This sounds like anxiety to me.