View Full Version : totally freaking out, need help asap!!!

05-16-2014, 10:15 AM
I've just notcied loads of tiny red pin point spots on arms my arms and an odd one of my legs & chest. I'm totally freaked out incase it could be menegitis!! My hearts racing thinking about it! What do yous think I should do?

05-16-2014, 10:42 AM

05-16-2014, 11:01 AM
Do you feel unwell with it? Is it itchy? You may just have had a reaction to something hun.
Try taking an anti histamine & see if that helps & try not to get worked up , it's highly unlikely to be meningitis xxx

05-16-2014, 11:27 AM
most of the time is caused by detergent , rince your outfits again hon

05-16-2014, 11:29 AM
That's so strange. I actually noticed the same thing on me last night.
Only on my arms, little bright red dots (not raised bumps, not itchy,..just there.)
I think for me personally, it's either the heat or these tiny bugs that fall from the tree I sit under every morning.
If you don't feel physically off, it's most likely not meningitis. Watch it for a few more days to see if the change or more pop up.

05-16-2014, 11:40 AM
Well, do you have a fever? Are you vomiting and feeling unwell with a bad headache? I don't think you have anything, there are just so many things that can cause red dots on the skin.

05-16-2014, 02:36 PM
I got them as well. Noticed one or two about ten years ago and now that I look I have a few more here and there. They do not hurt They are not raised up and do not itch and they are wee little. I would show you a pic but If i take a pic of my chest and put it on line I would not have to worry about anxiety any more becuz my WIFE would kill me. lol.
Don't know if that makes you feel any better but I have had them for ever with no worry.

05-16-2014, 02:38 PM
Tbh, say f*ck it. So what you have this and that? Live your life happy instead of worrying of something that isn't there.

The majority of your posts is about having this and that. I know it's hard to break that cycle, but you need to say stop and just don't care. Learn to say f*ck it :)

05-16-2014, 05:26 PM
I got them as well. Noticed one or two about ten years ago and now that I look I have a few more here and there. They do not hurt They are not raised up and do not itch and they are wee little. I would show you a pic but If i take a pic of my chest and put it on line I would not have to worry about anxiety any more becuz my WIFE would kill me. lol.
Don't know if that makes you feel any better but I have had them for ever with no worry.
John I have them and it was checked and it is damage to skin from the exposure to sun. Less in winter though. The name is actinic keratosis and not dangerous at all. For me the trend to be very tanned when i was young, came with that price ;))

05-17-2014, 05:01 AM
That makes sense Dahila as I spent so much time outside landscaping and fishing. I always wondered what they were but believe it or not i never had anxiety over them like i do with almost everything else. Thanks so much.

05-17-2014, 08:05 AM
Yes I imagine you spend a lot of time outside, so many people got it. You do not want to cover your body with sunblock, I put it on my face, cause I have to, but not on my legs or arms. I am alredy so tanned, what about you John?

05-17-2014, 09:32 AM
I have started to tan but we have had such a cold spring this year. I mowed the lawn last night and had a coat and hat on. Woke up this morning with a ear ache. I want to get my boat ready. Years ago I used to get on the water as soon as the ice was gone. All I have now is a very small boat that just KILLS my back. I sold my big boat to pay for medical bills when my first was born ( long story ).
I had to cut all the asparagus that was coming up because we had a frost this week.

05-17-2014, 03:15 PM
I am moving to your place, may I John? I love asparagus very much. Our spring is not to warm either, tonight suppose to be 2 C. A bit cold to put the seedlings out. I was so proud I started the lawnmover one week ago, I should start it tomorrow. After two days of rain the grass is awfully long. My hubby slowly recovering :))

05-17-2014, 03:32 PM
Sure wish I could send you some Hmmmmm....... could i or would it go bad, idk? Me and my daughter are the only ones here that eat it. I eat it almost every night untill I am sick of it, usually mid June but then it's time to leave alone. My mom likes it but she is a good distance away. I give away alot of it every year. I have not found a good way to store it. I do not like it canned and it does not freeze good at all.
Aspargus + little olive oil + garlic = goodness ( dash of salt to :)

05-17-2014, 05:47 PM
I love omlet with it, and ooooooooooooh this is good Asparagus , olive oil, plus garlic. Lately I am huge fun of Avocado oil, I like it more than Olive oil, and is very similar with the benefits maybe even better than olive oil. High smoke point to i use it to brush my ribs before bbq or any other meat. I just imagine asparagus with it.
When I feel extra fancy I eat it the Spanish way, just dip into mayonnaise:)
link to preserving asparagus
mniam, mniam (http://www.asparagus-lover.com/blanching-asparagus.html)