View Full Version : Anxiety over possible medical condition

05-20-2008, 04:10 AM
Hi there,

I’m having real difficulty coping with a slight change to my mental state. Quite recently I’ve experienced some sort of food intolerance or deficiency that has meant I’ve felt dizzy. Unfortunately it has remained undiagnosed as to what the problem was and my blood tests came out fine.

I’m feeling a lot better at the moment but still a little dizzy constantly throughout the day. The dizziness originally came on when I changed my diet slightly, and I have since reverted back. The dizziness is still ‘lingering’ slightly and I’m under instruction from the doctor to see how it goes for a few weeks and report back.

I’m REALLY struggling to not worry about it and think about it and I think it might even be aggravating the dizziness slightly. Almost every minute of the day I think about it and feel nervous about my dizziness and I’m now stuck in a loop that I can’t break. I just want to bang my head on the wall! Adding to the worry is the worry that the worry is making things worse!

It’s made quite difficult by the fact my job doesn’t stimulate me enough to divert my attention from it. I also have an addictive, shy personality and have suffered from depression in the past – mainly due to a craving of wanting someone else’s lifestyle. I’m not really in a depressive state at the moment but I am wrestling with my brain at the moment in the hope that I can just calm down these thoughts.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

05-20-2008, 08:00 PM
You say that the dizziness is 'lingering slightly' and that you are feeling a lot better. I'd say that would be a reason to worry less, no?

Adding to the worry is the worry that the worry is making things worse!
That's most certainly the case. There are meditation techniques that help you view your worries and thoughts objectively, maybe you could explore that.

It’s made quite difficult by the fact my job doesn’t stimulate me enough to divert my attention from it.
Look at it this way - you're still able to do your job. That's a good thing. Others, like myself, are not so lucky.

I've had dizziness/balance problems myself and was very worried about it at first until I just got fed up being worried and I noticed it was a little better every day so I took it one day at a time. No it's virtually gone.

Anxiety symptoms come in all shapes and colours - a lot are never explained and disappear eventually on their own accord. But if your dizziness persists, I would definately go back to your doctor.

05-22-2008, 01:38 AM
I also used to get dizzy symptoms and would freak out about them. I finally just realized they were anxiety symptoms and they eventually went away.