View Full Version : new fear.,, help pls....

05-17-2014, 06:34 AM
Hi everyone im from the philippines and i suffer from anxiety for more than 9 years, but i figure out that it was anxiety when i was 22 years old, im 27 now...
almost all of the symptoms in the list happens to me.. it helps me a lot reading your post i feel relieve...

But here's my problem now.. im very obsessed with my blood pressure... because i read an article that if you have a generalized anxierty disorder you are in
the high risk of having blood pressure problem and may lead to heart disease and stroke... i was very nervous and i cant concentrate on my job,,,
every day i was worried in my blood pressure... 130/90 sometimes 140/100 im freaking out...

what am i gonna do with my life... i want to have a regular check up but i can't because i dont have enough money to continue my check up and my medicine...

i hope... somebody can help me with my new fear....

05-17-2014, 07:10 AM
any advice? pls... help me...

05-17-2014, 08:02 AM
Doc is necessary, you need to check your pressure regularly for lets say two weeks, check it twice a day. The key is to calm down before checking, breathing deeply, and when you calm check it. Put it on paper and if your machine shows heart rate put it on too. Then you take the notes with you to doc..
I made it in table in word; neat and easy to read:)
BP changes hundred times a day, but you have a bit high for this age.
I have a friend she has that bp from early childhood. She lives like everyone else. Do not worry so much. Many people have high bp and never get stroke, they do not even know about bp. I think you should see someone with that bp. Google is good but not for the health problems.. :)

05-17-2014, 08:23 AM
i always want to check my bp... but i cant relax... because of stress in everyday life... i just want to know if this is normal with people with anxiety...

im scared,,, i cant even sleep,....

05-17-2014, 09:01 AM
I used to check mine all the time too. So much, in fact, that a friend bought me one for the wrist. It read low all the time and really scared me so I stopped taking my bp. It's not unusual for us to check up on any symptom we have obsessively.

During one of my anxiety attacks, my bp reached 190/100. I'm 29, female and that was a year ago but I got scared and hyperventilated and my hands began to draw up. After being checked out by hospital, they said my body was fine. My heart was fine. It was just a panic attack. And since then, I've had extensive tests.. still everything normal.

Get cleared by doctor if you haven't already and just take it easy. Don't Google symptoms. I don't Google symptoms anymore. I just visit these amazing people in this forum because someone, somewhere has already experienced whatever I'm dealing with and I get my safety reassurance.
~ Evan

05-17-2014, 10:15 AM
Hi Keiron21,
Are you on any kind of meds? There are some fruits that are supposed to lower the blood pressure but you have to look them up. I think one is the banana but not real sure. I have had high blood pressure for a long time and I am on meds. I know I eat to much salt but my pressure stay's pretty good as long as I take my meds.

05-17-2014, 10:23 AM
Hey keiron21. I've recently got checked out at a doctor and my BP was way high too (I was 160/100, the highest I've ever been). The assistant came in and measured it again (it had dropped 150/95, it would probably drop more if I waited longer). They sounded really alarmed. I told them I'd expect it to be high because when I go to the hospital I get really anxious. Any time I get my blood pressure it will always be higher than normal because I worry about it. By the end of the day I was shaking and crying. I couldn't think of anything else or sleep for almost 4 days. I was afraid to lay down.

But in reality it's just a scare and you're gonna be fine. People with anxiety do get high BP especially when they're scared about their BP! This is normal. You're not in immediate danger I can promise you.

I don't know how the welfare system works in the Philippines, but I recently applied for welfare (public health insurance) here in the US. This will help me treat my anxiety, which will help my BP. And if I'm still scared about my BP I will get medicine for that also, which will help my anxiety, too

But in short I think most of the time you and I probably have normal blood pressure, but when we get it measured it goes way up because we're scared. No worries though you're in good company!

05-17-2014, 11:50 AM
Guy's and girls, it's really tough for people like us ( anxiety suffers ) to get a really ACCURATE TRUE blood pressure reading. In the last few years they have Raised and or changed the acceptable blood pressure reading. I am not saying that you shouldn't keep it in check but a little off now and then is to be expected. I have had it since i was about 16 so will say over 30 years of HB but I have been on meds. I take one pill every day and I am still kicking ( if I don't throw on a post tomorrow will someone check on me i probably just jinks myself ). I have litterally stood up and passed out from my blood pressure being out of wack when I was young.

I guess what I am trying to tell you is that try not to worry and try your best to control it naturally but if you can not the meds have been tried and true for many many years and as long as you take them you will be fine. STAY AWAY FROM FOODS WITH MSG'S IN THEM, this crap will throw off BP every time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-17-2014, 03:09 PM
i always want to check my bp... but i cant relax... because of stress in everyday life... i just want to know if this is normal with people with anxiety...

im scared,,, i cant even sleep,....

