View Full Version : Help! Calling all with a stomach issue!!!

05-16-2014, 07:57 PM
I do t know what's going on... I've had stomach pain on off for about 3 weeks my poop has been of either a hard time going like little pellets or diarriah which I had tody .... I've had a blood test and abdominal sonogram all normal..... Has anyone had this some days it hurts so bad at the top of my abdomen like where my stomach is others I'm fine and I poop fine..,. What gives ??? Do I have Crohn's disease ulcerative collitis??? Ibs??? I so need help!!

05-16-2014, 08:11 PM
What about eating fiber in veggies and fruit, stop eating Mc donalds please. Limit the Gmo foods...Hard stool means you are not eating right stuff

05-17-2014, 05:36 AM
Have you had a blood test for celiac? I had very similar issues and had all kinds of tests, even a colonoscopy and nothing...a friend told me about celiac.... I haven't gone for blood test as I am still upset with drs for basically telling me this is normal, but I have been eating gluten free. I am amazed that the stomach pain has gone! Just a thought...
Hope you find relief soon!!!

05-17-2014, 07:08 AM
Thank you for your reply... I have had blood tests but I'm not sure for celliacs.... I kinda wonder tho cause my cousin has it ... What is all considered gluten

05-17-2014, 07:12 AM
Gluten is a wheat protein which can be difficult to digest for many people. You may not have full blown celiac disease but just an intolerance to it can cause GI distress.

I rarely tell anyone to google anything, but do google gluten-free diet, even trying to eat this way for a week may ease your symptoms. If you get relief, then you know you are at least sensitive to it.

Good luck

05-17-2014, 07:15 AM
Thank you I will deff try it... I did have a blood test and sonogram of stomach last year I had a test done of my stool... If I had chrons disease or ulcerative collitus would it have shown in any of those tests?

05-17-2014, 09:56 AM
Thank you I will deff try it... I did have a blood test and sonogram of stomach last year I had a test done of my stool... If I had chrons disease or ulcerative collitus would it have shown in any of those tests?

Probably it would have shown up. If your doctor isn't looking for anything else right now then those tests likely came back ok.

Seriously, look at your diet first for relief. Things like Metamucil can be a bit harsh on your system. First try eliminating the wheat products, if you eat in the morning a bowl of oatmeal is way better than any fiber supplement. Also, keep drinking lots of water to help flush everything out. Stewed prunes also are magic, you only need a couple a day to help you.

If after you try going without the wheat and no relief, then you may want to do the same with dairy. Have a go, the right food choices can help this emensly.

One other thing, some magnesium supplements may also be helpful.

Best of luck to you.

05-17-2014, 10:04 AM
I wonder if some probiotics may help?

Pam, why is Metamucil hard on the stomach? Just asking because I take this on a regular basis and lord knows I don't need any more issue's.

05-17-2014, 10:33 AM
Sometimes anxiety itself causes some stomach cramps, gas, and ultimately lots of pain just from stress. I'm not just saying that, it's a pretty well-documented connection.

I have a tooth problem right now so I got antibiotics, and I had to start eating yogurt (with probiotics like JohnC mentioned) and I've never felt better honestly. My stomach just feels right. I recommend greek yogurt--some people don't like the bitter taste but I get the vanilla kind and it's pretty mild. Honey or agave on top is a nice touch too!

05-17-2014, 11:14 AM
John, I have always found it to be hard on the system, but I should have clarified especially at start up. If you take it regularly great,

Most people ( and this came from my pharmacist) forget to drink adequate water when they take it and it can have the opposite effect.

Metamucil is a soluble fiber which is fantastic because it has such positive effects on things like cholesterol, but soluble fiber is only half of the equation. Insoluble fiber is necessary to bulk up stools for easier passage through the intestinal tract. If you eat lots of fruits and veggies ( with the exception of bananas , they can have the opposite effect) and whole grain cereals or breads, then getting enough insoluble fiber shouldn't be difficult.

Hope this clarifies my statement. Thanks for asking.

05-17-2014, 11:17 AM
I also totally agree with the probiotics.

I use kefir (Dahila will be so proud) in my smoothies, and I must say my intestinal tract has never felt better. I've had bouts of IBS when anxiety is particularly high.

05-17-2014, 11:57 AM
Thanks Pam, Now I wonder if i should not be eating my daily banana at lunch? Back to Google, LOL.

05-17-2014, 01:46 PM
One banana good. Good source of potassium. 10 bananas not so good, binds some people up really bad. This happens to my mother in law if she eats more than 2 in a day. Also, not much fibre in bananas.

05-17-2014, 03:02 PM
One banana, a bit of mango , strawberry of two, two pieces of :)) peach in my smoothie, Kefir smoothie. Yes Needtogetwell I am so proud. It works wonders.... I will fight with some dandelions on front lawn then make a smoothie:))

I guilty of eating one apple and one orange also........:rolleyes:

05-17-2014, 03:23 PM
One banana, a bit of mango , strawberry of two, two pieces of :)) peach in my smoothie, Kefir smoothie. Yes Needtogetwell I am so proud. It works wonders.... I will fight with some dandelions on front lawn then make a smoothie:))

I guilty of eating one apple and one orange also........:rolleyes:

That sounds dam good. What else in it, yogart?
Dahlia, them dandelions make a really good salad (as long as you know that your dog has not fertilized them).

05-17-2014, 04:40 PM
Well based on the condition of my back yard I have salad for a lifetime! Lol

That smoothie sounds great Dahila!

John, yogurt is a great addition but if you can get your hands on Kefir that's even better because of the high probiotic content. It tastes like yogurt, just a more pourable one.

I know Dahila makes her own, but I am not that brave yet. I just buy it from my local supermarket in their health food section. If you want to try it, try your supermarket, if they don't have it , then if you have a decent health food store then you can get it there. I buy the plain and the raspberry ones. Yum!

05-17-2014, 05:38 PM
I will put the link to my kefir grains ok?
We can not use dandelion cause of blood thinners; my hubby, and my beta blockers with diuretics. John I spend days with my mom back home picking up them, we made everything. The wine made with the flowers suppose to cleanse the liver;)) now the link , I hope it will let you open it
my kefir grains (http://www.kijiji.ca/v-health-special-needs/london/kefir-grains/544222564)

Jessed 03 make it too, he just started and he likes it

05-17-2014, 06:02 PM
Thanks Dahila, I will get brave enough to try, I promise. It will probably save me a ton of money too.

05-17-2014, 06:07 PM
yeah it will :))
everything about them (http://healthfoodlover.com/hfl/2011/07/many-ways-recipes-milk-kefir/)