View Full Version : Hello all, nice to meet you

05-16-2014, 05:28 AM
Well it's 6 in the morning here, a perfect time to be up! I've been a part of some online anxiety communities and it helps me to talk things out and put things in perspective. I was glad to stumble on this forum so I could share my feelings and commiserate.

I woke up 4 hours ago with a bad panic attack. I haven't been able to sleep much lately; my mind is too wound up to even lay down without jumping up. My girlfriend is very supportive and will lay next to me for hours to help calm me down so I can sleep. She has anxiety too and her understanding and patience is beyond words.

I used to be modestly successful and known for my work. Now I'm just a hermit. My grief comes from medical phobias and hypochondria. My mind spends most of its spare time picking apart every sensation I feel, subconsciously cross-referencing everything then spitting out unwanted diagnoses. I do have some real issues that need to be taken care of, but my feelings are so muddled now that I can't be sure what I'm dealing with. Just gotta take it one thing at a time I guess.

I'll be coming back on sleepless nights (...probably every night I'm sure) and joining the fray. I'm pretty long winded, I know, but writing can be therapeutic for me :) Thanks for hearing me out!

05-16-2014, 05:54 AM
Welcome Willheal,

We are a really good bunch of folks. Chime in when you are ready, we are really good at listening and offering suggestions, many different life experiences and points of view.

Some if not many will likely understand your particular situation. We are here, and you are not alone.

Again, welcome!