We can relate, most of us have the same high readings when anxiety hits. I am on beta blockers but from the time my doc adjusted the dose of medication, I never go over 130/70 which is excellent for old folks. I think the bp goes up when we stressed, I always have high at my GP office, but she is a one miserable b, she stresses everyone out.

05-17-2014, 03:53 PM
We can relate, most of us have the same high readings when anxiety hits. I am on beta blockers but from the time my doc adjusted the dose of medication, I never go over 130/70 which is excellent for old folks. I think the bp goes up when we stressed, I always have high at my GP office, but she is a one miserable b, she stresses everyone out.

Did the beta blocker help some with your anxiety too?

I don't get people who are at DEFCON 1 all the time. The assistant at the hospital could've just told me to follow up with my doctor but the scene she made got way under my skin and got me scared...

05-17-2014, 05:43 PM
I do not think beta blockers help with anxiety, but it lowers the heartbeat so maybe:)

05-17-2014, 09:28 PM
thanks guys... joining this forums helps me a lot... i suffer from anxiety but im not taking meds... i have no parents to take care of me.. i have my wife and my 1 year old baby boy their the ones who makes me happy...
i can't afford to go to a psychiatrist and buy some meds its hard for me suffering like this.. but it will be more hard for me if we don't eat for the whole day... thanks everyone...

05-17-2014, 09:48 PM
Keiron is there any way to get the meds? What about regular doc, maybe they can write prescription? I had never been in your country and I only imagine how hard the life is there....

05-17-2014, 10:39 PM
dahila... life here in the philippines is kinda hard... i cant afford to go to doctor as you can see i have no parents i work for my family... and still my salary is not enough for us in our daily living..

05-18-2014, 05:05 AM
Hi keiron21,
I understand about not affording the doctor. I gave all my money to doctors and hospitals. I do not have any health insurance for my wife and 3 kids.
Do you have your own bp cuff?

05-19-2014, 06:21 AM
hi jhonC i dont have my own bp cuff...

05-19-2014, 07:50 AM
Keiron where you have no easy access to docs and medication, there must be a lot of local herbs you could use. I know that Philippines have extremely good healers, herbalists. Maybe it is the way to go. I am on medication but I also use herbs I grow in my garden..:)

05-19-2014, 06:42 PM
Thats a good idea Dahila. I know a lot about wild edibles and medicinals in the wild but I have nothing on high blood pressure especially in the philippines. I wonder what it cost there for a script of a common BP med?

05-19-2014, 06:47 PM
Probably a lot, but I bet they have stuff which lowers blood pressure. We have one "stinging Nettle" or dandelions they both are diuretics and help for that:))
John I see you are the nature person, that's so good, because is less and less of us:)

05-19-2014, 08:11 PM
I know, I try to teach my kids but not to interested in it yet. I think that you would like my place other than the relentless mosquitoes. I have it set up where i could almost live off the land itself. I started planting and rearranging things on this place when we got it 13 years ago. River on one side for fishing & turtles, deer and wild turkey some years better than other on the meat. Lots of edible/medicinal. loads of raspberry, autumn olive , red bud trees, apples trees, cherry trees, wild rose, cattail, my favorite. I also have an artesian well which i love. Sadly when i die my wife will be right back to town but i think that i would want her to, it's a handful to maintain and she does not know anything about that kind of stuff. Hell i cut three big trees in the front and she never noticed! LOL. She does not mind all the deer venison that i get, saves loads of money at the market.

05-19-2014, 09:31 PM
What you are doing is saving your family health. mine children maybe do not know a lot but before they take a pill they rather try the herbs..:)
I plant the veggies, herbs, and make my own breads, and tons of other things. ;)

05-20-2014, 12:55 AM
I guess many people in this thread gave you good advice.

But i want to address this issue.

i hope... somebody can help me with my new fear....

It is not a NEW fear. It is a manifestation of your old fear. When I had panic attacks I was in fear of a lot of things: that I die of attack, that somebody will harm me on the street, that somebody will put poison in my food, that I will harm my wife, that I will harm myself. This is how fear based consciousness manifests itself through different things. It clings to things that are important to us: our health, our security, and parasites on them, producing all it's fear. But these are not different fears, this is one fear, your deep anxiety that you suffer from taking different forms.

So it is not so right to address local fear of high/low blood pressure. Even if you remove that you will find the next thing to worry about. You should address your fundamental fear and anxiety.